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Capital on the Edge |
Our Friday Night Event
with Davis Christian Assembly was nothing short of phenomenal. The two youth
groups of the Church, Spanish speaking and English, recently united, invited along
stacks of their friends, and we were blessed to see people who had experienced
our Parable Styled Gospel Centered, Street Theatre Production, “Created” (the
best part about the play is explaining it! Ha ha), turn up with their family
and loved ones.
At the end of the show
we sang a live version of Te Doy Gloria with Hector and Alex, and boy did we
lift the roof. Both of these gorgeous Latinos are EXTREMELY talented, and of
cause I tried to keep up too, huffing and puffing so hard, I think the entire
assembled group thought that perhaps I was giving so much “Gloria” that I might
in fact go and meet my beloved Jesus that very evening. It didn’t happen, we
know that, I’m writing about the experience now…
Jonny (the Devil) suffered
a headache and temperature for the duration of the play, but in true Nica
style, danced his tiny heinie off, because the show MUST GO ON! I love that
about Jonny – he NEVER has had a spell whilst on tour, he has ALWAYS performed,
which is one thing that sets him apart from the rest. He is a TRUE champion!
And so, once they’d
scooped me off the stage, and reattached my head to my heaving torso, we
invited Jonny, Beycker and Rene back to the stage and they shared from their
It was touching to see
the boys speak with emotion about their childhoods which were swamped in
poverty, and how Jesus has set them free (spiritually and physically) from
their pasts, drawing them in to relationship and security with him, and how he’s
given them the confidence to tell their world about their loving saviour.
Of course, it’s
America, and so after the service there was a plethora of “fellowship” and a
heap of pizza! Special thanks to Pastor
Jonathan, Bensie, Pastor Hector and his beaut wife, Hector (junior), Alex,
Elaine and everyone else in the Oasis that is Davis Christian Assembly…
We slept well and then
the morning arrived. The end of a very hard, yet extremely wonderful week. I
toodled off to ATF (ACQUIRE the FIRE) with Elaine, Jonny, Stivey and Yordy! We
met the movement’s leader and stax of other terrific people who work double
time in getting Jesus into the faces of American youth and challenging those
who already love the Lord to SPREAD the GOOD NEWS!
I found the concert to
be radical and glam, completely focused on the cause of the Gospel. The leader
gave a rousing message about maturing as Christians and not being dependent on
baby food, and then, after plucking the young Nica chaps out of the mosh-pit (I
don’t do those anymore), zipped to Davis Train Station for our AMTRAK (???)
journey back to San Francisco.
Pastor Jonathan,
Bensie & Debra were there to see us off, and we made quite a spectacle with
our group hug, speeches, dancing, photographs and so-forth… Davis Christian
Assembly! What an incredible bunch… The boys are STILL saying their favourite place
is Davis, Davis, DAVIS!!
We mostly enjoyed our
ride back to Oakland (near San Francisco). There were just small incidents of
complete frustration this time. However, at least there was a tell-tale sign
that I was A.) in the right place; and B.) not the only passenger receiving the
I entered the train
station and came across the ticket master yelling at a customer, telling them that
they’d bought a non-refundable ticket, and that the passenger should be more
specific next time. I smiled, grabbed the cup of water I was after, and then
scooted away, chuckling to myself…
Then it was our turn. We
had problems getting on the train with so many bags. I asked the attendant “I
have 15 people and 30 bags, which car should we get on?” He smiled at me and
said cockily “any car, they’re all going to the same place.” He let out a laugh.
I knew what was coming, and so I maintained eye contact with the ENTIRETY of my
self-control. I fought the urge to roll my eyes and tried to force a smile, the
feining resulting in a twisted, stretched, twitching face.
Ten seconds later, and
then it came “hurry up please, the train needs to go.” I sighed and then the
inevitable eye-roll. “Yes, yes” I thought, “you just keep standing there with
your OH&S perfectly intact, and I’ll keep doing my best with a troupe of
children and teens, most of which don’t speak the English you keep barking at
After getting into the
incorrect car, a second attendant began to tell us off, explaining in a loud, patronising
tone, that we’d boarded through the incorrect doors. I tried to interrupt so as
to retell my story, but then the telling off became about how rude my manners
were and so I ignored the chaspy and proceeded to organise my people and
We found some seats
and sat down. It was only then that a third attendant came to check our tickets.
Elizabeth and I proceeded to have a wee banter about some of the funny things
that had happened at ATF and the attendant shoved the tickets into my hand and
then began to march away. I quickly called out “thank you very much” in a
polite and respectful tone (honestly, I was VERY kind – not joking here) and he
swung around. His massive, hulking frame approached my shocked, but not
shrinking self – “WHAT… DID YOU… JUST SAY… TO ME???!!!!!” I flushed but stood
up tall and said firmly and powerfully, but with sincerity, “THANK… YOU… VERY…
MUCH???!!!!!” He grunted and walked away.
I looked at Liz, who
was biting her lip on account of needing to crack up, and we both did the eye
roll motion. What a funny bunch! AMTRAK, please… FOR YOUR OWN SAKE!!! Customer…
service… training…
From Oakland train
station the Brien family left the Nica-youths. We took the BART (Bay Area Rail
Transit) and a bus to Oakland International Airport, which was busy on account
of a recently ended football game.
At the airport we
picked up a couple of hire cars. We had done the maths and it seemed that we
would save a small fortune by just driving ourselves, and just as well we did –
cause the hill from the BART to Calvary Temple Church in Concord, was almost as
big as Mt. Everest! Honestly, the climb would have left at least half of our
group close to death.
We did a couple of
ferry loads from the AMTRAK station in Oakland, to Calvary Temple, where we
were welcomed with widespread arms (turned out we’d been sitting next to each
other at ATF in Sacramento).
We waited for the
youth to leave Church (the room we were to be staying in) and then crashed…
Sunday… Up we jumped
at 6am. (7am) We pulled on our best clothes for Sunday services (whatever was
clean that we could lay our hands on) and dashed out the door with grace and
style (skirt slammed in car door and t-shirt on inside out – AGAIN!).
I had lost the
directions for the New Life Church in Alamo but zoomed along the freeway
anyhow. Francesca (our daughter), God love that girl, had managed to hunt down
the directions on my new fancy phone (that I don’t know how to operate) and we
made it just in time – phew.
Now I have to say
we’ve been to LOTS of Churches, but this one was the BOGGLER! It was like we’d
stepped into some fancy restaurant or something… Bacon and eggs, fresh fruit
salad, some sort of hash-browns dish, pastries galooooooooooooooore, loads of
delicious fruity drinks (no umbrellas though…) and the coffee, hooooooooooooo
the coffee – the best I’ve had in a looooooooong time (and I’m a missionary in
Nicaragua, so that’s REALLY saying something!).
The Church took our
odd humour in their stride. “Where are you from?” Pastor Gary asked with his
handsome news presenter’s voice. “New Zealand” I replied. “NO WAIT! I’m from
Australia!” Everyone laughed. “That’d be like an American saying they’re from
Canada – do we have any Canadians here?” I asked. No one raised their hands.
“Oh thank HEAVENS” I sighed. More laughter… It was a fun, FUN day and we could
feel the support oozing from the Christian folks there…
Outside the Church on
the lawn, and in between services, we presented one of our 5 minute dance
spectaculars. We easily had between 50-100 people watching each time. We gave
away heaps of info and coffee and the donations to our work were the most we’d
ever experienced! We were so blessed and encouraged. The pastors and their
wives did an incredible job of making us feel a part of their family, and trust
me, they are DEFINITELY a part of our family!
We feel very kindred with
New Life in Alamo, and felt so very loved and cared for by these people - they
truly understand Christian hospitality and exuded a desire to prayerfully
support our work in Nicaragua (poorest Spanish speaking country in the world)…
We presented our lives
at 5 services on Sunday at New Life, and by the end the boys were fat, happy
and tired. And so how did the kiddos show their appreciation? By laying about
bloatedly on the lawn, lapping up the sun’s rays on this arctic day in San
Francisco… We drove home and hit the hay.
Monday, Monday… We
went and performed at Valley Christian School, in Dublin, for the opening of
their Spiritual Emphasis Week. It was something else. Whilst fairly
traditional, the high school and middle school kids really got into our performance.
They seemed to be challenged by the boys’ testimonies and how God can use
anyone, if they are willing.
THEN, the youth pastor
at New Life, Ben Johnson, the champion that he is, took us all out for MEXICAN
food. The boys loved going out and being able to hear their mother tongue,
whilst also enjoying food that was somewhat similar to their country’s cuisine.
After stuffing
ourselves silly (catching a theme here?), Benno took us to an amusement park of
sorts. The boys were in awe. They were able to drive go-karts (something
they’ve NEVER done before), play laser tag (also never done), drive these
bumping boat-thingies (never) and play miniature golf (ever seen the movie
HAPPY GILMORE??? Nicaraguan teens apparently don’t have a lot of patience for
such games…).
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Twister's Gym and Team Loopkicks |
In the evening,
against better sense, we drove to San Jose and all of the kids (ours included)
had the marvelous privilege of being able to train in a real gym for 3 hours.
Twisters Sports Gym, host Team Loopkicks, and these INCREDIBLY talented people
trained with our youth, and it was just MARVELOUS! The boys have never
practiced in a proper gym before, and so once they got the hang of it – they
were OFF! We had spinning, and kicking, flipping and tricking… It was superb…
The following day we slept
in FOREVER, because we hadn’t hit the hay until 2am. We were awakened by the
youth leadership, who wanted to set-up their youth room (for youth group – in the
evening - ha ha!). We dawdled, but eventually left the premises. We drove
slowly to San Ramon and visited a grocery store, where we bought stax of stuff
for brekky.
Then we left the
supermarket and dropped the boys at the Church where they were to perform in
the evening. The Brien family drove on to Oakland International Airport and re-hired
our cars.
We took several
minutes explaining to the attendant that we couldn’t fill the car because the
lever for the fuel was broken. He eventually went over to the car, opened the
door, and pointed to the lever that was near the steering wheel and asked,
“this lever?” So embarrassed, there was a hole in the carpet, in between the
seat and the door, where we’d thought should exist a lever for the petrol -
We returned to our
lads. Their performance for the youth of San Ramon (New Life) was less than
average. The boys danced too far back on the stage, talked carelessly whilst
they were performing and hardly acted at all.
Of course I wanted to
rip their heads off, but instead decided to pray with them (& not a “And
Lord, please show them that they are wrong and I am right” type prayer). Afterwards
I asked them for both positives and negatives about the night. THANK GOD, each kid
brought to the table their concerns (which magically mirrored mine), or else I
may have just lost it…
After our meeting, I plonked
my stern face in the bin and graciously allowed Pastor Ben to shower us with
MORE LOVE, letting him take us out with another great couple and their kids,
for ice cream. What a hoot…
And then came our last
day, with our FAVOURITE Church in Alamo, New Life Church. We drove to their
building and worked on our stories for this blog. We also dove into some
homeschooling, practiced our street theatre production “Created”, ate pizza,
and just vegged..
Lizzie and the gals
were treated to a pedicure/manicure by New Life and may have even gone out for
a posh-bite to eat in fancy-pants Walnut Creek.
In the evening we again
performed our street theatre production, “Created”, in front of a packed house
and 10, that’s TEN, I SAID X people responded to Pastor Ben’s alter call by giving
GOD, after watching our play (er, I mean Street Theatre Production)! So
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Capital on the Edge with BRANDON!!! |
Then later, it was
back to San Jose for more Tricking Action at Twisters Gymnastics Inc., with
Team Loopkicks and a special guest from Arkansas (I’d never heard of him, but
Elizabeth had organised it and the boys went nuts, I mean completely DOO-LALLY
over this fella… Bunch a gerls…)
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Francesca & Brandon with Team Loopkicks |
Thank you God for the
great opportunity to have had such a ripper time, sharing your love with
others, being in partnership with great Churches, and coming alongside some of
the BEST people on the face of this planet!!!
If you would like to learn more about our ministry, please watch our latest update,CLICK HERE
If you would like to learn more about who our Nica-Youths are, or to support them, please visit their page, SUPPORT Nica-Talent
To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)
If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE
We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page, Contemplating SUPPORTING something significant?
To learn more about Davis Christian Assembly, please CLICK HERE
To learn more about New Life Church in Alamo, please CLICK HERE
To learn more about Team Loopkicks in San Jose, please CLICK HERE
To make a formal complaint about AMTRAK, please CLICK HERE
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