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Thursday, September 27, 2012

POST by RENZ: Nothin' like Nica-Neatness

You might not think it , but Nicaraguans are clean freaks. The women are always sorting and cleaning things, even when they are not at their own house! I guess they probably clean because it is so humid and there is a lot of dirt everywhere.

It is mainly the poorest people that look the best out of everybody for some strange reason. Probably because they do not like to look poor or something like that. They have like five showers a day at least and are always washing their belongings.

Now, because of them, I wash my shoes a lot more than I used to and wash my clothes by hand because for some reason I find it fun. That, and I also like washing mops and mopping the house and the porch. Every day, a mum of one of the kids in our school comes to help clean the "school areas".

Jonny & Lorenzy
I was talking with one of them one day whilst we were cleaning and I asked her if she liked cleaning. She said that she likes doing it and also especially at our house because we had tiled floors and it is more fun. The next day I asked another kid's mum and she said the same thing.

Jonny, one of the guys that teaches dance to the kids, my siblings, and I, is sick right now with a cold and  stuffy nose. The way he blows his nose is the most interesting way that I have ever seen anybody blow their nose. He does it two different ways. The first way is he blows with his fingers on his nose and then flicks his fingers it is really weird and I cannot even explain it.

The second way is with his shirt. He always carries another shirt with him and blows it like that, which I thought was really weird, because he is Nicaraguan and I thought blowing his nose with his shirt would be his last option but then again, I have never seen him blow his nose with toilet paper.

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