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Jose, of Capital on the Edge, flying with Taca |
My mum’s childhood was one of the cruelest experiences that I have ever heard of. Everything started when she was just 8 years old. My grandmother got together with a man who wanted to abuse my mum. He would tell her to leave the house and he would not give her anything to eat. My mum told my grandmother about it all, but she did not believe that she did not have a normal childhood.
My mum escapes her parents’ house:
Every time my grandfather told her to leave the house, she would sleep on the streets and would be really hungry and would suffer. She decided to escape all the suffering and abuse.
Relationship of my mum and dad:
My mum ran away from her house at the age of 10. She had a boyfriend who is my dad. He gave her a place to stay and they lived together. He was 19 years old and my mum was only 11.
Abuse to my mum:
After a while, my mum became pregnant. She was only 13 years old. She bore her first son, my first brother, who died. This death affected my mum a heap. At the age of 14, she had me.
Then my dad started to change and he would hit her and treat her bad. There were a lot of times where he would grab her hair and pull her across the room and sometimes he would try to kill her. She had my brother at the age of 17, yet her boyfriend kept on abusing her.
The abondoning:
At the age of 18, she decided to run away from the abuse. She went to another country leaving us with him. Years passed and we did not hear anything about our mother. My dad said that she had been bad to us and that she had abandoned us.
After many years my brother and I grew up. One day I was playing and I saw an elegant and beautiful lady and she approached me and said "son, how are you?" and at that moment I felt really happy and all the hatred I held for my mother, disappeared.
Forgiveness to my mother:
My mum took us with her and we were all very happy. Though, she was the happiest out of us all. The most important thing is that she forgave my grandparents for all of the damage that they had done to her, and the traumatising pain that they left her with.
Years passed and the economic situation became more and more difficult. There were times where we would go hungry and she would always prefer to give us her food so that she would be hungry instead of us.
My mum is my hero and a marvelous woman. I love her a lot. We are extremely poor but at least we are together. I will always help her. I love her.
Forgiveness sets you free:
The best advice you can get is that it does not matter what your mother does, nor what she is, she will always be there to protect you and take care of you. She is your best friend and forgiving makes you feel free. Thank you God for giving us all marvelous mothers!
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This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.
This story was translated by Lorenzy and edited by Jed.
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Jose enjoying dinner with Siren Assembly of God |
La niñez de mi mama fue una de las más crueles y duras todo empezó cuando ella tenía 8 años mi abuela se juntó con un hombre quien quiso abusar de mi mama repetidas beses, el la corría de la casa y no le daba de comer mi mama le decía a mi abuela y ella no le creía ella no tuvo una infancia normal.
Escape de mi mama de la casa de sus padres:
Cada vez que mi abuelo la corría ella dormía en la calle y pasaba hambre y sufrimiento, ella decidió huir de todo su maltrato y sufrimiento.
Relación de mi mama y mi papa:
Mi mama huyo de la casa a los 10 años ella tenía un novio que era mi papa el le dio refugio y vivieron juntos el tenía 19 años y mi mama 11 años.
Maltrato de mi mama:
Después de un tiempo ella quedo embarazada a los 13 años de mi primer hermano quien murió en el parto eso la afecto mucho a los 14 años me tubo a mi, mi papa comenzó a cambiar y le empezaba a pegar y la maltrataba mucho hubo veces que la agarraba del cabello y la arrastraba barias veces la intento matar, ella tubo a mi hermano a los 17 años mi papa cada vez la maltrataba mas.
El abandono:
A los 18 años ella decidió huir de ese martirio y se fue a otro país dejándonos con el , pasaron los años y no sabíamos nada de ella mi papa nos decía que mi mama había sido mala con nosotros y que nos había abandonado, mi hermano y yo crecimos paso el tiempo, un día yo estaba jugando y mire a una mujer elegante y bella ella se me acerco y me dijo hijo como estas en ese momento me sentía muy feliz todos los rencores desaparecieron.
Perdón hacia mi madre:
Ella nos llevó con ella y éramos felices ella lo más importante perdono a mis abuelos de todo el daño que le hicieron y los traumas que le dejaron, pasaron los años y su situación económica se iba haciendo más difícil habían beses que pasábamos hambre ella prefería darnos su comida y ella pasar hambre ella es mi héroe, es una mujer maravillosa la quiero mucho somos pobres pero unidos y siempre la apoyare en todo.
El perdón te hace libre: uno de los mejores consejos es que no importa lo que nuestra madre haga o sea ella siempre estará ahí para protegernos, amarnos y cuidarnos es nuestra mejor amiga y el perdonar te hace sentir libre. (gracias a dios por darnos un ser tan maravilloso nuestras madres).
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