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Ericson and Jose, cooking up a storm in the Ohio Valley |
This story is about Jose and was written by Ericson.
Rodrigo and I meet in school and we were really good friends, inseparable.
I studied with him all through primary (elementary) school and we grew
up together like brothers. We looked after each other.
One day I went to his house to hang out for the whole day and mess
around and have fun. We were playing together when we saw his mum faint. She
had passed out on account of concerns that were troubling her. She shared these
feelings with her son, but Rodrigo ignored his mother.
Rodrigo’s girlfriend came over later, inviting him to go with her to the
beach. Of course he wanted to go and so he agreed to the plans.
We were both 10th grade high school students. One average Friday, Rodrigo
told all of his classmates that he was going to the beach with his girlfriend
and he explained that his mum didn’t want him to go because of the feelings she’d
earlier. But he didn’t care and so the next day he went to the beach.
He was at the beach with his girlfriend and her family and her friends.
They lit a bonfire in the evening and after they started to drink alcohol. He
decided to go swimming in the surf, so he told his girlfriend to go with him
and both of them went in. They were already out quite a way when he told his
girlfriend that he was going to go in deeper.
When he had swum out to where the waves were breaking, a big wave overcame
him and smashed him into some rocks. He didn’t come out.
Rodrigo’s girlfriend’s family had the difficult task of explaining to Rodrigo’s
mother that he went into the water but never came out. Twenty four hours later,
his body was found floating in the water, completely destroyed. His face was
deformed, his body beaten and his eyes were no longer in his body. They took Rodrigo’s
body to his mother.
The family held a funeral for his body and his mother told everyone, “He
didn’t obey me.” His poor mother was brokenhearted along with the rest of his
This horrible tragedy occurred because Rodrigo didn’t obey the Bible,
which tells us to honour our father and mother and our days on Earth will be
long and prosperous.
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Ericson and Jose |
This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.
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rodrigo y
yo nos conocimos en el colejio y
eramos muy buenos amigos
inseparables y unidos
yo estuve
con el estudiando toda la primaria y crecimos juntos heramos como hermanos y nos cuidadamos uno a otros
un dia yo
fui a su casa a pasar todo el dia con el para
y divertinos estaba jugando con
el y de pronto vimos a su mama que se desmayo
por que a via tenido un precentimiento y ledijo a su hijo y pero
rodrigo la hinnoro a su madre y de
pronto llego su novia y lo hinvito para que fueran al mar y el le dijo que si
estabamos en cuarton ano de la segundaria y un dia normal a todos era un
viernes y los dijo a todos los conpaneros de clase que iba a ir al mar consu
novia y el dijo que su mama no lo queria dejar ir por un precentimiento y
fue el dia siguiente y se fue al mar
es taba
en la playa con la familia de la novia y a migos y el en sendieron una fogata
el y des pues comenso a tomar al col y el ebrio se desidio meterse al mar y le
dijo a su novia que lo a conpanara y los dos se fueron y cuando esava en el
agua el le dijo a su nonovia que y ba a meterse mas a demtro del mar y cuando
estaba dentro de pronto lo golpio una ola muy grande y lo tiro donde estaba
unas rocas y no selio y la familia de la
novia le dijeron que rodrigo se metio al mar y no salio y paso 24 oras y el cuerpo salio a flote
salio de truido la cara de formada el cuerpo con mun chos golpes y el cuerpo
tenian los ojos lo llevaron donde su
madre el cuerpo
comenxaron velar el cuerpo y su madre le dijo a todos porque no me
hisocaso y su madre kedo dextrosada y
toda su familia
todo por
una dexovediensia la biblia nos dice
onra a tu padre y a tu madre y los dias el la tierra seran mas largos y
placenteros .
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