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Stivey mucking around in the Ohio Valley |
Hello my name is
Eliezer and this time I am going to tell you a story about Stiven’s family
My friend Stiven is a
funny, nice, and very good friend but like everyone, he has a lot of problems
in his life.
Stivens aunt, named
Luisa, is a very kind and humble lady. She had a son named Jonathan and he was
19 years old. He was Stiven’s best friend but he had a problem with drugs and
alcohol. He would always be with people that were involved in gangs and he
would not listen to his mum.
About four years ago,
around Easter time, Luisa decided to take a trip to the beach with her family.
They decided to rent a mini bus that would make the trips to the beach,
together with others from the community who also wanted to go. She did not know
that it would be one of the worst trips of her life. The day of the trip,
everyone was really excited, but the day before Jonathan had had a fight with
his mum. He was high on drugs and acting crazily.
The time to go to the
beach had arrived and Jonathan was mad at his mum. He went to Stiven and told
him what had happened with his mum and Stiven pleaded him to not be mad with
her. He gave him an idea to ask for forgiveness but Jonathan didn’t want to so
he did not listen to him and he went to
the back of the minibus and started to drink alcohol.
When they got to the
beach, Jonathan got into a fight with his mum but this time he went too far and
he hit her with a bottle of alcohol that he had in his hand. Her head started
to bleed and she started to cry and so Jonathan ran away.
Jonathan’s mum asked
Stiven to go and look for him with the help of other people and so they
searched for him for two hours. When they finally found him, he was on the
rocks where the waves were crashing down.
When Jonathan saw the
search party, he jumped off the edge of the rocks calling out “Sorry mum” and
he died. The waves cut his body in half. It was impossible to get him out. Even
a police boat tried to get him out but failed.
Stiven was really
upset because Jonathan was his best friend and he did not know how to tell
Jonathan’s mum because it would be difficult for her to take.
Stivey’s experience shows
us that addictions and bad company make us do stuff that we might regret. Thank
you for reading my story.
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Stivey playing "God" in CREATED. Francesca, Eliezer, Aben, Lorenzy and Jonny in background |
This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.
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Hola mi nombre es Eliezer esta ves les vengo a contar una historia que
le sucedio a un familiar de mi amigo stiven
mi amigo stiven es un chico gracioso amable i muy buen amigo pero como
todo chico pobre de nicaragua tiene muchos problemas en su vida .
Ase aproccimadamente 4 a;os la tia de stiven llamada luisa era una
se;ora mui hamable y muy humilde ella tenia un hijo llamado jonathan el tenia
19 a;os y era el mejor amigo de stiven pero tenia un fuerte problema de drogas
y alcool el siempre se mantenia con personas de pandias i no le asia caso a su
En semana santa do;a luisa desidio aser un viaje para ir ala playa con
su familia pero como no tenian suficiente dinero tubo que alquilar un auto
bus que iba a aser el recorido con
alluda de personas de la comunidad
pero sin saber que ese viaje iba a ser uno de los peores de su vida el
dia de el viaje estaban todos
emosionados pero un dia antes jonatan abia tenido una discucion con su mama el
andaba drogado y estaba como loco .
llego la hora de ir ala playa i jonatan estaba enojado con su mama se
aserco a stiven i le conto lo que abia pasado con su mama stiven le pidio que
no estubiera enojado le dio una idesa
para pedirle perdon a su mama pero jonatan no estaba conforme asi que no le iso
caso i se fue a tomar licor en la parte de atras de el auto bus .
cuando llegaron a la playa jonatan bolbio a discutir con su mama pero
esta bes llego mui lejos el la golpio con una botella de licor que tenia en la
mano i le rajo la cabesa el comenso a llorar i salio coriendo
la mama le pidio a stiven que lo fuera a buscar con alluda de otro
amigo pasaron 2 oras cuando alfin lo miraron en unas rocas donde pegan las olas
cuando nos bio se lanso i grito “perdon mama” el murio. las olas le destroso la
mitad de el cuerpo i fue imposible sacarlo asta que llego una lancha de la
policia a sacarlo stiven estaba destrosado porque era su mejor amigo i el no
sabia como desirselo a su mama iba a ser un golpe mui fuerte para ella .
Esto nos ense;a que los bisios i las malas compa;ia nos lleban a
cometer cosas que delas cuales nos arepentimos i el cometio malas con su mama
el un ser querido que debemos respetar i querer .
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