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Jairito and Leiky |
Hello, my name is
Jairito and I want to share with you a story about my friend, Leiky.
Leiky’s dad and his
mum do not get along very well. One day, Leiky’s mum went to church with all of
his brothers and sisters. Leiky thought that the church was beautiful. When they
got home, his dad was there and he was very mad because he did not know where
his mum and family had been.
His dad was so mad
that he grabbed an iron bar and hit his mum on the hand really hard with it.
His mum then went into the living room and started to cry. She screamed at his
dad, and when the dad walked into the room is mum was in, he was really mad and
said to her “ If you keep on crying, I am going to hit you and kill you.”
She couldn’t stop
crying or screaming, so the dad was going to hit her, but then his sister got
in the way and yelled “If you hit her, I am going to call the police!” In the end he did not hit her but they did get
a divorce. Leiky’s dad has done terrible things to his mother.
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Sezni, Myron & Leiky |
This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.
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hola me llamo jairito les quiero contar la historia de mi amigo leiskis
su papa y su mama no se llavan bien, pero un dia su mama fue ala
iglesia con todos sus hermanos y el pues dice que la iglesia estaba
pero cuando llego a su casa con su mama su papa estaba ahi y muy
enojado por que no sabia donde andaba su mama y el, y su papa estaba
enojado que agarro una barra de hierro y le pego en la mano muy fuerte
y despues
su mama se fue para la sala de la casa y esta llorando y gritando y su
papa se puso muy
enojado y le dice si sigue llorando te voy a pegar y te voy a matar y
entoces su mama no dejaba
de llorar y gritar y entoces su papa le hiva a pegar pero su hermana se
metio y le dijo que si la
golpeaba le hiva a echar ala policia entoces su papa no le pego pero al
fin se divorciaron pero antes de esta historia dice mi amigo que ya le habia
echo muchas cosas malas a su mama
asta donde an yegado ustedes