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Friday, May 17, 2013

POST by YADER: Digging Deeper into My Heart

Yader working on a computer at Capital on the Edge

When I was just 6 months of age, I suffered a lot, because my mother worked all the time. She needed to work to buy me food. I had a medical condition known as epilepsy. When I experienced seizures I couldn’t breathe properly.

My mother suffered a lot, but one day we went to the doctor. The doctor said to my mum, “Yader is VERY sick. He is not being fed properly.” Because I was malnourished I had more seizures. My father used to beat me in the head when I was 4 months old, and so I became sicklier.

One day some people told my grandmother about my father’s aggression towards me. My grandmother told my parents to leave our house. My aunty tried to convince my grandmother to let my mother return. My grandmother would have none of it. She would only allow my aunty to live with us.

Yader's BEAUT grandmother
When I grew up and went to school, the teachers realized that I had problems and because of these problems, I have never learnt to read or write. I had problems due to being malnourished and beaten on the head.

Dinner time - Yader's Gran serves up a TREAT!
About this time my mother game my sister away. My grandmother told my mother to go and find my baby sister and to bring the little baby back to my grandmother. My mother never came back. 

Yader's grandmother, literally mothering 2 generations of Nicaraguans
My sister was returned to us when she was 11 years old. I was great friends with my sister and we trusted each other. She told me that when she was smaller she was abused. I prayed to God a lot that he would help my sister and I as we continued to grow. My grandmother ALWAYS helped us.

A few years later our father returned and took my sister. He took her to the Leon Highway, with his new wife. They worked hard and always left my sister in their house alone.

My baby sister was alone in the new house when one day a man entered, uninvited and raped her. My grandmother was sick and so my sister and I continued to suffer.

Then I met Jed’s family in the Church. They invited me to go to their house. God touched me. I am grateful to Jed’s family because they are with me in both good times and bad. I say to God, “Bless Jed’s family.”

This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, to make clear the life events written about.

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Yader with Capital on the Edge, on outreach in El Salvador
Lad historia de mis padre bueno paso adecir los sguiente cuando yo tenia 6meses de edad yo sufri muncho porque mi mamá tenia q trabajar para darno de comer y yo sufria de atagues y me guedaba sin respirar mi mamá sufria muncho pero me llevo al doctor y le dijeron q yo estaba muy mal alimentado porque mi mamá de verdad no me daba de comer y por eso me hagarraba atague asi de q yo hiba. Creciendo y ya cuando iva al colegio me miraron q tenia problemas de aprecdisaje y por eso no he podido aprender muy bien a leer y ascribir por lo q mi papá me pegaba muncho en la cabeza cuando yo tenía 4meses y mi abuelita no sabía hasta q un dia ella le dijieron de ahi mi abuelita corrio a mi papá y mamá pero mi otra hermana mi mamá la fue a regalar y mi abuelita le dijo q la fuera a buscarla pero nunca recreso hast q mi hermana recreso cuando ella tenía 11años Pero ella y yo tenemos buenas comunicación y me confesó de q fue abusada desde chiguita cuando ella me confeso eso le pedi a Dios muncho q me ayudara asi de pasaron los años y mi hermana crescio y como siempre mi abuelita nos apoyo pero llegó un día mi papá y se la llevó hasta carreteras León ahi mi papá con mi madrasta la dejaban sola y un día llego un hombre y abuso de ella y mi abuelita se enfermo muncho asi de q mi hermana y yo emosufrido muncho hasta q conoci a la familia jed en una iglesia y ellos me invitaron a ir a su casa yde ahi yo senti q el señor me toco asi de le agradesco a la familia jed por estar conmigo en las buenas y en las malas vendito sea el señor q Dios los bendiga a la familia jed

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