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Jose flying away |
Hello! God bless all of the nations of the earth, everyone in them, and
every language group.
My name is Jose Bayardo and I'm from Nicaragua. I live in a very poor
neighborhood where people don’t have much. My community is filled with crime
and drugs, but thank God I found a
wonderful family who gave us a hand. Elizabeth and Jed Brien assisted us, and
took us out of our dangerous world.
With their effort, we now have a group that is learning about who God is,
and we have him in our lives. Our hearts are changing and this is obvious
through the new people that we have become. God has so much love for us, His Creation.
When I was a child, I wanted to travel to the United States of America. Now
I want to know new people and make new
friends, brothers in Jesus Christ. I always prayed and asked the Lord to travel to the United States of
America. God has answered my prayers.
God is amazing, he has made my dreams come true. God has helped us come
to America, to perform our street theatre production in Churches, so that
people will know God.
Another one of my dreams is to help and support my mother. I really want
my mother to meet a man who will be her husband, a man who will appreciate my
mother, because she has suffered a lot in her life.
I want the best for my mother. God is wonderful and he wants the best
for us, his children, his creation. He wants us, Capital on the Edge, to walk on
the right path, the path that is just. All
of our group want to learn and we thank God in Heaven for Jed and Elizabeth,
who have given us this wonderful opportunity to go and perform for the folks in
the USA.
In poorer places, where there are many bad things, they have supported
the people and we have performed our amazing street theatre production. We help Jed and Elizabeth with the production.
Thank you for listening to the goals and the dreams of my heart. You play an important
role in our work.
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Some of the lads from Capital on the Edge
If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE
To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)
If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE
We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page,ContemplatingSUPPORTINGsomething significant?
To learn more about our home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE
Hola dios bendiga a todas las
naciones, pueblos y lenguas, mi nombre es Jose Bayardo y soy de Nicaragua yo
vivo en un barrio muy pobre donde todos los recursos se limitan, donde hay
mucha delincuencia y drogas pero Gracias a dios encontre a unas personas
maravillosas que nos dieron su mano Elizabeth y jed brien nos auxiliaron
y nos sacaron de ese mundo con el apoyo de ellos creamos un grupo para ensenr
quien es dios en nuestras vidas y los canvios que a hecho en nuestras vidas y
el amor que tiene hacia todos nosotros su creacion yo cuando era pequeno
ciempre sone con viajar a los estados unidos conocer nuebas personas y hacer
nuevas amistades y nuebos hermanos en cristo jesus yo ciempre le pedia al senor en mis oraciones que viajara a los estados
unidos dios a cumplido mis suenos es
algo increible un sueno echo realidad una vendicion conocer muchas iglecias y
llebar a cabo la obra que dios nos a propuesto que agamos .
Otro de mis suenos es que ayudar y apoyar a mi
mama en todo lo que pueda y que
encuentre una pareja que la quiera y la aprecie mucho ya queella a sufrido
mucho en la vida y yo quiero lo major para ella, dios es un ser maravilloso que
quiere lo major para nosotros sus hijos su creacion que andemos en el camino
correcto en lo recto y lo justo, todo el grupo de capital on the edge les
pedimos de Corazon que nos den su apoyo en esta micion que tenemos que nos
brined su apoyo y su amor dios los atesorara en el cielo Gracias a elizabeth y
a jed que nos dieron esta oportunidad maravillosa de conocer a dios Gracias a
ellos acemos exiviciones en los lugares mas pobres donde existen muchas cosas
mala ellos apollan a las personas de escasos recursos tienen un a obra
maravillosa que tododos apollamos .
Gracaias por escuchar nuestras
metas y suenos se los agradecemos de Corazon ustedes ejercen un papel muy
importante en nuestra obra Gracias.
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