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Thursday, October 10, 2013

POST by YADER: Dengue, Diabetes and the Doctor

Yader & his Grandmother (Mum)

Hello my name is Yader. The story that I’m going to share with you is about my Mum.

One day my Mum wasn't feeling really good, but she always says that she is fine so we don't worry about her. But that same day my Mum went to the kitchen to cook and she fainted. Everyone became sad and worried, so we took her to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital, the medical staff took her immediately to the observation area and took care of her. Two hours went by and the doctor came out and told us that she needed to stay in the hospital because they needed to keep a close eye on her as she had contracted Dengue Fever. They said that if she went home she could most certainly die.

After three days we went to visit her in the hospital and the doctor told us that my Mum was still really very sick and had a lot of medical problems. I asked the doctor what the issues were and the doctor said she had low blood pressure and possibly diabetes.

We spent a lot of time praying for her, believing that she could get better and thanks to God my Mum was able to recover bit by bit. Some time later the doctors let my Mum come home.

Thanks to God my Mum’s health has gotten so much better with time, and we continue asking God to keep her healthy.

I hope you liked my little story. Thanks for reading it. God bless you today!

Yader boarding TACA bound for Miami with our Nicavangelists Team

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This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.  

Hola mi nombre es Yader  la historia que les contare es aserca de mi mama .
 un dia mi amma se sentia mal pero como siempre ella decia que estaba bien para que no nos preocuparamos , pero hece mismo dia mi mama se fue a cosinar y a si y derepente se desmallo y todos nos pusimos muy mal y lo primero que hicimos fue trasladarla al hospital .
Cuando yegamos al hospital integraron de inmediatamente a mi mama a oxcerbacion y luedo de esperar por 2 horas salio el Doctor y nos dijo de que ella se tenia que quedar porque necesitaba estar en oxerbacion    porque tenia dengue . y no podia estar a la interperie porque podria yagarar amorir .
Luego de 3 dias fuimos al hospital y el Doctor nos dijo de que mi mama esta muy mal y que tenia mas sintomas , y yo le pregunte cuales eran ? y el me dijo que tenia la precion baja y la asucar alterada .
Y pasamos mucho tiempo horando a Dios para que mi mama pudiera recuperarce y gracias a Dios mi mama se pudo alibiarse un poco y los Doctores la dieron de alta .
Gracias a dios mi mama a tenido mejora en su salud , y seguimos pidiendo a diario que que mi mama este muy bien  .
espero lesguste mi historia gracias por leerla .


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