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Ericson performing at a Bboy event in downtown Minneapolis |
On our first day in the United States, it was exhausting but it was also
a new experience, a change in culture, big buildings, big cities and a good and
new experience for everyone in our group.
In San Diego, we visited a really nice and humble family. The pastor and
his wife received us with their arms wide open.
When we were in Davis, California, we visited a church where they had a
lot of Mexicans and that church was really strong in the Lord. The pastor, his
wife, and his kids gave us a lot of advice and a gift of a lot of blessings.
We also went to the New Life church in Sacramento. They were really
generous because they gave each of us money and we helped with the community.
It was really fun.
The second trip to the United States was when we went to Minnesota.
There were really nice families waiting for us when we got there. It was a
really nice experience because Gods plan was great and eight people in our
group were baptised along with a lot of other people from the church. The
people we performed for were accepting of Christ and it made me feel really
happy because we were winning souls for Jesus.
The problems that we may face always have solutions and God always is
with us. Everything is always in his hands and when we are with him, he will never
leave us and he will always help us. He will move us and guide us.
The third tour took us to Richmond. This part of the USA was a huge blessing
for us. There were a lot of happy families, happy because of our arrival. Also,
they were happy and proud to have us with them. The people at the church had
really good hearts.
We went to a Baptist church in Chicago that took us to a camp where we
had a lot of fun. Video games, rides, water slides, and pools. It was a really
pretty place, thank you for letting us have that great experience.
When we got back, we were visited an Assemblies of God church. We were
there for two services and so we performed twice. The people there liked our
praise and worship a lot.
When we went to the next church, Sezni was standing in front of one of
the windows and he started peeing in front of it and the people where still in
the service. Jed went to cover him because that was very embarrassing. He said,
“Lets go walking to the other church and not wait for the transportation!”
Whilst in Chicago we were with both poor AND rich people. We did our
CREATED performance for the people in Chicago and we won a lot of souls in
churches and schools. We would invite people off of the street to come and see
us perform. That city really was a blessing.
Right now we are in the house of a lovely family. Shane and Jenny and
their kids take care of us really well and also everyone else that we have been
with too. We are really thankful to all the people that have helped us and who
we have stayed with, the people that have helped us with transportation, a
place to stay and their love. Thank you!
This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.
If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE
To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)
If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE
We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page, Contemplating SUPPORTINGsomething significant?
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Ericson and Jonny being HE-MEN and lighting a fire with the Bridge to Hope folks in Richmond, Virginia |
dia en estados unidos muy cansado pratodos una nuava experiensia un cabio de
cultura edificios grande y siudades grande una buena y nueva experiensia para
todos los del grupo siudad san diego visitamos una muy buena familia y umilde
el pastor y su esposa nos resivieron con los brasos a biertos y nos a
consejaron la pasamos bien estubimos en siudad David california es tubimos en
una iglesia de mejicanos una iglesia muy sometida Dios el pastor y la esposa el
hijo nos direon munchos consejos y regalo una vendision tanbien estubimos
iglesia new life hellos fueron muy buenos con nosotros nos dieron realos y
simos a lluda comunitaria fue muy bueno y divertido.
viaje a estados unidos fuimos al norte de america estado minesota Lindas
familias esperando a todo el grupo fue muy buena experiensia por que Dios hiso
la hobra con todo el grupo uvieron bautismos se bautisaron 8 personas del grupo
y munchas personas mas y munchas personas arepintiendose y a sectando a cristo
en sucorazon parami fue una dision ver todas esas almas ganadas para la gloria
de cristo.
problemas que siempre pasavamos todos siempre se solucionavan nose pero yo se
que Dios los solusionaba las vendiciones son muy grande a limento rropa un
techo donde dormir es lamano de Dios moviendolos i guiandolos .
viaje SIUDAD RICHMOM Fue una vendision muncha familias a legre de nuestra
llegada munchas familias a legre y horgullosa de tenernos conosimos familias
muy podres y buenas de corazon estubimos en una IGLESIA BAUTISTA con una
familia muy a legre hellos nos llevaron a un canpamento pasamos un buen momento
en el canpamento estubimos en video juegos y juegos mecanicos y picinas fue un
lugar ermoso gracias por esa experiensia
y estubimos en una IGLESIA DE LAS ASANBLEAS DE DIOS . Y llegamos y nos
resivieron muy bien es tubimos en dos cultos y simos dos precentasiones y alas
personas les agrado cuando regresavamos a la hotra iglesia SEZNI separo en la
ventana de la IGLESIA estava horinando y era todavia el tiempo del culto y jed
su padre corio a cubrir a su hijo de la pena jed nos diojo vamonoa a pies no
esperamos los veiculos y llegamos a la hotra iglesias .
a siudad chicago estubimos con personas de munchas razas podre y ricos y simos
la hobra de Dios en CHICAGO munchas almas ganadas en escuelas y Iglesias
estubimos in bitando en las calles para la hobra y fue una vendision esa siudad
hora en la actualidad estamos en la casa de una ermosa familia SHANE Y JENNY
ellos y sus hijos son muy vondadoso estar con esta familia y todas las hotras
que hemos estados le estamos a gradesido familias a mables de buen corazon Dios
les dara reconpensa y los vendesira por cuidarnos gracias por todo familias por
los alimentos y techo y trasporte y su amor gracias.
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