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Jonny at Niagara Falls |
Hello my name is Jonny. My story is about a time with my family during Christmas (On the 25th of December of, 2005).
On that day my mum, like we'd do every year, wanted me and my siblings to go and visit our grandmother's house so as to spend some time with our family.
However, my brothers and sister didn't want to go and so they begged our mother to let us stay at home with the supervision of some friends. Mum agreed, and said that she saw no problem with the plan, but warned us to be careful.
Mum explained to me that she thought it best that I go with her and so I happily said "Sure mum." (I'm the youngest child born to my parents)
When I went with my mum to my grandmother's house, everything was fine. No problems to report. However, my mother suddenly received a call from a friend of hers explaining that my brothers and sister were drinking alcohol.
Upon hearing this news my mother and I left immediately. We wasted no time in flagging down a taxi and going to the house where my siblings were, drinking alcohol.
Once we'd arrived at the house where my siblings were, my mum immediately ran in, and when inside, saw a man that was touching my sister inappropriately. My mum flew into a rage, grabbing a stick and hitting the pedophile.
The man became very angry, because my mum had hit him and so he turned his abuse on my mother, hitting her hard. My mum couldn't adequately defend herself because the man was very large.
One of my mum's friends happened to be walking by this house at that very moment and saw the ruckus. He ran inside to assist her. After a lot of pushing and shoving my mum was able to leave the house, the drink and the physical abuse.
My mum's friend was very mad at the man that had hurt my mum.
My mum's friend went and sought out a large group of friends and explained to them all exactly what had happened. His friends also became angry and agreed to go and seek revenge against this man, because of the terrible things that he had done to my mum and sister. The men went as a mob to the man's house and they started to throw rocks at it, until the house was completely destroyed.
Later my mum's friends went to drink alcohol.
My mum's friends thought that the incident had been resolved, but that would have been to easy... The man, whose house had been destroyed, went and found his friends, and they had all decided to find the people who'd destroyed the house and kill them all. However, they couldn't find the men responsible.
But, before long, they found my mum's friend and they got up in his face and stabbed him in the stomach with an iron pole. These cowards left and a friend of my mum told her about the events that had transpired. She went to where her friend was drowning in his own blood. My mum called a taxi and organised for the man to be transported to hospital.
When they were in the car, my mum's friend tried to get out of the taxi and run, but shortly after died.
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Jonny with the EVER ADORING little Izzy, in New York |
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This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.
Hola mi nombre es JONNY
Mi historia es aserca de mi familia ..
25 de Dienbre de 2005 . selebracion de la navidad .
Ese dia mi mama como todos los anos queria que fueramos mis hermanos y ella a casa de mi a buela , para pasar un rato en familia .
Pero mis hermano y hermana , dijieron que no querian ir con mi mama . que mejor se quedaria en casa con unos amigos . y mi mama respondio y dijo . que no habia ningun problema . pero que se cuidaran mucho .
Y mi mama me dijo a mi que me fuera con ella , y yo le dije que estaba bien .
Y cuanondo me fui con mi mama a casa de mi abuela todo esta muy bien , ningun problema , pero derepente mi mama resibio una llamada de una amiga de ella y le dijo que mis hermanos y mi hermanan estava tomando alchol .
Y mi mama cuando resivio0 esa noticia me dijo que me fuera con ella de inmediato con ella para lña casa que habia un prole .. y en eso mi mama detubo un taxi y nos fuimo a casa de donde estavan mis hermanos tomando .
Cunado yegamos a la casa de donde estavan mis hermanos . mi mama entro de inmediato a la casa y cuando ella dentro, miro que un hombre estava tocando a mi hermana y mi mama muy enojada de lo que estava mirando tomo un palo y le pego al hombre que estava tocando a mi hermana .
Y el hombre se puso muy enojado porque mi mama le habia pegado y el comenso a pegarle a mi mama . y mi mama no podia defenderce ya que ella es mujer y el hombre era muy grande . pero derepente hiba pasando un amigo de mi mama y el fue a alludarle , y despues de muchos forsejeos mi mama pudo salir de la casa en la que estava el problema .
Y el amigo de mi mama estava muy enojado porque los hobres habian golpeado mucho a mi mama .
Y el amigo de mi mama se fue a buscar a unos amigos .y cuando los reunio les dijo todo el problema que habia pasado y los amigos de el se pusieron muy enojados y todos se pusieron de acuerdo y fueron a casa de el hombre que estaba tocando a mi hermana y habian golpeado a mi amama . e los hombre se dijieron a casa de el hombre y cuando yegaron a casa de el hombre ellos comensaron a tirar piedras asta casa destruir conpleta la casa .
Y luego los amigos de mi mama se fueron a tomar alchol .
Los amigos de mi mama creian que el prolema ya habia terminado , pero no era a si . porque el hombre los andava buscando para matarlos . pero el hombre no los encontrava a los hombres que habian yegado a destruir su casa .
Pero derepente el hombre encontro al amigo de mi mama. y se le aserco y le entero un hiero en su estomago .Y el hombre ullo y desaparecio yuna amiga de mi mama le aviso a mi mama y mi mama se dirijio a donde estava el amido de mi mama , y cuando mi amam yego el amigo de ella estaba ahogandose con su propia sangre por dentro , y mi mama llamo un taxi para que llebar al amigo al hospital .
Cuando iban en el caro el amigo de mi mama fallecio . y el hombre huyo y no volvimos a saber nada de el .
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