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Saturday, October 19, 2013

POST by ABEN: Lorenzy's Dreams Come True

Aben riding his pony

This is a story about my friend Lorenzy Brien. The first time I met Lorenzy was at a mall with my friend. Her and her family went to the mall to see a Nicaraguan folklore dance presentation. After watching the Nica show, the Brien family went to a restaurant to eat and that is where something awesome happened.

They met two boys that were doing flips in front of the restaurant that they were at and they saw something spectacular. She saw how those boys jumped and flipped very well and so Lorenzy’s family and her got out of their seats and said “oh wow thats incredible!” and at the moment that those guys were leaving because security were kicking them out, her dad and Lorenzy’s sister went after them.

Before the boys left, the Brien family approached them to chat about their fantastic gymnastics abilities. They did not have jobs and they were looking for jobs and Lorenzys dad asked them if they wanted a job at her dad’s house to teach the kids in their community and school. Her dad had even seen the boys on youtube because the boys would upload videos to the internet of themselves doing the sport, “tricking.” (a modern street form of gymnastics with martial arts)

Lorenzy’s dad would pray every day, asking God to help him find the boys and God heard his prayers. It was a miracle that Lorenzy’s dad found the boys.

Now she feels very happy because there are kids that are searching for God that they are helping. Her sister and the people their family have taken from the streets, and herself, have now formed a group to serve God. They are taking a message that is about good choices and bad choices and that only God can save us, to the World.

Today Lorenzy is even happier, because before she met us she only had like seven people in her family and now she has like 20 people. She thanks God because now the Christian group, the Nicavangelists, have fourteen missionaries in the troupe, and they are helping people in the World that have lost their way. Now the word of God is going to other countries, so that other people may find salvation in a loving God.

Aben, Jonny & Lorenzy in transit

 This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.

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To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)

If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE

We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page, Contemplating SUPPORTINGsomething significant?

To learn more about our home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE

la historia de mi amiga lorenzy brien; la primera vez que la lorenzy conocio a dos chicos fue en un centro comercial ella y su familia,havian llegado ahi para ver una actuacion de un baile nicaraguense llamado folklor.despues de ahi ella y la familia brien fueron aun restaurante a comer y ahi paso lo genial ,conocio  a dos chicos que giraban ahi  en frente de ese restaurante  y ahi vieron algo espectacular.
Ella miraba como esos dos chicos brincaban y giraban muy bien y ella y su familia se lenvantaron de sus sillas y dijieron ho wow que increible,y al momento de que esos dos chicos se iban por que el personal de seguridad estaba sacando alos chicos,su papa y la hermana de lorenzy fueron detras de ellos  antes de que se fueran ,para hablar con ellos dos sobre de que la habilidad que tenian era inpresionante esos dos chicos, no tenian trabajo y andaban en busca de trabajo el papa hablo con ellos que si querian trabajo en su casa de ensenar  en su orgonisacion de ayudar ala comunidad el increible mente los habia visto en youtube por que esos chicos subian sus propios videos ala red.

el papa de lorenzi horaba todos los dias pidiendo adios encontrarlos a esos chicos y dios lo escucho por que fue un milagro haberlos encontrado .

ahora ella se siente muy feliz por que ahora hay mas ninos buscando los caminos de dios,
por que ella,su hermana, y esos chicos hasta hoy en dia forman un grupo de dios llevando una ensenanza donde el mensaje refleja que la maldad y la oscuridad que hay en este mundo solo dios   puede  salvarnos.

y hoy en dia esta mas contenta por que ahora en su familia despues , de 7 personas que heran ahora son como 20 en su familia y da gracias a dios por que ahora el grupo cristiano capital on the edge es ahora de trece misioneros buscando almas perdidas para dio nuestro unico salvador y ahora el mensaje  de dios va llegando mas, y mas a muchos lugares del mundo .

para mas salvacion

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