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Jose cooking dinner in the Ohio Valley (West Virginia) |
my name is Jose Ballardo and I would like to tell you a little bit about how
Jesus came into my life and how I accepted him as my Saviour.
life in the past: I hadn’t yet accepted Jesus in my life. When I was 10 years old I was
very spoiled by my mum. She worked hard and spent most of her time with my
brother. I had a babysitter that took care of me. My mum gave us everything we
wanted and we were very happy because we had everything we asked for.
friendships: Over time, things became worse for our family. My mum got fired from her
job and we didn’t have enough money. I would watch my mother cry because
sometimes we didn’t even have food at home to eat. When I was 12 years old, I
made some friends who were going through the same economic circumstances as me.
decisions: My new friends were poor and knew my life. I felt comfortable being
around them. Yet I saw that they would go out well dressed and with elegant style.
They would say to me, “Do you want to look like us?”
looked at myself and thought about all the poverty we were lived in. I said “okay,
I would like to dress like you.” They said, “Good, let’s go steal some stuff… We
are going to teach you how to do it!” So I followed them.
walked to a specific location and then my friends said, “See the lady who is
walking along the road? We will follow her and you're going to grab her around
the neck and you’re going to throw her down to the ground and then steal all
the money she has.”
started to think about it, because the lady was very old and it seemed like a
really bad idea. However, desperate times call for desperate measures and so I
agreed to the plan. “Alrighty, I'll do it. I have nothing to lose…” So I approached
the old lady and robbed her of the money she was carrying. I then ran fast and
far. When we regrouped, we split up the money somewhat evenly and I felt full
of adrenaline.
the “old lady” incident, I started getting into fights with other people. I
viewed it all as a game. However, my mum did not realise what had happened or
any of the bad stuff that I was now doing. I would skip school to go and get
into trouble with my so-called “friends.”
THAT ENTERED MY LIFE: I would escape with my friends and they began to drink alcohol and
smoke cigarettes, but I would only watch them. Then one day they said, “Jose,
try this… You’re going to like it a lot and it will make you feel better, and you
will forget about your troubles…” I asked them, “What is it?” They intelligently
explained “It’s Marijuana.”
I started
smoking the Marijuana and then began to feel really weird. After that I didn’t
try it again, but I did try alcohol and cigarettes. Thank the LORD my body
would reject these different drugs. I would ask my friends, “Why would you consume
these drugs if you act like idiots after using them?” Their only response was
to laugh at me.
The Sadness
and suffering of my mother: as the time passed I would spend my time doing bad
things. All I would think about were bad things and I listened to a lot of Satanic
Rock and very violently music. I internally felt that my life was rubbish. I
even came to a day where I cursed and insulted God’s name and blamed him for
all my problems and thought about killing myself.
in these moments of rage, something would stop me. I would get really angry and
I would yell and offend my mum and she began to cry because I treated her badly
and would yell at her.
had begun to notice me hanging around with bad people and doing bad things.
I would never have acted like that in the past. My mother became very sick because
of the problems I was causing her. She asked me, “Son, please change? Please go
to church and seek God in your life?” It was funny to me and so I would laugh
at her, “Who is God? For me God is like a whatever…”
touched my life: I was still into really bad things but one day a lady came and said to
me, “Son, can I talk to you a little bit about Jesus?” I was 17 years old and I
said “Okay, sure – why not…” This lady started talking to me about the Lord, and
about the love he has for us.
explained to me that Jesus sacrificially gave his life to save us and I hadn’t really
known much about Him before this. When she had finished reading the word of God,
she told me, “I’m inviting you to church tomorrow and if you don’t come I'll
come get you and bring you myself.” I
told her I’d go because I had nothing better to do.
next day I went to church to see what it was all about. When I entered, “wow” -
I felt something different. I felt a heat in my whole body that comforted me
and made me forget all my problems.
started to sing and praise God. After that day I started going every week to
church. God began to walk in my life. All the evil things I’d done were
forgiven and I didn’t have a lot of problems in my life anymore.
In Jesus:
God has healed and changed me. Now I am a missionary and I give my testimony
for the glory and the honour for God. Every day I pray for all the wonderful
people that I have met on these trips.
mother is healthy and everything is all falling into place, even though
sometimes I fall down, God is there to pick me up and he says, “Come on son,
I’m here with you. My hand is holding you.” In each church that I go to, I meet
wonderful, nice people and I know that God has changed them like he has changed
This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.
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Jose & Eliezer at Niagara Falls |
Jesús en mi vida y como me a cambiado
Hola mi nombre es jose ballardo y les
quiero contar un poco de como Jesús entro en mi vida y lo e aceptado como mi
Vida pasada: En mi vida pasada cuando no había aceptado a Jesús
cuando yo tenía 10 años era un chico muy mimado por mi mama ella trabajaba
mucho y pasaba solo la mayor parte del tiempo con mi hermano y la niñera que
nos cuidaba mi mama nos daba todo lo que queríamos y éramos muy felices porque
teníamos todo lo que queríamos.
Malas amistades: Con el tiempo las cosas se fueron poniendo peor a mi mama la habían despedido
del trabajo y no ajustábamos con el dinero habían mas deudas yo solo miraba
llorar a mi mama porque abecés nos hacía falta la comida en el hogar. Cuando
tenía 12 años conocí a unos amigos que pasaban por la misma situación que yo.
Malas decisiones: Ellos pasaban por lo mismo y me sentía cómodo con
ellos, pero yo miraba que caminaban bien vestidos y muy elegantes y ellos me
decían quieres ser como nosotros, yo me miraba y pensaba en la pobreza que
estábamos pasando y les dije ok si me gustaría vestirme como ustedes y ellos me
dijeron vamos a robar te vamos a ensenar
como hacerlo y yo les seguí y me decían te vamos a explicar vez aquella señora
que va caminando la vamos a seguir y tu la vas a sujetar del cuello y la vas a
tirar al suelo y le sacas todo el dinero que lleva y llo me puse a pensar por
que la señora era muy anciana, pero después me dije ok lo voy a hacer no pierdo
nada y vine y agarre a la señora y le quite todo su dinero y salimos corriendo
y nos repartimos y yo me sentía con aquella adrenalina.
Después de lo sucedido con la señora me
anduve metiendo en peleas con los demás yo lo miraba como un juego hacer todas
esas maldades, pero mi mama no se daba cuenta de lo sucedido y de nada de lo
que hacia, yo me escapaba del colegio por andar haciendo maldades con mis
supuestos amigos.
VICIOS QUE ENTRARON EN MI VIDA: Yo me escapaba con mis amigos y ellos comenzaban a
tomar y a fumar cigarrillos y llo solo los miraba y un dia me dijeron jose
prueba esto te va a gustar y te ara sentir mejor y olvidaras todos tus
problemas y yo les dije que era y ellos me dijeron es marihuana y yo les dije
que si y la comencé a probar y después me comencé a sentir muy raro y después
de eso no la volví a probar y después probé el alcohol y los cigarrillos pero gracias a dios mi
cuerpo los rechazaba, y después yo les decía a ellos que para que consumían ese
tipo de cosas si se miraban como estúpidos y ellos solo se ponían a reir.
Tristeza y sufrimiento de mi mama: Haci paso el tiempo y yo solo pensaba cosas malas y
escuchaba rock satánico y músicas con mucha violencia y yo sentía que para mi
la vida era basura hasta llegue a maldecir e insultar a dios y lo culpaba de
todos mis problemas y pensaba en quitarme la vida pero siempre algo me detenía
me ponía tan enojado que ofendía a mi mama y ella se ponía a llorar por que yo
la trataba muy mal ella se había
dado cuenta que andaba en cosas malas porque
yo antes no me comportaba aci ella se ponía muy enferma por los problemas, le
ocasionaba muchos problemas ella me
decía hijo por favor cambia por favor ve a la iglesia y busca de dios y llo
solo me reía y le decía quién es dios para mi dios ni es nada le decía.
Jesús toco mi vida: Yo seguía en las cosas malas pero un dia se acercó una
señora y me dijo hijo le puedo hablar un poco sobre Jesús yo ya tenía 17 años y
llo le dije si está bien y me comenzó a hablar sobre Jesús sobre el amor que
nos tenía a nosotros que dio su vida para salvarnos y llo no savia nada sobre Jesús
y cuando termino de leerme la palabra me dijo mañana te invito a la iglesia y
si no vas yo te voy a venir a traer y yo le dije que si no tenía nada que
Y al día siguiente fui a la iglesia para
ver de qué se trataba y al entrar wow sentí algo diferente sentí un calor en
todo mi cuerpo que me reconfortaba y hacia que olvidara todos mis problemas y
en ese instante comencé a cantar y alabar a dios y después de ese día comencé a
ir más seguido a la iglesia y dios me iba cambiando mi vida y todo lo malo en
mi lo perdono y no tenía muchos problemas como antes.
Creciendo con Jesús: Dios me sano y me
cambio ahora soy misionero y doy mi testimonio para la gloria y honra de dios
cada día oro por todas las personas maravillosas que e conocido en estos viajes
gracias a dios mi mama es saludable y todo está saliendo bien aunque en veces
tropiezo y caigo pero dios está ahí y me levanta y me dice animo hijo estoy con
tigo mi mano te sostiene, en cada iglesia que voy conozco personas bellas y
amables y dios a cambiado sus vidas como a mi gracias a dios y a ustedes por
esta oportunidad de estar aquí. DIOS LOS BENDIGA
^^ bendiciones hermano