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Monday, October 29, 2012

Social: Do handouts really help anyone in Nicaragua?

Tonight I'm pretty mad. I have read an article (entitled: Do handouts really help anyone in Nicaragua?) and find the piece of writing to be completely unintelligent, ill-informed and to a certain extent representative, to whatever degree, of what many expats, visitors to Nicaragua, and the socially elite Nicaraguans truly believe about poverty in this country.

We in the "West", did not elect to be born in our "blessed" countries, with our  well-to-do families, access to health services and education, low unemployment rates, etc. The "American dream" here in Nicaragua is simply that... a dream. (and no, it is not their system of government that put them in this position. The poor are poor due to a combination of factors including, but not limited to, natural disasters, poor leadership/corruption, and Western backed war - yes, we are greatly responsible for a significant part of this country's mess)

"One night a group of friends and I went to a restaurant where a group of Nicaraguan children were performing and selling goods to the tourists. I enjoyed the performances but I did not want to continue giving away my money. Instead, I decided to share some of my food with one of the children. I asked the waiter for an additional plate, and placed some of my tacos and French fries on the plate. One of the younger boys kept staring at me while I was eating. I told him to come over to my table. The little boy quickly came to the table, but as I placed the plate in front of him all of the children gathered around us and began reaching for his food. A fight broke out between the little boy and another boy. My heart was pounding because I had never seen children fight over food in this way. There were cries, yells, and screams, and punches that filled the surrounding area. I got up to sit at another table with my friends. My friends accused me of starting the fight because I had given the little boy food...

Like the Nicaraguans, some Americans are losing the initiative to do to things on their own. They rely too much on aid from the government...

We all need some guidance as we discover our paths in life, but we also face the temptation to become dependent: to accept the aid of others with never a word of thanks, but only asking for more rather than working to provide for ourselves and for those who have even less than we do."

The Bible says "Give generously to the poor, not grudgingly, for the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do." (Deuteronomy 15:10) Today I ask you to pray for the poor of Nicaragua. They did not ask to be born into poverty, but there they are. Our Nicaraguan Church population has an unemployment rate of 80%, yet you don't find many beggars there, nor dirty clothes, nor ungrateful hearts. What you will find is love, joy, peace, patience...

Our Nicaraguan Pastor has been told by 3 doctors that he needs to have his arm amputated. He has not given up, nor given in. He has found a Christian doctor who has worked tirelessly on our Pastor's arm. He needs another surgery, costing $1,800 (plus $50 per month thereafter until the pain subsides...) Please, PLEASE consider donating to the cause of this man's arm. He is a valiant chap who does the Lord's work. To donate, please CLICK here to work out a payment method suitable for you.

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