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Eliezer at a pond in Richmond, Virginia |
Hello, my name is Eliezer. This time I am going to
tell you about what happened in a street fight that left many hurt and two
people dead, at a time we celebrate each year across Nicaragua.
On both the first and the 10th of August each year, there is a parade called the “IPICO.” Horses and carriages represent each Nicaraguan city, and in every town there are different activities for the local people to participate in.
My village chose a girl to be the queen of the party. They called her the Beautiful Indian. At the party in our barrio there were games and activities for the people to partake in. Men on horses walked through the crowds and everyone gathered around and played a game called the “Oily Pig.”
This game is a lot of fun. You see, there is a pig
that they smother in oil, and then they let the pig go and you have to try and catch
the small animal. It’s really hard. Whoever grabs the pig without letting go is
pronounced the winner.
In this game the participants are formed into eight
groups. There are three men per group. One person in the group has to go and
catch the pig, and this is how my story starts.
At this celebration my cousin, , decided to play with
a group of friends. When the game started everyone went to grab the pig and it
was a tough fight. When someone had grabbed the pig, someone else came along
and pushed the other fella off of the pig, freeing the grunting animal and
creating an escape route for the wee mammal.
In one of these fights my cousin, Marcial, grabbed the
pig but a man punched him from behind and my cousin fell unconscious.
When he woke up, the game was already over, but my
cousin was really angry because of what had happened to him. My cousin went to
go and drink alcohol at 6pm in the evening.
My cousin, Marcial, went to the man that had punched
him in the game, to talk to him about the punch. The man who’d punched him grabbed
a bottle and struck him over the head and he fell to the ground with blood
gushing from the wound. A fight erupted and all of my cousin’s friends started
to fight against those who were beating them.
Marcial stood up and grabbed a stick and started to hit the man who was attacking him and it turned into a massive brawl, with all of my cousin's friends fighting against the friends of the man who had slugged my cousin.
One of my cousin’s friends got hit by a machete and
cut his hand. And his other friend was stabbed with a knife in the stomach and
all of his guts came flying out. My family was afraid that the assailants had
killed my cousin.
At that time my cousin was fighting with the man, but
the man had a machete and my cousin only a stick, so my cousin grabbed a rock
and hit him on the head, but other men arrived and started to beat my cousin. They
left him in a wounded state, almost dead.
When the fight was finally over everyone realised that
two people had died. One of the people murdered was a friend of my cousin and
the other was a friend of the man who’d punched my cousin. Everyone else who’d
participated in the battle was badly wounded. It was a very horrible fight. A
celebration that sadly ended in tragedy.
I learnt through this horrendous event, that we can have black hearts, but we need to forgive and be patient because the loss of life from that celebration was needless and sad.
Thanks for reading my story.
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Eliezer, the CHAMPION! |
This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.
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Peleas y desastres en fiestas patrias de Nicaragua
Hola, mi nombre es eliezer esta bes les bengo a contar loque paso en pelea que dejo muchos eridos y 2 muertos en una fiesta que selebran cada a;o en toda nicaragua
El primero de agosto y el 10 de agosto asen cada a;o un desfile ipico de caballos y carosas que representa cada una de las siudades de nicaragua i en cada pueblo asen diferentes actividades
En mi pueblo escojen a una chica para coronarla reina de la fiesta la yaman la india bonita en esa fiesta asen juegos y actividades los hombres de el pueblo caminan en caballos y asen un juego que se llama el chancho lucio es un serdo que le echan aseite encima para que cuando lo quieran agarar sea mui dificil y el que
lo logre agarar gana en ese juego se ponen 3 grupos de hombres i en cada grupo son 8 uno del grupo tiene que agarar y asi ganar y de hay comiensa mi historia.
Ese dia mi primo desidio jugar con un grupo de amigos ese juegocuando comenso el juego y todos salieron a agarar el cerdo fue una lucha mui dura cuando alguien lo agaraba benia hotro lo empujaba para que lo soltara en una de esas luchas mi primo lo logro agarar pero un hombre lo golpeo por detrás y mi primo quedo inconciente.
Cuando desperto ya abia terminado el juego pero mi primo estaba mui enojado por lo que le abian echo y mi primo se puso a tomar alcool a eso como de las 6 pm de la tarde mi primo fue donde el hombre que lo abia golpeado para reclamarle qu porque lo abia golpeado el hombre agarro una botella de bidrio i le pego en la cabesa a mi primo y callo al suelo tirando sangre y todos los amigos de mi primo comensaron a pelear contra los que lo abian golpeado.
Mi primo se lebanto y agaro un palo y comenso a golpear al hombre y se iso una pelea de todos los que estaban hay los amigos de mi primo estaban peleando contra los amigos de el hombre que abia golpeado a mi primo a uno de los amigos de mi primo le abian pegado un machetaso y le cortaron la mano y a hotro le sacaron las tripas con un cuchillo mi familia estaba con miedo de que mataran a mi primo.
En ese momento mi primo estaba peleando con el hombre pero el hombre tenia un machete y mi primo solo un palo asi que mi primo agarro una piedra i le rajo la cabesa pero hotros hombres llegaron y comensaron a golpear a mi primo lo dejaron erido casi muriendo cuando termino la pelea abian 2 muertos uno era amigo de mi primo y el hotro amigo de el hombre y abian muchos eridos fue una pelea muy horible
una selebracion que termino en trajedia.
Loque nos ense;a que no hay que tener maldad en nuestro corazon y perdonar y ser paciente porque eso podria ebitar una trajedia.
Gracias por leer mi historia.
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