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Friday, November 25, 2011

POST by RAF, A Day in the Tree

Rafael is talking again. You know Rafael Brien. This Friday and The next Friday I am going to tell you a story. So sit back and enjoy. Here we go.
Another exiting day Lorenzy, Sezni, Fran and I were playing on a tree that was super-duper big,  But the tree needs more things added to it, like a name, more decorations, a thing to get up like a ladder, maybe you can read in it, And we can look inside our stockings at Christmas, and maybe fairy lights. Anyway let´s go back to our story. Shall we? Okay.
So we did all the things I just told you about the tree. All of the things, except I didn´t go on the tree so much. But we enjoyed it. So we named it the fun tree. And we made swings and lorenzy did things to get up like a ladder or a rope with my brother sezni.
And I looked if it looked fun. The end. Now I am going to tell you a Bible Verse that I invented Psalms 1 thru 20. The Lord is so good that he made us in he´s hands. He is also warm in heaven and
Not painful so if you know the lord you know he´s word and the bad angles attack and the good protect so you not be painful to if your in the good sid. Thanks for reading good bye.

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