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Yordy working hard on his BLOG POST |
Since I was 8 years of age, I thought bad thoughts which were caused by the people around me. I thought that my life did not mean anything, that friends did not truly exist, because the friends that I had would just fill my head with bad thoughts.
They showed me how to do bad things. When people would try to help me, I always tried to make their life a living hell. I did not trust anybody.
My family turned their back on me and I never had love that a kid should get when they are that age. Everything that happened every day would just make it worse. I would cry with hatred for all people, mainly my family and my so called ‘friends’ that would laugh at me when they saw what would happen to me.
I was around 8 or 9 years old and living on the streets. I smoked marijuana since I was little. I would go and rob people with an ex-friend. I was lost on the streets.
I had dangerous jobs like killing cows. I would cut their heads off and then take their skin off. It was not a pretty sight. It was an experience I will never forget. I would earn just enough to eat, even though some days I would not eat.
I was exposed to death in everything that I did. I also had problems with depression because I knew that no one would give their life for me. The main problem for me at that time of my life was that I was so close to committing suicide by jumping in front of a moving car. However, I thank God because he gave me the strength to keep on moving forward.
Today I am alive because of the grace of God. When I accepted Jesus into my heart, my life changed. He showed me how to live life through him. My point is that it does not matter who is with you, it does not matter how many bad things have happened to you, if you have done something bad it is your turn to ask God to forgive you and show you how to live a life with him, the only true source of happiness.
Your life will be real and I invite you to give your problems to Jesus.
Brother, if Jesus came to die for us on Earth, it was not so that we could suffer. He has a purpose for each and every one of us. Believe me, everyone has a marvelous place in Heaven - but stop thinking about yourself. Help people that need it, give your love to other people.
God bless you, Amen!
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This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.
This story was translated by Lorenzy and edited by Jed.
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Yordy, one clever tricker |
Vida sin sentido.
Desde que tenía 8 años tenía malos pensamientos por causa de las personas de mí alrededor, yo pensaba que la vida no significaba nada, pensaba que los amigos no existían, porque los que tenía me llenaban la cabeza de malos pensamientos, me decían como hacer cosas malas. Cuando alguien llegaba y me quería ayudar yo siempre trataba de agredir su vida, no tenía confianza en nadie.
Mi familia me daba la espalda, Nunca tuve el amor que un niño a esa edad debía tener, todo lo que iba pasando cada día me afectaba más y más, lloraba con rencor hacia todas las personas más mi familia y los que decían ser mis amigos se reían de mí, al ver lo que me pasaba.
Tenía como 8 o 9 años y estaba viviendo en la calle, fumaba marihuana desde que era un niño, solía robar a las personas con un ex amigo, estaba perdido en las calles.
Tuve trabajos muy peligrosos como matar vacas yo les cortaba la cabeza para después quitarle todo era muy feo, una experiencia inolvidable, ganaba lo suficiente para comer, aunque a veces no comía.
Estaba expuesto a la muerte en todo lo que hacía, también tenía problemas de depresión al saber que nadie daba la vida por mí, la mayor parte del tiempo de mi vida estuve cerca de cometer auto suicidio pero le agradezco mucho a dios porque él me dio las fuerzas para seguir adelante.
Hoy en día estoy vivo por la gracia de dios, cuando lo acepte en mi corazón mi vida se volvió diferente, me enseno a gozar la vida, mi punto de este tema es que no importa quien este contigo, no importa cuántas cosas malas que te han pasado en la vida, si has hecho algo malo es tu turno para pedirle a dios que te perdone y te haga gozar y sentir que solo con el eres realmente feliz tu vida será muy real te invito a que entregues tus problemas a Jesús. Hermano si Jesús vino a morir a la tierra por nosotros, no fue para que sufriéramos él tiene un propósito para cada uno de nosotros y créanme todos tenemos un lugar maravilloso en el cielo pero deja de pensar en ti, más bien ayuda a las personas que lo necesitan dale amor a tu prójimo Dios te bendiga. AMEN
Fue bueno para leer su historia, estoy tan contenta de que con la ayuda de Dios que ha sido capaz de continuar con su vida. Rezo para que Dios continúa sanar su corazón y usarte para Su reino.