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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Hello there people - this is Francesca posting in - I’m the first one of us, children, to be posting.
Anyway… my story happened on Saturday, 12th of November, my birthday. Nicaragua Christian Academy (the school that I was enrolled in last year) has a youth group thing called “Ignite”. We get together on every other Saturday morning around 9 A.M and go until midday. We go to a little community that we call “Tent City”, it is called “Tent City” because when we first went there the people lived in tents (well more like under a tarp!!!) now they live in very small houses that the government made for them.

On this particular Saturday we were handing out food to the community (rice and beans, sugar and oil) because they don’t have anything, no money, no food, only a bed to share and a wardrobe. Well it was about time to go when an elderly lady asked some friends that were with me “were we supposed to get sugar?” (but in Spanish of course). A friend of mine went with me to ask if these people had received sugar and oil and most of them hadn’t, even when we looked in their small houses we didn’t see the bag of sugar and the two liters of oil, but they were told to share with their neighbor. Well that’s when we realized that that whole line of houses didn’t receive any of these items or didn’t get any of that stuff. We were so frustrated! That meant that we had to go back to where all the food was at least 50 million times or more and walk back to give a bag of sugar to the needy!

We found out that one of our leaders thought that each building would receive one bag of rice, beans, sugar and oil, not each house… (there were two small houses attached to one building). So when my friends and I were going to get the sugar and oil we were all thinking “if only the leader had gotten the DIRECTIONS right, we would be back at school by now!!!!!” (That’s what teachers say a lot… I know, my mum’s a teacher) We were all hot, sweaty and bothered, but HEY it’s Nicaragua! I think God wanted to see if we were still up to helping out… well by the time we got back to school it was 1:30!!!! WHAT A DAY!!!

Well we usually get back at 12ish and that day we got back at 1:30ish! We were so thirsty, we thought we might die!!!! And everyone’s parents were there waiting.

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