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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

POST by ERICSON: Thanks and Praise

Ericson performing at a Bboy event in downtown Minneapolis

On our first day in the United States, it was exhausting but it was also a new experience, a change in culture, big buildings, big cities and a good and new experience for everyone in our group.

In San Diego, we visited a really nice and humble family. The pastor and his wife received us with their arms wide open.

When we were in Davis, California, we visited a church where they had a lot of Mexicans and that church was really strong in the Lord. The pastor, his wife, and his kids gave us a lot of advice and a gift of a lot of blessings.

We also went to the New Life church in Sacramento. They were really generous because they gave each of us money and we helped with the community. It was really fun.

The second trip to the United States was when we went to Minnesota. There were really nice families waiting for us when we got there. It was a really nice experience because Gods plan was great and eight people in our group were baptised along with a lot of other people from the church. The people we performed for were accepting of Christ and it made me feel really happy because we were winning souls for Jesus.

The problems that we may face always have solutions and God always is with us. Everything is always in his hands and when we are with him, he will never leave us and he will always help us. He will move us and guide us.

The third tour took us to Richmond. This part of the USA was a huge blessing for us. There were a lot of happy families, happy because of our arrival. Also, they were happy and proud to have us with them. The people at the church had really good hearts.

We went to a Baptist church in Chicago that took us to a camp where we had a lot of fun. Video games, rides, water slides, and pools. It was a really pretty place, thank you for letting us have that great experience.

When we got back, we were visited an Assemblies of God church. We were there for two services and so we performed twice. The people there liked our praise and worship a lot.

When we went to the next church, Sezni was standing in front of one of the windows and he started peeing in front of it and the people where still in the service. Jed went to cover him because that was very embarrassing. He said, “Lets go walking to the other church and not wait for the transportation!”

Whilst in Chicago we were with both poor AND rich people. We did our CREATED performance for the people in Chicago and we won a lot of souls in churches and schools. We would invite people off of the street to come and see us perform. That city really was a blessing.

Right now we are in the house of a lovely family. Shane and Jenny and their kids take care of us really well and also everyone else that we have been with too. We are really thankful to all the people that have helped us and who we have stayed with, the people that have helped us with transportation, a place to stay and their love. Thank you!

This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.

If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)

If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE

We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page, Contemplating SUPPORTINGsomething significant?

Ericson and Jonny being HE-MEN and lighting a fire with the Bridge to Hope folks in Richmond, Virginia

Primer dia en estados unidos muy cansado pratodos una nuava experiensia un cabio de cultura edificios grande y siudades grande una buena y nueva experiensia para todos los del grupo siudad san diego visitamos una muy buena familia y umilde el pastor y su esposa nos resivieron con los brasos a biertos y nos a consejaron la pasamos bien estubimos en siudad David california es tubimos en una iglesia de mejicanos una iglesia muy sometida Dios el pastor y la esposa el hijo nos direon munchos consejos y regalo una vendision tanbien estubimos iglesia new life hellos fueron muy buenos con nosotros nos dieron realos y simos a lluda comunitaria fue muy bueno y divertido.
Cegundo viaje a estados unidos fuimos al norte de america estado minesota Lindas familias esperando a todo el grupo fue muy buena experiensia por que Dios hiso la hobra con todo el grupo uvieron bautismos se bautisaron 8 personas del grupo y munchas personas mas y munchas personas arepintiendose y a sectando a cristo en sucorazon parami fue una dision ver todas esas almas ganadas para la gloria de cristo.
Los problemas que siempre pasavamos todos siempre se solucionavan nose pero yo se que Dios los solusionaba las vendiciones son muy grande a limento rropa un techo donde dormir es lamano de Dios moviendolos i guiandolos .
Tercer viaje SIUDAD RICHMOM Fue una vendision muncha familias a legre de nuestra llegada munchas familias a legre y horgullosa de tenernos conosimos familias muy podres y buenas de corazon estubimos en una IGLESIA BAUTISTA con una familia muy a legre hellos nos llevaron a un canpamento pasamos un buen momento en el canpamento estubimos en video juegos y juegos mecanicos y picinas fue un lugar ermoso gracias por esa experiensia
Regresamos y estubimos en una IGLESIA DE LAS ASANBLEAS DE DIOS . Y llegamos y nos resivieron muy bien es tubimos en dos cultos y simos dos precentasiones y alas personas les agrado cuando regresavamos a la hotra iglesia SEZNI separo en la ventana de la IGLESIA estava horinando y era todavia el tiempo del culto y jed su padre corio a cubrir a su hijo de la pena jed nos diojo vamonoa a pies no esperamos los veiculos y llegamos a la hotra iglesias .
Salomos a siudad chicago estubimos con personas de munchas razas podre y ricos y simos la hobra de Dios en CHICAGO munchas almas ganadas en escuelas y Iglesias estubimos in bitando en las calles para la hobra y fue una vendision esa siudad .
A hora en la actualidad estamos en la casa de una ermosa familia SHANE Y JENNY ellos y sus hijos son muy vondadoso estar con esta familia y todas las hotras que hemos estados le estamos a gradesido familias a mables de buen corazon Dios les dara reconpensa y los vendesira por cuidarnos gracias por todo familias por los alimentos y techo y trasporte y su amor gracias.

POST by FRAN: A Head count for Head Lice

Francesca at Niagara Falls with Canada in the background

Do you want to know what it's like to be standing outside a familiar house, with familiar people inside the house and not be invited in, but instead be put in their cold garage all because you have head lice? 

It all started on a cold Thursday morning... around 10:30 a.m. The Capital on the Edge group, which contains ten Nicaraguan boys, my Dad, my Brother, my Sister and me. We reached the Seaburg's after a long bus ride, and Jen Seaburg, the woman of the house, detests lice! 

She came into the garage and talked over all of us in her best Spanish: "Okay guys, DO NOT come into our WARM house, you have to stay in the COLD garage, while I go through each of your hair one by one!" 

The response I heard after Jen's little speech sounded a little like this: "NOO!! We don't have lice!" Dad then yelled "At least we aren't sleeping on the street again tonight!" Jen laughed a little and slowly said in a bitter-sweet voice "Alrighty, who is first then?" What happened next was excruciating!

Francesca with her baby cousin

POST by ELIEZER: Parties, Machetes, Alcohol, a Fight and Dead People

Eliezer at a pond in Richmond, Virginia

Hello, my name is Eliezer. This time I am going to tell you about what happened in a street fight that left many hurt and two people dead, at a time we celebrate each year across Nicaragua.

On both the first and the 10th of August each year, there is a parade called the “IPICO.” Horses and carriages represent each Nicaraguan city, and in every town there are different activities for the local people to participate in.

My village chose a girl to be the queen of the party. They called her the Beautiful Indian. At the party in our barrio there were games and activities for the people to partake in. Men on horses walked through the crowds and everyone gathered around and played a game called the “Oily Pig.”

This game is a lot of fun. You see, there is a pig that they smother in oil, and then they let the pig go and you have to try and catch the small animal. It’s really hard. Whoever grabs the pig without letting go is pronounced the winner.

In this game the participants are formed into eight groups. There are three men per group. One person in the group has to go and catch the pig, and this is how my story starts.

At this celebration my cousin, , decided to play with a group of friends. When the game started everyone went to grab the pig and it was a tough fight. When someone had grabbed the pig, someone else came along and pushed the other fella off of the pig, freeing the grunting animal and creating an escape route for the wee mammal.

In one of these fights my cousin, Marcial, grabbed the pig but a man punched him from behind and my cousin fell unconscious.

When he woke up, the game was already over, but my cousin was really angry because of what had happened to him. My cousin went to go and drink alcohol at 6pm in the evening.

My cousin, Marcial, went to the man that had punched him in the game, to talk to him about the punch. The man who’d punched him grabbed a bottle and struck him over the head and he fell to the ground with blood gushing from the wound. A fight erupted and all of my cousin’s friends started to fight against those who were beating them.

Marcial stood up and grabbed a stick and started to hit the man who was attacking him and it turned into a massive brawl, with all of my cousin's friends fighting against the friends of the man who had slugged my cousin.

One of my cousin’s friends got hit by a machete and cut his hand. And his other friend was stabbed with a knife in the stomach and all of his guts came flying out. My family was afraid that the assailants had killed my cousin.

At that time my cousin was fighting with the man, but the man had a machete and my cousin only a stick, so my cousin grabbed a rock and hit him on the head, but other men arrived and started to beat my cousin. They left him in a wounded state, almost dead.

When the fight was finally over everyone realised that two people had died. One of the people murdered was a friend of my cousin and the other was a friend of the man who’d punched my cousin. Everyone else who’d participated in the battle was badly wounded. It was a very horrible fight. A celebration that sadly ended in tragedy.

I learnt through this horrendous event, that we can have black hearts, but we need to forgive and be patient because the loss of life from that celebration was needless and sad.

Thanks for reading my story.

Eliezer, the CHAMPION!

This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.

If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)

If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE

We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page, Contemplating SUPPORTINGsomething significant?

To learn more about our home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE

Peleas y desastres en fiestas patrias de Nicaragua
Hola, mi nombre es eliezer esta bes les bengo a contar loque paso en pelea que dejo muchos eridos y 2 muertos en una fiesta que selebran cada a;o en toda nicaragua

El primero de agosto y el 10 de agosto asen cada a;o un desfile ipico de caballos y carosas que representa cada una de las siudades de nicaragua i en cada pueblo asen diferentes actividades
En mi pueblo escojen a una chica para coronarla reina de la fiesta la yaman la india bonita en esa fiesta asen juegos y actividades los hombres de el pueblo caminan en caballos y asen un juego que se llama el chancho lucio es un serdo que le echan aseite encima para que cuando lo quieran agarar sea mui dificil y el que lo logre agarar gana en ese juego se ponen 3 grupos de hombres i en cada grupo son 8 uno del grupo tiene que agarar y asi ganar y de hay comiensa mi historia.

Ese dia mi primo  desidio jugar con un grupo de amigos ese juegocuando comenso el juego y todos salieron a agarar el cerdo fue una lucha mui dura cuando alguien lo agaraba benia hotro lo empujaba para que lo soltara en una de esas luchas mi primo  lo logro agarar pero un hombre lo golpeo por detrás y mi primo quedo inconciente.

Cuando desperto ya abia terminado el juego pero mi primo estaba mui enojado por lo que le abian echo y mi primo se puso a tomar alcool a eso como de las 6 pm de la tarde mi primo  fue donde el hombre que lo abia golpeado para reclamarle qu porque lo abia golpeado el hombre agarro una botella de bidrio i le pego en la cabesa a mi primo y callo al suelo tirando sangre y todos los amigos de mi primo comensaron a pelear contra los que lo abian golpeado.

Mi primo se lebanto y agaro un palo y comenso a golpear al hombre y se iso una pelea de todos los que estaban hay los amigos de mi primo estaban peleando contra los amigos de el hombre que abia golpeado a mi primo a uno de los amigos de mi primo le abian pegado un machetaso y le cortaron la mano y a hotro le sacaron las tripas con un cuchillo mi familia estaba con miedo de que mataran a mi primo.
En ese momento mi primo estaba peleando con el hombre pero el hombre tenia un machete y mi primo solo un palo asi que mi primo agarro una piedra i le rajo la cabesa pero hotros hombres llegaron y comensaron a golpear a mi primo lo dejaron erido casi muriendo cuando termino la pelea abian 2 muertos uno era amigo de mi primo y el hotro amigo de el hombre y abian muchos eridos fue una pelea muy horible una selebracion que termino en trajedia.

Loque nos ense;a que no hay que tener maldad en nuestro corazon y perdonar y ser paciente porque eso podria ebitar una trajedia.
Gracias por leer mi historia.

POST by MYRON: Look How Far I've Come

Myron at Niagara Falls, with Canada in the background

Five years ago, everything at home was very different. My dad would drink a lot of alcohol, a lot! He used to drink almost every day. My father would only cause destruction in the life of my mother and my siblings.
We were forced to go and sleep at my grandmother’s house. My grandmother was very loving and kind to me, because I was the youngest out of my siblings.

The years passed by and I was growing. My dad was starting to stop drinking, and me and my brothers and my aunt would always go to church. We learnt a lot about the Bible. I was eleven years old and I grew close to God in my heart.

My older brother started to drink a lot of alcohol, and he became a gangster. My mother was working and so was my dad, and I was going to school like other kids in my community. On my birthday we went out to eat and to go and see some cool places. My mum was very proud of me, and my dad was too.

Months went by and I met the Brien family and their group. I now am a part of the Nicavangelists dance crew, and that’s why I’m here in America. I am proud to tell you my stories. This is all I have today, thanks for reading.

This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.

If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)

If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE

We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page, Contemplating SUPPORTINGsomething significant?

To learn more about our home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE

Myron dressed up as a demon for CREATED at Wellspring Family Life Church in Syracuse, New York

Bueno hase como 5 anos atras todo en mi casa era muy diferente mi papa bebia alcol mucho mucho bueno eso era casi todo los dias bueno no le pegaba solo discutian mi mama con mi y mis hermanos nos ibamos a dormir donde mi abuela mi abuela era muy carinosa com mi porque yo era el mas menor de mis hermanos bueno pasaban los anos y yo cresia mas y my papa iba mas dejando el alcolismo y yo y mis hermanos y my tia ibamos ala iglesia siempre ibamos aprender mas de la biblia yo tenia 11 anos yo asecte a dios en mi corazon y my hermano mayor bebia alcol mucho bueno ya era de una pandia mi mama estaba en el trabajo y my papa tanbien y yo estaba en la escuela como todo nino estudia bueno era mi cunpleanos salimos a comer y a barios lugares bueno y mi mama estaba muy horguyosa de mi y mi papa tanbien bueno pasaron meses y pude conoser ala familia brien y un grupo que haora por eso estoy aquí horguyoso de estarle contandole esta historia a hustedes bueno es todo lo que les cuento a ustedes grasias por hoirme.

POST by JOSE: The Ladies in My Life

Jose cooking dinner in the Ohio Valley (West Virginia)

Hello my name is Jose Ballardo and I would like to tell you a little bit about how Jesus came into my life and how I accepted him as my Saviour.

My life in the past: I hadn’t yet accepted Jesus in my life. When I was 10 years old I was very spoiled by my mum. She worked hard and spent most of her time with my brother. I had a babysitter that took care of me. My mum gave us everything we wanted and we were very happy because we had everything we asked for.

Bad friendships: Over time, things became worse for our family. My mum got fired from her job and we didn’t have enough money. I would watch my mother cry because sometimes we didn’t even have food at home to eat. When I was 12 years old, I made some friends who were going through the same economic circumstances as me.

Bad decisions: My new friends were poor and knew my life. I felt comfortable being around them. Yet I saw that they would go out well dressed and with elegant style. They would say to me, “Do you want to look like us?”

I looked at myself and thought about all the poverty we were lived in. I said “okay, I would like to dress like you.” They said, “Good, let’s go steal some stuff… We are going to teach you how to do it!” So I followed them.

We walked to a specific location and then my friends said, “See the lady who is walking along the road? We will follow her and you're going to grab her around the neck and you’re going to throw her down to the ground and then steal all the money she has.”

I started to think about it, because the lady was very old and it seemed like a really bad idea. However, desperate times call for desperate measures and so I agreed to the plan. “Alrighty, I'll do it. I have nothing to lose…” So I approached the old lady and robbed her of the money she was carrying. I then ran fast and far. When we regrouped, we split up the money somewhat evenly and I felt full of adrenaline.

After the “old lady” incident, I started getting into fights with other people. I viewed it all as a game. However, my mum did not realise what had happened or any of the bad stuff that I was now doing. I would skip school to go and get into trouble with my so-called “friends.”

FLAWS THAT ENTERED MY LIFE: I would escape with my friends and they began to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes, but I would only watch them. Then one day they said, “Jose, try this… You’re going to like it a lot and it will make you feel better, and you will forget about your troubles…” I asked them, “What is it?” They intelligently explained “It’s Marijuana.”

I started smoking the Marijuana and then began to feel really weird. After that I didn’t try it again, but I did try alcohol and cigarettes. Thank the LORD my body would reject these different drugs. I would ask my friends, “Why would you consume these drugs if you act like idiots after using them?” Their only response was to laugh at me.

The Sadness and suffering of my mother: as the time passed I would spend my time doing bad things. All I would think about were bad things and I listened to a lot of Satanic Rock and very violently music. I internally felt that my life was rubbish. I even came to a day where I cursed and insulted God’s name and blamed him for all my problems and thought about killing myself.

However, in these moments of rage, something would stop me. I would get really angry and I would yell and offend my mum and she began to cry because I treated her badly and would yell at her.

She had begun to notice me hanging around with bad people and doing bad things. I would never have acted like that in the past. My mother became very sick because of the problems I was causing her. She asked me, “Son, please change? Please go to church and seek God in your life?” It was funny to me and so I would laugh at her, “Who is God? For me God is like a whatever…”

Jesus touched my life: I was still into really bad things but one day a lady came and said to me, “Son, can I talk to you a little bit about Jesus?” I was 17 years old and I said “Okay, sure – why not…” This lady started talking to me about the Lord, and about the love he has for us.

She explained to me that Jesus sacrificially gave his life to save us and I hadn’t really known much about Him before this. When she had finished reading the word of God, she told me, “I’m inviting you to church tomorrow and if you don’t come I'll come get you and bring you myself.”  I told her I’d go because I had nothing better to do.

The next day I went to church to see what it was all about. When I entered, “wow” - I felt something different. I felt a heat in my whole body that comforted me and made me forget all my problems.

We started to sing and praise God. After that day I started going every week to church. God began to walk in my life. All the evil things I’d done were forgiven and I didn’t have a lot of problems in my life anymore.

Growing In Jesus: God has healed and changed me. Now I am a missionary and I give my testimony for the glory and the honour for God. Every day I pray for all the wonderful people that I have met on these trips.

My mother is healthy and everything is all falling into place, even though sometimes I fall down, God is there to pick me up and he says, “Come on son, I’m here with you. My hand is holding you.” In each church that I go to, I meet wonderful, nice people and I know that God has changed them like he has changed me.

This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.

If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)

If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE

We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page, Contemplating SUPPORTINGsomething significant?

To learn more about our home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE

Jose & Eliezer at Niagara Falls

Jesús en mi vida y como me a cambiado

Hola mi nombre es jose ballardo y les quiero contar un poco de como Jesús entro en mi vida y lo e aceptado como mi salvador.
Vida pasada: En mi vida pasada cuando no había aceptado a Jesús cuando yo tenía 10 años era un chico muy mimado por mi mama ella trabajaba mucho y pasaba solo la mayor parte del tiempo con mi hermano y la niñera que nos cuidaba mi mama nos daba todo lo que queríamos y éramos muy felices porque teníamos todo lo que queríamos.
Malas amistades: Con el tiempo las cosas se fueron  poniendo peor a mi mama la habían despedido del trabajo y no ajustábamos con el dinero habían mas deudas yo solo miraba llorar a mi mama porque abecés nos hacía falta la comida en el hogar. Cuando tenía 12 años conocí a unos amigos que pasaban por la misma situación que yo.
Malas decisiones: Ellos pasaban por lo mismo y me sentía cómodo con ellos, pero yo miraba que caminaban bien vestidos y muy elegantes y ellos me decían quieres ser como nosotros, yo me miraba y pensaba en la pobreza que estábamos pasando y les dije ok si me gustaría vestirme como ustedes y ellos me dijeron vamos a robar  te vamos a ensenar como hacerlo y yo les seguí y me decían te vamos a explicar vez aquella señora que va caminando la vamos a seguir y tu la vas a sujetar del cuello y la vas a tirar al suelo y le sacas todo el dinero que lleva y llo me puse a pensar por que la señora era muy anciana, pero después me dije ok lo voy a hacer no pierdo nada y vine y agarre a la señora y le quite todo su dinero y salimos corriendo y nos repartimos y yo me sentía con aquella adrenalina.
Después de lo sucedido con la señora me anduve metiendo en peleas con los demás yo lo miraba como un juego hacer todas esas maldades, pero mi mama no se daba cuenta de lo sucedido y de nada de lo que hacia, yo me escapaba del colegio por andar haciendo maldades con mis supuestos amigos.
VICIOS QUE ENTRARON EN MI VIDA: Yo me escapaba con mis amigos y ellos comenzaban a tomar y a fumar cigarrillos y llo solo los miraba y un dia me dijeron jose prueba esto te va a gustar y te ara sentir mejor y olvidaras todos tus problemas y yo les dije que era y ellos me dijeron es marihuana y yo les dije que si y la comencé a probar y después me comencé a sentir muy raro y después de eso no la volví a probar y después probé el alcohol  y los cigarrillos pero gracias a dios mi cuerpo los rechazaba, y después yo les decía a ellos que para que consumían ese tipo de cosas si se miraban como estúpidos y ellos solo se ponían a reir.
Tristeza y sufrimiento de mi mama: Haci paso el tiempo y yo solo pensaba cosas malas y escuchaba rock satánico y músicas con mucha violencia y yo sentía que para mi la vida era basura hasta llegue a maldecir e insultar a dios y lo culpaba de todos mis problemas y pensaba en quitarme la vida pero siempre algo me detenía me ponía tan enojado que ofendía a mi mama y ella se ponía a llorar por que yo la trataba muy mal ella se había
 dado cuenta que andaba en cosas malas porque yo antes no me comportaba aci ella se ponía muy enferma por los problemas, le ocasionaba  muchos problemas ella me decía hijo por favor cambia por favor ve a la iglesia y busca de dios y llo solo me reía y le decía quién es dios para mi dios ni es nada le decía.
Jesús toco mi vida: Yo seguía en las cosas malas pero un dia se acercó una señora y me dijo hijo le puedo hablar un poco sobre Jesús yo ya tenía 17 años y llo le dije si está bien y me comenzó a hablar sobre Jesús sobre el amor que nos tenía a nosotros que dio su vida para salvarnos y llo no savia nada sobre Jesús y cuando termino de leerme la palabra me dijo mañana te invito a la iglesia y si no vas yo te voy a venir a traer y yo le dije que si no tenía nada que hacer.
Y al día siguiente fui a la iglesia para ver de qué se trataba y al entrar wow sentí algo diferente sentí un calor en todo mi cuerpo que me reconfortaba y hacia que olvidara todos mis problemas y en ese instante comencé a cantar y alabar a dios y después de ese día comencé a ir más seguido a la iglesia y dios me iba cambiando mi vida y todo lo malo en mi lo perdono y no tenía muchos problemas como antes.

Creciendo con Jesús: Dios me sano y me cambio ahora soy misionero y doy mi testimonio para la gloria y honra de dios cada día oro por todas las personas maravillosas que e conocido en estos viajes gracias a dios mi mama es saludable y todo está saliendo bien aunque en veces tropiezo y caigo pero dios está ahí y me levanta y me dice animo hijo estoy con tigo mi mano te sostiene, en cada iglesia que voy conozco personas bellas y amables y dios a cambiado sus vidas como a mi gracias a dios y a ustedes por esta oportunidad de estar aquí.  DIOS LOS BENDIGA

POST by ABEN: Father of the Fatherless

Aben at Pastor Michael's house in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania

I am the only boy out of six kids. My dad was with another woman and with her, he had three girls. Then he met my mum at a bakery. They entered into a relationship and as time passed, together they had a little girl, so my dad had four daughters in total.

He had accepted that his life would only be filled with daughters. My parents had been together for two years when my mum became pregnant again. She was pregnant with me and when my dad found out that I was a boy, he said “That boy is not mine!” My mum asked “Why not?” and he responded with, “It’s not mine because I only have girls.”

My dad had never wanted that little boy. He would say that the kid was a disgrace and my mum would suffer because my dad left her when I was born and so she did not really have any support.

I grew up without a father and so at times I would ask my mum about my dad. She would flippantly explain that my father left because of me being a boy, and that I should never have been born.

I was just a child without a dad and without the love of a mother because she would always be working to get food for her two kids. I never had a dad to guide me and to take away the bad memories and the painful words.

My dad came back looking for my mum and told her lies that he would never leave her and she was convinced that his words were truth. Once again, she became pregnant and it was a girl so now we were six in total and with only one boy out of the six kids.

Then he left again and when he was leaving he said, “That boy annoys me. I want to get away from him!” She was abandoned again and she had no money and no home (because my grandmother had told her to leave the house because she fell for what my dad had said).

My mum prayed to God that he would give her strength to keep moving forward. The place where we lived was horrible and cold. Our house was made out of plastic and cardboard. Then we went back to live with my grandmother.

My mum gave thanks to God because he had listened to her when she had asked Him for a better place to live. He had heard her prayers about being removed from that horrible place where we were living.

She started believing more in God and she said to me that there is a father that will never leave you. I asked “Who?” and she said “God in heaven. I am so sorry for everything that I have said to you. I now know that having a son is a blessing and you are a blessing to me. Even if your dad is not here, you will never go without food from now on. I will be your dad and your mum forever.”

Now I thank God because he does miracles and gave me a mum whose words are true. A dad is not someone who just makes a woman pregnant, but it is the man who takes care of them and I now know that I have a father who is God because he always takes care of me.

This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.

If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)

If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE

We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page, Contemplating SUPPORTINGsomething significant?

To learn more about our home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE

Aben with his little nephew

Soy el hijo unico  de 5 hermanas .
Mi padre antes de que naciera el tuvo una relacion  con otra mujer el cual habia dado
a luz a tres hijas mujeres .al pasar el tiempo el se encontro a mi madre en un trabajo de donde hacian pan ,ellos enpezaron a juntarse y enpezaron una relacion al pasar el tiempo el y mi madre tuvierion una hija con ella para mi padre eran  4 hijas mujeres y el ya habia aceptado que solo mujeres enjendraba.
Continuando ellos juntos pasaron 2 anos y mi madre cargaba en su vientre otro bebe . el cual era yo cuando naci el vio que era un nino varon y el grito y dijo ‘’ ese  hijo no es mio ‘’mi madre le dijo ‘’por que ‘’ y el respondio ‘por que  yo solo  mujeres enjendro‘ el nunca quiso  a  aquel nino decia que era un una desgracia para el mi madre sufria por el dolor y el sufrimiento por que no contaba con ninguna ayuda por que mi padre la avandono cuando naci .
Al ir creciendo sin padre yo le preguntaba a mi madre por el y ella me respondia por tu culpa el nos dejo ojala nunca hubieses nacido yo solamente un nino sin un padre y sin un amor de madre por que ella trabajaba de casa en casa por comida para sus 2 hijos nunca tuve consejos de padres y busca como distraer esos malos recuerdos y esas palabras tan dolorosas para mi .mi padre regreso a buscar a mi madre llego con mentiras diciendo que nunca la hiba a volver a dejar ,ella se dejo convencer despues de ahí mi madre queda embarazada de nuevo  de otra mujer mi hermana menor para el ya eramos 6 hijos 5 mujeres y un 1 hombre .
El volvio a irse por que decia’’que le molestaba la precensia de ese nino y de que queria estar lejos de el, por que ni su hijo era ,mi madre abandonada de nuevo sin dinero y sin un hogar donde vivir por que mi abuela la habia corrido con sus 3 hijos  por haberse metido con el hombre mentiroso ella oraba a dios para que lediera fuerzas para seguir adelante , consiguiendo un lugar donde era  muy frio y horrible viviamos en una casita de plastico y carton pasando el tiempo regresa a casa de mi abuela  ella dando gracias a dios por heberla escuchado y salir de ese lugar horrible donde viviamos ella enpezo a creer mas en dios y ella me dijo  hay un padre que nunca te va abandonar  y yo le dije’’ cual madre el dios que esta en  lo cielos y perdoname hijo por mi palabras que te dije antes he comprendido al fin que un hijo es una bendicion de dios y tu lo eres para mi y aun que tu padre no este a mi lado nunca le faltara comidas en sus bocas de ahora en adelante yo sere padre y madre para ustedes siempre .
Ahora sigo adelante y doy gracias a dios por que el hace milagros y como dijo mi madre padre no es el que enjendra si no el que  cria y cuida y se que ahora tengo un padre que es dios por que el siempre cuida de mi.

POST by RENZY: Seaburg School

Jonny & Lorenzy at Niagara falls (Canada on the left and the USA on the right)

Right now as some of you may know, our group is in Rochester, New York. Since we used to live here when I was really little and have come back to visit, I know some people here.

The people’s house that we are staying in is the Seaburgs and they have four kids. Their oldest child is a little bit older than me so we hang out a lot. His name is Josiah. He is such a fun and weird kid. SO much fun to be around…

They are also homeschooled like us, so we get to hang out even more. Every Friday morning, they go to co-op classes. The first day that we were with them on this trip, my sister and I were invited to go with them if we wanted to, and maybe join in some of their classes too. We both decided to go and see what it was like.

On Friday morning, we woke up and got ready to go. Josiah and Aidan, Josiah’s brother, who is twelve years old, were already at the co-op place because they went earlier with their dad to play basketball.

Mrs. Seaburg , whose first name is Jenny, and her two daughters, Izzy age four and Cora age eight, were in the back with my sister, and I was in the front with Jenny. As we were reversing we all of a sudden heard a big bang and the car stopped because we’d crashed into something.

We were all in shock and I was laughing so hard - I don’t even know why. We looked behind the car and saw that there was another car parked behind us. The other car belonged to one of my dad’s friends, the Hinmans, who were lending it to us so that we could all get around to the places that we have needed to go to.

Jenny jumped out of the car and checked both cars and luckily only the license plate on the other car was damaged. She got back into the car and this time reversed around the other car.

When we got to the co-op place, which is actually a church, we went inside to the basketball area so that Jenny could play. Fran and I took care of Cora and Izzy. Then I took Izzy to her class and on the way I saw my friend’s mum. I said hi to her and then sat down with Aidan.

When Josiah walked into the room, I walked over to him and talked with him until he had to go to his next class, which was science – they were to dissect a fish. He asked Fran and I if we wanted to join the class and I accepted just because I wanted to know how it felt and what it would look like. Then Jen said that we also had the option of going with Aidan to a cooking class. Fran decided to do that instead.

We walked into the class and I sat down next to him. His teacher walked up to me and asked me some questions about myself. Once the room was almost filled with like ten people, the teacher started the class. She told us all to take our fish out of the plastic bags that they were in. She had her own fish in her hand and it had already been cut open so that she could use it as an example.

She told us to look at the fish and she named some of the parts on the fish then told us to open up where the guts were and to take some out. We looked at them and then set the stuff aside. They looked like they were soft but I didn’t want to touch them without my gloves on.

Then the teacher told us to cut open the bottom of the fish. Josiah had already cut up the side as well but I don’t think it made a difference. We cut all of the sides and then took the flap off. Inside there were a bunch of tiny gross organs.

The teacher went around the class observing the work that was being done, and told us to take the stomach out. Since all the fish were a little different, it was sort of confusing to know what to take out.

The classroom smelt horrible. Some people even had to go outside because they could not stand the disgusting stench. Inside of the fish was a bubble. It was kind of purple and had liquid inside of it, but the bubble consisted mostly of air. It was really tempting to pop it but I restrained myself. Then Josiah popped his fish’s purple bubble and this gross liquid came flowing out. It was yucko!

Josiah had told me that last week, when they were dissecting fish, he had poked the eye out and in showing his friends, they had snatched the fish from him and had thrown it at him. At the beginning of the class, the teacher had said that they were not allowed to do that because it was rude and unacceptable.

I was staring at the wall whilst the teacher was talking and then I looked at Josiah and he was using one of the tools to poke at the fish's eye. He was trying to see what was underneath it and he poked something and a gross smelling liquid squirted everywhere. It splattered my cheek and I immediately wiped it off of my face with a paper towel. I almost threw up.

As soon as the class was over, we cleaned up the desks and put the stuff away. Then, I went to the bathroom and scrubbed my face and arms until they were red and painful. It was a gross and smelly experience, but overall a really enjoyable day.

Renz and Leiky in the Ohio Valley

POST by JAIRO: Discipline Dilemma

Jairito posing for a photograph in the BEAUTIFUL Ohio Valley

Hello my name is Jairito and I am going to share with you about the life of a friend.

My friend was really abused and beaten by his parents. One day at his house, his dad hit him because my friend had hit his sister. When his dad struck him, he hit him really hard and when his mum got home, his dad told her that my friend had hit his sister and then his mum beat him really hard as well.

One day my friend’s dad told him off for not behaving in the house and he hit him really hard once again. After he had been beaten a lot because he was not behaving, he started to behave more.

Then, after a few years, he became rebellious. He escaped from his house and made a collection of really bad friends. He also became addicted to many things. One day his parents found him smoking with his ‘friends’. His parents walked up to him and they beat the living daylights out of him once again.

His parents became frantic not knowing how to get their son to behave, and so his family and him went to church to pray for my friend and for all the bad things that he had done. Whilst they were praying for him, he was not behaving himself and when they got home they beat him again.

After being hit so much, it was in his mind that he would always get hit. He stopped caring altogether about how he behaved. Soon he was purple and red because they would hit him so much and so hard. His parents saw him and his terrible state, and they felt really bad and so they stopped hitting him and they began being to live a happier life.

This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.

If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)

If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE

We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page, Contemplating SUPPORTINGsomething significant?

To learn more about our home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE

Jairito in travel-mode

hola mi nombre es jairito
 y les bengo a decir un poco de la vida de amigo
mi amigo sufre por maltrato y golpes de su mama y su papa y un dia en la casa
de el su mama y sus papas le pegaron por pegarle a su hermana y el papa le pego
muy duro y cuando llega la mama ala casa el papa le conto todo de que el le habia pegado
a su hermana y la mama le pego duro.
un dia su papa lo maltrato por portarse mal en su casa y el papa lo maltrato y le pego muy fuerte
por dos causa por pegarle a su hermana y por portarse mal en su casa y un dia se porto bien y siguio portandose bien.
y el se escapaba de su casa y el tenia malas amistades y el agarro muchos bisios y un dia su papa y mama lo hallaron fumando y con las mala amistades y cuando llego le pegaron muy fuerte y lo maltrataron.
y un dia fueron ala iglesia a horar por el y para que sus bisios se fueran y el se porto muy mal y termino el culto y cuando llegan ala casa le pegaron muy duro.

y despues de muchos transtorno de muchos golpes se le hisieron morados y rojos y el papa y su mama se arrepintieron y no le siguieron pegando mas y el queda muy feliz.