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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

POST by BEYCKER: Family & Adventure

Beycker at the train station in San Carlos

My name is beycker and I am 20 years old. I have 4 brothers and my parents are no longer together. My dad was abusive to me and my siblings, he hit us and my mum as well.

My childhood was very sad. I was never happy with my dad because he always hit us, and for no good reason. He hit my mum when she didn’t do what he said. He treated us badly. So that he wouldn’t hurt me any more I left home for two weeks – so that I wouldn’t be treated like an enemy.

But then I returned for my mum and my brothers. When I returned home my mum had already sent a complaint to the police and the police evicted him. The saddest thing for me was when I found out that my dad had another woman and I had another brother (from his new woman). Unbeknown to me, he had lived with our family for 12 years, but had a second family that we didn’t know about.

It was hard for me when my mum told my dad to leave. Because then I was in charge of my siblings and I started to work. The money that I earned I gave to my mum so that my family could eat. My siblings couldn’t work, because they were too little. I was the oldest son.

I worked one week during the night and the other week during the day. For me it was very draining of my energy. Sometimes, when I worked, I didn’t eat very well and my body felt very weak. However, I had to work so that my family would not starve to death.

I wanted to study and practice the sport I love so much (tricking – a street form of gymnastics/martial arts). But I couldn’t study or practice Tricking, because I didn’t have time. I needed to work. When I got home I was too tired. Yet God almighty gave me strength and was with me through it all.

One day I met “Capital on the Edge.” The people’s names are Jed & Elizabeth Brien. They supported me and thanks to them I am here now in the US with my friends. We have formed a group with the Briens. In our group, we dance, represent Nicaragua and show who God is.

I am very happy to have flown in an aircraft, and taken a ride on a train, and be experiencing another country. Everything is exciting to me. It is like a lifelong dream that I have always wanted to have.

Since I’ve been in the USA, I have had a lot of different experiences and have met a lot of people. Right now I am experiences problems with tendons in my left knee. My heel, on my right leg, is also constantly in pain, because I was doing a flip in the air and fell into an incorrect position. I have had a lot of pain for 5 months and I find it difficult to do Tricking and there are times I cannot support my group, because of my pain.

I ask God that HE will heal me. I have faith in God, that HE will heal my pain. I also have problems in my kidneys because I drink too much coffee and Coca Cola – so now my kidneys hurt too.

Now in the Californian City of San Carlos, in the train station, we were waiting for the train, so that we could go to Davis. All of my friends got on the train, but the train left me. I was there all alone in the train station, because I went to the bathroom and didn’t get out in time. I was very nervous but at the same time excited because I was going to have an adventure.

Thanks to God, there was a girl at the train station who spoke Spanish. I don’t speak any English. Thanks to this girl, a Mexican, because she could speak Spanish. I told her about my predicament and the Mexican girl spoke with the train station staff and thanks to her, I was able to get a ticket to go to Davis. It was fun for me to have that moment of adventure, and all in another country.

If you would like to support Beycker on a monthly basis, please CLICK here 

Mi nombre es beycker tengo 20 anos tengo 4 hermanos  mis padres  desgraciadad mente ya no estan junto mi papa ami y mis hermanos nos dava maltrato nos golpiaba y ami mama tambien mi nines fue muy triste nunca fui feliz con mi papa por que el siempre nos pegaba por cosas que no hera para que lo hiciera y ami mama la golpiaba mucho cuando no hacia lo que el decia yo y mis hermanos y mi mama mi papa nos dava maltrato ficico yo  para no seguir sufriendo yo me fui de la casa  por dos semana para no seguir viendo como mi papa me tratava como un enemigo y ami mama tambien pero despues volvi por mis hermanos y mi mama pero  cuano yo ye ge mi mama lo avia de mandado a mi papa y la policia lo saco pero lo mas triste para mi  fue que me di cuenta que mi papa tenia otra mujer y  otro hijo por 12 anos atras el estaba viviendo con nosotros pero al mismo tiempo el tenia otra familia y cuando mi mama corrio de la casa ami papa por medio de la ley para mi fue dificil  por que yo me hice cargo de mis hermanos yo comence a trabajar en una empresa y con el dinero que ganava se lo dava a mi mama para la comida  mis hermanos no podian trabajar por que ellos estavan pequenos y yo era el mallor de los hermanos yo trabajava una semana de noche y una de dia y para mi hera muy agotador y a veces no comia muy vien y  mi cuerpo me lo sentia muy devil para trabajar pero yo trabajaba por nesecidad y por mi familia que moce muriera de hambre yo queria estudiar y practicar mi deporte que tanto me gusta que  hes el tricking pero no podia  estudiar ni practicar no tenia tiempo por que tenia que trabajar y ye gava muy cansado a la casa pero dios todo poderoso me dio fuersa  y el estubo con migo  depues   todo lo que estaba pasando en vida conoci a capital on the egde son dos parejas que su nombre es jed brien y elizabeth brien ellos me estan  apollan en mi vida  gracias a ellos  yo estoy aqui en los estados unidos   con unos amigos que haora somos un grupo de vaile  y rreprecentamos nuestros paiz  y le ensellamos a otras personas quien es dios y para mi yo estoy muy feliz poder ver viajado  en un avion y en tren  y estar en otro paiz para mi es muy emocionante y es como un sueno para mi que tanto lo deciava en mi vida   des de que estoy en estdos unidos etedido mucha experiencia y conocido muchas pesonas buenas  pero en estos momentos estoy pasando en estados unidos un problema con mi cuerpo tengo un tendon malo en mi pierna izquierda y mi tovillo de mi pies derecho  me lecione por que hice un jiro en el aire y cai muy mal  y me las time tego como 5 meces de tener est el tren para hir ha Davis todos mis amigos abordanon el tren pero el tren me dejo y me que de solo  en a estacionamiento por que por al bano y no salir a tiempo y yo estaba muy nervioso pero a la misma ves esta alegre por que para mi era como una aventura pero en estacionamiento gracias a dios aula una chica que ablaba espanol y yo no ablava ingles y gracias a la chica mexicana eya podra ablar ingles y yo le conte que me avia de jado el trens y mis amigos ya se avran hido y la chica mexicana ablo con las persona de el estacionamiento y gracias a dios y la chica mexicana que me ayudaa a que meolieran el boleto para irme a davis y para mi fue muy libertad por pasando tiece momento de aventura en mi vida y en orto paiz.

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