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Eddycson at Alcatraz in San Francisco |
One time my grandfather sent one of his sons, Telemaco, to look for many of his cows. The son looked and looked, but didn’t find the cows. Hours past and he just could not find them.
After about two hours, my grandfather sent one of his other sons to go and help look. He found the cows but then had to find his brother.
Time passed and he eventually found his brother, but when they were on their way home they also found a little baby boy in a basket. The child was crying.
They grabbed the infant boy and tied him onto one of the horses. The older son decided to take the horse with the kid on it.
Every time the horse took a step foward, neither of the two sons realised that the boy grew larger. Telemaco said "The boy is touching me" and when he looked behind him, he saw that the boy had become so big!
Then he saw the face of a demon on the child. He grabbed a knife that he had with him and cut the rope that held the basket, and the demon fell with the basket, from the horse.
Then the horse reared up, Telemaco also falling and the horse running away. Javier went back to get Telemaco who was still behind, where the demon had been.
Once he arrived at the place of his brother, together they ran all the way to their house. They were scared. When they arrived home they said to my grandfather "a demon appeared before us!"and with that Telemaco fainted. My grandmother grabbed him and put him to bed.
Once in bed, Telemaco started seeing things that were not really there. Javier fell to the ground and started saying demonic things and Telemaco called out from his bed "I belong to the devil." Javier became silent, except he started to cry.
At midnight a man with a hat, black suit, red eyes, and teeth of gold appeared on a horse and he said "They are mine. I am here to collect them."
In that moment he rode around and around the house and my grandfather did not see where he went. My grandfather freed a dog that he had and then locked his family in the house. They sat inside and could hear two dogs fighting and scratching at the door.
In the morning my grandparents went to look for the dog, but the dog was dead. They went and looked at the door, but it was fine. The cows were okay, sitting comfortably in the stables.
They took my brothers to a pastor and he prayed for both of them. One of my uncles stayed in a state of insanity, talking in a language that nobody understands and the other was normal again. My grandmother still takes care of my sick uncle.
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This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.
This story was translated by Lorenzy and edited by Jed.
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Eddycson at Lake Tahoe |
Mi abuelo un ves mando a uno de su hijos a buscar un ganado y el ce fue a buscar busco y busco pero el nunca en con traba el ganado y pasaban las horas y nuca los pudo encontrar y mi abuelo mando a su hijo mayor a buscar el ganado y a su hermano y salio de la casa y el paso como dos horas y en hallo el ganado y faltaba su hermano en encontrar .
Paso el tiempo y encontró a su hermano pero cuando venia de regreso y en contraron a un niño en una cesta y el niño lloraba y lloraba y lo a garraron y los dos lo amararon en la espalda de uno de los caballos pero TELEMACO el hijo menor y JAVIER el hijo mayor el mayor se desidio y agarrar el caballo y el niño .
Pero cada bes que el caballo daba un paso los dos no a bian visto que el niño se hasia mas grande y TELEMACO decía me ba tocando el niño cuando mira hacia atrás miro que el niño se hacia mas grande por cada paso que daba el caballo y le miro la cara de un demonio y el a garo el cuchillo que andaba y corto el mecate que llevaba la cesta y el demonio y cayo paso y el caballo se cayo con el y después el caballo se paro pero se corrió y JIVIER se regreso a traer a TELEMACO.
Regreso y le banto a su hermano y salieron asustado para la casa y llegaron y le decían a mis abuelo nos salio un demonio y de pronto TELEMACO callo de pronto y mi abuela lo agarro y lo puso en la cama y el a lusinaba y después callo JAVIER y estaban diciendo palabras como de demonio y TELEMACO decía yo le pertenesco y Javier estaba mudo y lloraba .
A las doce de la madrugada rondaba la casa un hombre de sombrero y un traje negro ojos rojo dientes de oro y les decía son mios y los bengo atraer y de pronto no sedio cuenta cuando se fue y mi abuelo solto a un pero muerto que tenia y al tiempo solo se escuchaba que dos peros peliaban y rrascaban la puerta paso la noche y salieron mis abuelos y buscaron al perro y el perro estaba muerto y fueron haber la puerta no tenia nada y el ganado estaba en el establo y mis tios se los llevaron a un padre y oraron por los dos y uno de ellos quedo loco ablando en un lenguaje que no se entiende y el otro quedo normal y al enfermo todavía mi abuela lo cuida y a el enfermo
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