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Capital on the Edge, performing at Davis Christian Assembly |
It’s always tops to
start on a good note and that’s literally what happened for us at the beginning
of Californian tour, week four.
Davis Christian
Assembly PUT ON the RITZ for our troupe, measuring us from head to toe and
later giving us gifts of brand new clothes and shoes. Quite necessary, and
completely welcomed. In fact, as I type this post, I look down with fond
memories at my fancy-pants, Jarman shoes – so comfy!
The Church made sure
that every meal was a spread fit for royalty with pastries, fruit and coffee
for breakfast, and every tantilising delight available in mountainous form, for
din-dins. My mouth was watering, at all times, on account of savoury and sweet
fumes wafting throughout the building.
They drove us around
their gnarly little town, from east to west and north to south, without any
concern for the cost of gasoline or their own time.
They cut our hair,
gave us tips for our production, helped with marketing our tour, loaded us up
with cash and counseled, BOY DID THEY COUNSEL us!
Liz was treated to day-spa
appointments, our girls were taken out for ice cream, the Brien boys went on
play-dates and this little compilation I’ve delivered now, doesn’t even scratch
the surface of their nonstop give-a-thon!
They prayed over our
boys one-by-one, wrote letters and spoke with immigration officials on our
behalf, organised covert evangelism events in public schools, universities and
secular places we shouldn’t have dared step foot in.
They showed us every
Christian kindness, with grace, mercy, compassion and unity, and all out of a Jesus-heart
for their world – they were love to us. We’d come to be a blessing and
whaddayaknow? The tables had been ferociously overturned!
And so from the very
start, we knew that Davis Christian Assembly had our backs. Sunday morning was
a great way to start our week, with Church consisting of prayer in small
groups, praise and worship that was not trying to go somewhere super-dooper, but
rather just focused on praising Jesus, and touching God’s heart, and then we
performed our street theatre production, "Created."
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Capital on the Edge, performing at Davis Christian Assembly |
Our troupe was
magnificent: high energy, correct form, good acting, the works. The Church was
very supportive and really gave the boys something to get excited about. There
were small bloopers, there always are, but nobody made mention and all was
simply groovy-baby.
Pastor Jonathan,
you’ve never met anyone like him. Quirky/hilarious sense of humour, strong
leadership ability, musically talented, gifted speaker, hands-on approach,
Greek ancestory, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, a businessman, husband and father
to a beautiful family, a true pastor’s heart – I s’pose he really was an all-round
AWESOME bloke…
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Pastor Jonathan, left, with the lads of Capital on the Edge |
And Bensie – Darling
Bentz! The girl who dances in your shadow, always making certain that EYES are
permanently dotted and TEAS are forever dashed, never seeking the spotlight and
so articulate. She makes everything beautiful and the wheels definitely go
round, not on account of anyone’s great work, but because she’s there pushing
that bandwagon with everything she’s got! (and possibly with her darling little
kiddies watching on!)
Bentz, an incredible
exemplification of the love of God! This gal was the BEST communicator for us, from
the Church’s side, of our entire Californian trip. So much thanks goes to this
Treasure Pot, for all she did to make our lives simply Heavenly…
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Bensie, far left, with (mostly) Capital on the Edge |
But, I’m still not
doing this Church justice. And why? Well because it’s a bargain basement,
two-for-one jobby! They have a Spanish arm, which is more like a foot!
Again you ask “Why?”
Because, during the week the Spanish Church utilises every inch of that Davis
Christian Assembly building, pacing up and down it’s corridors, and walking
around and around that Church’s sanctuary room, praying into the Heavenlies and
giving praise, worship and all glory to God.
So at 2pm we enjoyed the
Spanish service. The music had a gigantic
wow-factor attachment (saxophone and all!), and the announcements almost
sounded like a sermon - lots of gusto and fanfare, totally Latino – I was in
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Spanish Church at the Davis Christian Assembly |
Then once again we
presented our street theatre production, though on this occasion we were down 3
people. No matter, the crew soldiered on...
In the evening the Spanish
Pastors, from Guadalajara no less, cooked up a storm and we all ate lots of
great food. I told the boys to savour every mouthful, unaware that these kinds
of meals were to be the norm for the entire week.
After our feed, the
Latino pastors graciously took us to their homes where we each were able to have
a well needed shower – two performances in one day – peeeeeYOUUUU!
We were also prayed
over for about the 10th time that day and what a hoot! The lads have
experienced Spanish prayer meetings and English prayer meetings, but never the
both together. In fact, some of the second generation Latinos from Davis, prayed
in both languages within the confines of the one prayer – ha ha SENSATIONAL! We
had a good laugh – it was TOPS!
More presents of lotions
and bathing stuff, and we were then brought home for a great night of R&R.
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Spanish Pastors (The Montoys) |
Now my old childhood
pal from YWAM, Laura Larson (then "Rediger"), did a bit of a brag
about the Davis Christian Assembly before we came to the pretty inland town (she
used to attend the Church in her husband’s masters days). However, I was like
“yeah, yeah, I’m sure it’s probably the best Church in the World.” (not really
believing her…)
But truly, it may not
be the BEST Church in the World, but it’s most certainly in the top 10, and
considering there has to be some 10,000,000,000,000 Churches on Planet Earth,
I’d have to say, and I’m no mathematician - so correct me if I’m wrong, that
Davis Christian Assembly is in the TOP 1 percentile band of Best Churches in the
World. That being said, I’d also like to go so far as saying that I think they’d
probably make the TOP 1 percentile band of the Best Churches in the entire
The following morning
we were up at the crack of dawn and off to an elementary school in downtown
Davis. The school we visited had implemented a Spanish Immersion program, which
I thought meant that it was an educational institution for Mexican kids,
desirous of acquiring the English language. Nuppo muchachos, incorrecto. Other
way around.
The kids at this
school were everyday American kids (African American, White, Asian, 3rd/4th
generation Latinos) whose parents thought it would be beneficial for their
children to learn in Spanish.
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Jed & Capital on the Edge, in an American public school |
Hence, the kids were being
completely immersed in the Spanish language and learning it really quickly, suffering
only a wee bit of English instruction per day. The kids at this school were fully
Anyway, the point of my
story is that we were able to perform for 50 minutes, in two assemblies, in a
CALIFORNIAN PUBLIC SCHOOL! To-date, this has not been possible. But I’m here to
tell you that con Dios, no hay nada impossible!!!
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Capital on the Edge performing in a Californian public school |
I had a ripper of a
time, stepping back into an American School, and was able to freely share the
Gospel message through our street theatre production. We had the kids and
teachers singing praise songs, were able to invite kids to other venues to see
the production again with their families, and generally had a hum-dinger of a
good time!
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The kids of an American public school, sat still, sang loudly, and applauded with all of their might |
Of course there were a
few tears, but only from tincy-wincy kids who were afraid of the Devil (Jonny, otherwise
known as Bad Choices), and Stivey.
In our street theatre
production, Stivey gets REALLY angry and taunts his audience. We hadn’t prepped
Stivey, assuming he would not go up to 6 year old kids and eye-ball them,
smacking his fist.
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Stivey, eye-balling his audience |
Funny thing to me is,
he didn’t think the little preciouses would be scared! Most Nicaraguan kids
would laugh, having already been exposed to all sorts of horror, gore and
physical abuse, and from the earliest of ages.
Our boys were really
touched too, being able to come in as “teachers” to American kids. The little
darlings looked up to our big boys because of their excellent Spanish language
skills and athletic ability. And so the relationships blossomed, as did the
dialogue in Español.
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The boys, with their adoring fans... |
Every bit of thanks to
Elaine, from Davis Christian Assembly. This woman was NOTHING SHORT of
phenomenal. She organised the public school events, offered us her home,
organised for us to meet the director of Acquire the Fire, and nearly matched
the Church’s love offering! She knew we needed the help (and we did – thank you
And so, after the
performances, Elaine hosted our boys at her house. They were blessed by being
able to sit in a spa for two hours, and desperately needed it due to our
mounting injury tally – by now we’d been on the road for three and a half
weeks, and the boys were getting sore and injured, mostly because they didn’t
warm up or cool down properly – there’s only a certain amount that caring
benefactors can say/do. At some stage, the boys needed to take ownership of
their own bodies! Bah, the youth of today… ha ha
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Thank you Elaine for the spa... Relaxed bodies ALL around! |
In the evening the
Church facilitated a time of openness and brokenness with both the Spanish and
English speaking Pastors. It was something else. They prayed for every one of
our boys and even Lorenzy. Their words of prophecy were completely SPOT on!
Pastor Jonathan prayed
that Lorenzy would be able to maintain her innocence. You have no idea how
difficult it is as parents of teenage girls, to welcome teenage boys into your
home. We do it, because we believe that God wants us to do this work for him.
However, pastor after
pastor questioned us on this. “First God, then your family, then your ministry.”
They all say the same thing. It’s not Biblical. It fits in with our selfish
Western lives, but it isn’t Biblical. How would that philosophy have worked for
Jesus? For Moses? For Abraham? No, serving the Lord is an honour, and we do it
together. Our work is not a burden, it’s a privilege.
With God first,
everything else will fall into the correct order. But, we do need to be wise.
And this is where Elizabeth and I have fallen short, because we’re human – yet,
that’s not an acceptable excuse, either. And therefore, it was ABSOLUTELY
AWESOME to hear Pastor Jonathan pray over Lorenzy, speaking words of truth and
encouragement into her heart. She’s a changed girl! And for the better…
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Lorenzy LOVES to dance - and she does it with ALL of her heart |
They prayed that Stivey
would realise how precious he is to God. Stivey has about a hundred brothers.
He is loved by his family, but he’s not special to anyone. He’s special to us,
but he doesn’t know that. We try to show him and tell him, but he doesn’t hear
us. He’s so used to not being special, that he’s sort of immuned to words or
actions of specialness towards him. Stivey was touched, really touched.
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Stivey, the special one... (of many) |
They prayed that Rene
would find his strength in God. Rene was sold by his parents. He’s ALWAYS had
to fend for himself and fight in order to get ahead. Rene doesn’t trust anyone
and is in a sense, “self-made.” This word was 100% spot-on.
They prayed that Yordy
and Jonny would know that they are loved.
Yordy’s Dad left him
at the moment he was born. He came back with a stack-load of presents when
Yordy was eight years old – all the dads in Nicaragua do this. “I love you, I’m
sorry…” They all say the same thing, like they’ve read it from the same script.
Yordy started smoking Marijuana at this time – the hole in his heart just too
great a magnitude...
Yordy’s mum, we
believe, is a prostitute. She has lived with him for a total of 3 months in his
entire life. She currently resides in Costa Rica.
Yordy’s first job,
before he was ten years old, was to kill cows and cut off their heads.
We consider Yordy to
be our son. Just a couple of weeks ago, Yordy cut himself. It all comes back to
love. “Don’t you care that I have blood all over me?” he wrote to Liz,
desperate for a display of affection from her.
Yordy has attempted
suicide countless times. I have spoken thousands of words of love, have shown
him fatherly physical love, have doted on him. It’s almost worthless. He needs
to know his Heavenly Father’s love for him. Praise God for Pastor Jon’s words…
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Jose, Elizabeth and Yordy |
Jonny’s family lived in
a seriously rough neighbourhood, dominated by gangs. His father was an
alcoholic and ruled with an iron fist. Jonny has never touched any drugs or
alcohol for fear of his father’s wrath.
When I first met Jonny’s
father, I made him laugh, but even I could tell that his face nearly cracked. “Gosh”
said Jonny when he got in the car, “I’ve never seen my dad smile before.” Jonny
has a parent, but he lacks a father. Jonny’s father is now busy with another
woman and a new adorable little bub – and so the cycle of poverty continues.
Jonny doesn’t know love.
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Sezni & Jonny performing |
They prayed that Yader
would keep chasing God. This was cool, because he’d been deeply impacted when
the pastor’s of a Baptist Church in El Salvador had taken off our shoes and
washed our feet. They’d prophesied over us. They gave Yader their own, very
well used, Bible.
Yet, since arriving in
the USA, we’d also somehow arrived in attitude city. We’d had several run-ins
with Yader, he’s terribly proud and never admits fault – that’s quite an
obstacle for a missionary. Breakthrough time for Yader!
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Yader |
They prayed that
Beycker would know that he is not the answer to people’s problems. Beycker’s
Dad is a terrible man. He is a lawyer and attends Nicaragua’s biggest church –
an Assemblies of God Church. My very own denomination! However, Beycker’s Dad
has two different sets of children, from who knows how many women (it’s not
just 2 as previously though). He has a girlfriend, and brags to his son that
his girlfriend is younger than Beycker! He visits prostitutes regularly.
Beycker’s Dad, as I
write this, is trying to evict Beycker’s mother, the mother of his children,
from her house. Beycker’s father charges his mother rent. I cannot, as a
Christian fellow, tell you how cross Beycker’s Dad makes me.
Please pray for Liz,
at the moment Beycker’s Dad is furious with us. Many reasons there, but the
main thing is that we support his mother, and have gone to lengths to make sure
that she is safe and cared for. Her, a mere woman, the garbage of Nicaraguan
Woops, lost the point
of my story. Beycker is the go-between for everyone in his family and their
problems with each other. Poor lad, he cannot shake the shackle.
I’m telling you, the
Pastors of Davis Christian Assembly were SPOT ON with EVERY WORD that came out
of their mouths. Lizzie and I sat there and just watched and laughed.
INCREDIBLE! They were specific, without a word wasted. Usually I “oh yeah, sure”
these types of moments. But as I knew, for a fact, that they had no idea about
these lads, I could do nothing but sit there in stunned amazement. God, using
Davis Christian Assembly, to affect the lives of nothing-people, who were somehow
going places (and fast).
Then the food… Of
course, the food… I thought I’d died and gone straight to Guadalajara… The
Mexicans cooked up YET ANOTHER storm and the youth, intercessors and pastors
just kept pouring into our boys, filling them up with food, prayers, wisdom,
love, etc. It was INCREIBLE! I’m telling you, Davis Christian Assembly –
remember that name. It mightn’t be in this life, but you’ll DEFINITELY be
hearing about them again….
Please watch the following clip of a Davis Christian Assembly super-star. This kid was encouraged by our dance troupe and is going to do GREAT things for his Jesus. Just watch and see...
If you would like to learn more about our ministry, please watch our latest update,CLICK HERE
If you would like to learn more about who our Nica-Youths are, or to support them, please visit their page, SUPPORT Nica-Talent
To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)
If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE
We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page, Contemplating SUPPORTING something significant?
To learn more about Davis Christian Assembly, please CLICK HERE
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