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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

POST by JONNY: Bad Boys

Lorenzy and Jonny at Niagara Falls (Canada in the background)

This story is about a cousin of mine, Chepe.

A year ago, my cousin Chepe had a friend named Kalero. In the past, they were very good friends and they did a lot of fun things together. However at that time, my cousin did not know that Kalero had bad friends and because of those 'friends' Chepe was at risk of getting into trouble. Kalero had a lot of enemies that wanted to kill him and Chepe’s mum always told him not to hang out with Kalero, because he could get into a lot of trouble. Yet still, Chepe never listened to his mother.

Making your own decisions…

After my cousin, Chepe, saw what Kalero did, he wanted to do it too, so that he could feel cool. But he did not know that he was actually destroying his life. My other cousin named Ricardo, also decided to do what his brother, Chepe, did. Together with Kalero, they formed a gang that went around stealing things. When they made that 'gang', they started robbing people in the streets. Their soul purpose was to obtain things that did not belong to them.

Grief and hopelessness of the mother...

Chepe’s mum did not know that her kids did not attend school anymore. She also did not know that they were doing bad things and that they were hurting a lot of innocent people. One day, the Police arrived and they were looking for Chepe and Ricardo. Their mum asked the police why they were looking for her sons, and what they had done. The police responded with, "Your two kids have robbed a lot of people and we have been ordered to arrest them.

When my aunt found out what was happening with her kids, she became very angry because of what they had been doing. At night, when my cousins came home, my aunt was really mad and she asked them why they were in a gang that robbed people. My cousins did not say anything. They just lowered their heads and did not respond.

Notes of hopelessness

With time, my cousins and Kalero accepted many more people into their gang. With every day that passed, they were even more fearsome. Everyone who lived in their community were scared of the gang, because they were afraid that they would be robbed and killed.

After a big robbery incident that my cousins did, the Police went after every member of the gang and captured Ricardo and Kalero. When the Police had caught them, they told their family to come in and see them. When my aunt found out about the arrests, she felt really bad because she’d just wanted her kids to study and be hugely successful people in life, but with everything that was happening, she just wanted to see her kids - but couldn’t.


After three weeks, the day of my cousin’s court appearance came and my aunt was desperate. She asked God for everything to turn out fine in court. Ricardo and Kalero did not have anything to say to defend their actions before the judge. After my cousins had finished talking about the allegations, the judge made the decision to give Ricardo four years in prison and Kalero, eight years. Kalero received a longer sentence because he’d gotten into more trouble than Ricardo.

Reuniting years later…

After six years, my cousins saw Kalero again, but everything was different now because Ricardo did not want to do those bad things anymore and Chepe only desired to keep studying. Kalero was the only one that felt really bad, because when he got out of jail his mum had passed away after a battle with cancer.

Three months passed and one Saturday, it was Chepe’s birthday. He had invited Kalero to have some beer and Kalero said "Sure." After being at the bar for two hours Chepe said to Kalero "We should leave now” and Kalero agreed, "Yeah, let’s go."

Kalero and Chepe were walking along the street when they bumped into some guys that had previously had problems with Kalero. The men stopped the boys and said to Kalero, "Do you remember us?" Kalero didn’t respond and lowered his head. The men pulled out guns and started to shoot Kalero up and down his body. Chepe just stood there helplessly, watching them kill his best friend.

After three months Chepe became a Christian and now lives for God.

Thank you for reading my story and God bless you.

This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.

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Jonny performing in CREATED at Maranatha Assembly in Chicago

Esta historia se trata sobre un primo mio que se llama chepe .
Hace 1 años mi primo chepe tenia un amigo  que se llamaba Kalero que en el pasado eran muy buenos amigos y hacian muchas cosas con las cuales  ellos se divertian a lo grande , pero en ese tiempo mi primo no sabia que kalero tenia malas amistades y que por tener esa amista chepe podria tener muchos problemas ya que , kalero tenia muchos enemigo los cuales lo querian matar y la mama de Chepe siempre le decia que no andubiera con kalero porque podria tener muchos problemas , pero Chepe nunca le iso caso .
desciciones por su propia cuenta
Despues de que mi primo Chepe miraba lo que kalero hacia el lo queria hacer para creerse muy grande pero no sabia que se  estaba destruyendo la vida . y mi otro primo que se llama Ricardo sigio a su hermano tambien en lo que hacia y junto con kalero icieron una pandia un grupo de ladrones . cuando ellos formaron ese grupo pandilleros ellos comensaron a rrobar en las calles en las casa y solo querian tener lo que no era de ellos .
Afliccion y decesperacion de la mama.
La mama de Chepe y Ricardo no sabian que sus hijos no sabian que ellos se habian salido de el colegio y tanpoco sabia que sus hijos estavana haciendo lo malo y que estavan iriendo a muchas personas ynosentes . Pero un dia yego la Policia buscando a Ricardo y Chepe y la mama de ellos le dijo a los Policia que porque los andaba buscando que que habian echo ellos ? Y los Policia le repondieron . Sus dos hijos an echos muchos robos y tenemos orden para cacturarlo y echarlos preso . Cuando mi tia sedio cuenta de todo lo que estava pasando con sus hijos ella se puso muy mal por lo sucedido . Luego por la noche yegaron mis primos a la casa de mi tia y mi tia estaba muy enojada y les comenso a reclamar que porque estaban haciendo todo eso ? y mis primos no decian nada solo abajavana la caveza y no respondieron .
Noticias de desperacion .
Despues de que mis primos y kalero seguian haciendo mas grande el grupo de bago. ellos cada dia eran mas temibles por toda una poblacion entera astaque las personas no querian salir de sus casa por temor a que les robarano los mataran . luego de un gran robo que mis primos y sus amigos habian echo luego la policia comenso una gran persecucion a todos los que pertenecian a la pandilla y despues de la persecucion la Policia pudo cacturar a Ricardo y a kalero y cuando los cacturaron le dieron aviso a los familiares para que yegaran averlos y cuando mi tia sedio cuenta de todo lo que estava pasando ella se sentia muy mal porque ella solo queria que sus hijos fueran estudiados y que fueran unas grandes personas en la vida pero con todo lo que estava pasando ella solo queria ver a sus hijos y no podia .
Despues de 3 semanas yego el dia de la condenacion y mi tia  estaba decesperada y solo pedia a Dios que todo saliera muy bien en el jusgando . Cuando yego la hora de escuchar la culpavilidad y los cargos que tenia Ricardo y kalero ellos no tenian escusas ni ninguna defensa para poder decir que eran inosente e todos los cargos que se les a cusaban . Y luego de que ya habian terminado de hablar sobre las acusaciones yego la desicion de el jues . Y la respuesta de el jues fue darle a ricardo 4 años de pricion y a calero 6 años ya que kalero tenia mas problemas .
Años despues se reencuetran .
Despues de 6 anos mis primos bolbieron a encontrarse con kalero  . Pero todo era muy diferente porque Ricardo ya no queria seguir haciendo lo malo y chepe solo queria seguir estudiando y kalero era el unico que se sentia muy mal , porque al salir de la carcel sedio cuenta de que su mama habia muerto de canser . Y haci pasaron los 3 meces de que kalero habia nacido y un dia savado Chepe estaba cumpliendo año y chepe inbito a kalero a unas cervesas y kalero le dijo que que estava muy bien que fueran . Y luego de estar 2 horas en el bar en el cual estaban tomando alchol Chepe le dijo a kalero ya tenemos que irnos ala casa y kalero le respondio . Si esta bien vamonos y cuando ellos iban caminando unos hombres que tenian problemas con kalero en el pasado y los hombres los pararon y le dijieron a kalero te a cuerdas de mi kalero y kalero solo abajo la caveza y los hombre le comensaron a disparar en todo su cuerpo y en la caveza y Chepe estaba mirando como matavan a su mejor amigo . despues de 3 meces de lo susedido chepe se iso cristiano y ahora solo quiere vivir para dios .
Gracia por leer uno de mis testimonios muchas gracias .
Dios los bendiga .

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