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Friday, May 31, 2013

POST by RAF: Hello Hula Hips!

Raf with his Hoop

One night my dad, Elizabeth and Alex were watching a movie and I was on my own computer, I was playing club penguin. “I will show you the game at the bottom when I finish” I said to my dad. Anyway, after my dad and everybody else were finished with that movie, I had to go to bed. Then my dad came up to say goodnight and he went out, but I said wait “can you leave the door open” and my dad said “no” and walked on. “Every time I ask him all the time he always says no.”

The next day I saw a jump rope and a hula-hoop, I did not know who it was for so I just went downstairs, but after three seconds I run back upstairs to get it. So I opened the bag and got the jump rope and I jumped for like 3 minutes and then ran back upstairs to get the hula-hoop. 

I hula hooped for like 5 minutes. The hula-hoop I liked the most. I will show you a video at the end to show you witch one I like the most.

Then my dad got out of bed so I rushed upstairs with the jump rope and put the jump rope in its own place, then rushed downtairs to hide the hula-hoop. “I did that because I liked the hula-hoop more than the jump rope”. 

When my dad came down stairs he saw the hula-hoop and he said “ho ho ho ho now how did you open that? I can’t even open that?” and I said “are you saying that that hula-hoop is mine?” and he said “yap”.

 So everyday my dad would test me and my high score is 121 hulas. I think Chloe can do a trick with my hula-hoop too. Bye!

To learn more about Raffy, please visit our page, Our People 
If you would like to support the Brien family, please visit our support page and learn how you can be of help: Contemplating SUPPORTING something significant?
To learn more about the Australian Christian Churches, please CLICK HERE
To learn more about Capital on the Edge's home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE

POST by JONNY: The Ones that Got Away

Jonny of Capital on the Edge, in San Francisco...

Hello my name is JOHNNY

My story is about my family.

When I was 13 years old, myself, my brothers and sisters all studied at the same school as my cousins. My cousins’ names were RICARDO and CHEPE. However, my cousins never hung out with us and my siblings and I wondered why this was. Why didn’t they want to spend time with us, especially as we were family.

One day my siblings and I went down to where my cousins were and asked them why they wouldn’t speak with us. They told us it was because they had many enemies at the school and if their enemies saw them associating with us, they would kill us. In addition to that, they told us not to tell anyone that our families were connected. They didn’t want the people around who were bad to hurt us. They were protecting us.

Another day, in the house in which we lived, we had a party. And as we looked out to the street, we saw about 20 men walking along, and amongst them we saw our cousins. All of the fellows were carrying guns and machetes in their hands.

Within 30 minutes my cousins had passed by our house again, returning to their barrio. Then I saw my friend being carried along by others and my mother (Jonny did not write this as he doesn’t want to put his mother in danger). He had been cut all over his body, by machetes. The person responsible for this terrible act was RICARDO, my cousin.

After five days, some men who lived near me, in my barrio, went to my aunt's house, where my cousins ​​lived. When they arrived outside the house of my aunt, they started shooting their guns at and throwing stones at the house. They shot and almost killed my aunt because my cousins ​​were not at home.

My cousins were incredibly angry that day. Because of what had happened, they went looking for some friends. They travelled in a mob to where the people from my barrio who had attacked their house, lived. On that day, in the evening, a shot rang out.

The next day there was a dead man, but my cousins were nowhere to be seen. The police went to find my cousins, but they were gone. To this day, the Police still look for them. I don’t know where they are. Nobody does. Only one person.  The police still want to find them, so as to prosecute them for the crimes that they have committed.

God bless you for reading my story, thank you.

If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)

If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE

We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page,ContemplatingSUPPORTINGsomething significant?

To learn more about our home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE

This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable. 

Hola mi nombre es JOHNNY
Mi historia es acerca de mi familia ..
cuando tenia 13 anos mis hermanos y yo trabajamos, y los hijos de la hermana de mi papa tambien estudiaban en el mismo colegio en el cual estudiabamos
lo cual eran 2 uno sella RICARDO y el otro CHEPE
Ellos no se juntaban con nosotros y nosotros mis hermano y yo nos preguntabamos porque ellos no querian estar con nosotros si eramos familia .
Y un dia nosotros fuimo a donde estaban ellos y les preguntamos ue porque no nos ablaban. Y ellos nos dijieron que era porque ellos tenian muchos enemigos en el colegio y que si sus enemigos los miraban con ellos nos podian matar y que mejor nos fueramos y que no le ablaramos de ellos a nadie que eramos familia. Porque ellos no querian que por la culpa de ellos nos isieran algo malo .
Y un dia por la casa en la cual viviamos habia una fiesta . Y como alas 10 pm miramos que por fuera de la casa pasaron como 20 hombre y en eso 20 hombres iban mis primos y ellos cargaban en sus manos pistolas y machete . Y como a los 30 minutos que ellos habian pasado unos chicos venian cargando un cuerpo machetiado casi en pedaso todo el cuerpo y los hombre ablan de que habia sido RICARDO mi primo .
Y a los 5 dias los chicos que vivian por la casa ellos se fueron a casa de mi tia en la cual vivian mis primos . y cuando ellos estaban a fuera de la casa de mi tia todos los hombres comensaron a tirar disparos y piedras y casi matan a mi tia porque mis primos no estaban en la casa .
Y ese mismo dia mis primos muy enojado por lo que habia pasado se fueron a buscar a unos amigos y ellos se fueron adonde las personas que habian llegado a su casa a destruirla . Y ese dia por la noche se escucharon unos disparo ..
Y al dia siguiente habia un muerto y fueron mis primos . Y la policia los persigue pero mis primos desaparecieron pero la policia tadavia los bucan por todo lo que ellos cometieron.
Dios bendiga alas personas que leen esta historia gracias .

Thursday, May 30, 2013

POST by FRAN: Brave New Girl!

Lorenzy, Grandad, Francesca, in Rochester, NY

Traveling is a lot of fun, but it can also be really scary, especially when you’re flying with just your 13 year old sister, by yourself. First time being in charge of passports, first time going through security by myself, with my passport in my bag instead of it being in Dad’s bag along with everybody else’s passports.

Well my sister and I flew from Baltimore to Buffalo with Southwest Airlines a while ago, and that was probably the scariest thing I have ever done. As we lined up to cheek in our bags, Dad was scaring me more and more every second. He made me check in our bags and he made me do all the talking and he made me take charge!

My sister was acting calm and I was trying not to get confused. I guess I had to be the responsible one, so that meant I couldn’t freak out! Otherwise we both would have freaked out!

We went through security and I started to panic as I couldn’t see my little brother or Dad anymore… All that was going through my head was “Oh My Gosh!!!! I don’t know where to go!!! I need to PEEE!!!! CALM DOWN!!!!”

I calmed myself down and Lorenzy asked me “can we go to the bathroom? I think this is the wrong way any way.” We went to the bathroom and I went into one of the stalls… “Oh… where should I put the passports?!” I didn’t even put them in my bag… I told myself “there’s a bathroom on the plane!”

I waited for Lorenzy to come out and we went to find our gate, it was really close to the bathroom! We sat down and I turned on my computer and began to work on my last Bible study for Teen Ranch, in Canada, where I was headed to.

Then I began to get excited thinking about seeing my two little cousins and my aunt and uncle and my Granddad! It wouldn’t be long before I’d be working at the Ranch for a couple of weeks, either.

A loud voice came on over the airport’s PA system, saying that we were going to start boarding soon, so I turned off my computer and got the passports ready. When the line had gone down a little we got up and walked over to the aerobridge entrance. We smiled and got onto the plane without any problems.

We went to the back so we wouldn’t have to sit next to any weirdoes. We got seated and everything, and then we were ready.  The flight was very short and we got there in no time… Southwest Airlines is my  favourite airline when efficiency and fun are high on my to-do-list!

we started to walk following signs to the baggage hall. We went through a smallish hallway and on the other side saw aunty Jamie and Granddad waiting for us! All my fears were gone when I saw them smiling and pointing to us, and waving at us!

We went to get our bags and then went to the car and drove to Rochester (New York), where we were going to be staying. We went to Aunty Jamie’s house and saw Tidgh and allegra, our adorable cousins.

Francesca with her adorable little cousin, Tadgh

We went out for dinner or lunch, not quite sure which one it was, but I know that the food was good! We had a load of fun and went to our good friends, the Seaburg’s. We would be staying at their house. I was only going to stay one night. Lorenzy is still there with them now, having a load of fun.

The next day I left for Canada with Granddad. I said my goodbyes to everyone and then hit the road… it took us 3 hours to get there, but we made it safely!

I just wanted to say Thank you to my Parents for letting me come here and for making this possible… I love you guys.

Fran, Mum (Elizabeth) and Renz in San Diego (A GORGEOUS city in Southern California)

Thank you Granddad for driving me here, it was a lot of fun spending time with you… I hope you made it back ok.

And thank you to the Stevens for adopting me as a new addition to your fun-loving family!

Lorenzy, Aunty Jaime & Francesca

To learn more about Franny, please visit our page, Our People 
If you would like to support the Brien family, please visit our support page and learn how you can be of help: Contemplating SUPPORTING something significant?

To learn more about the Australian Christian Churches, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about Capital on the Edge's home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE

POST by JOSE: Let's go to the Beach, Beach...

Orlando & Jose of Capital on the Edge

Something important happened in my life about two years ago. We were organising a trip with some friends. We were just about finished packing for our journey when a 57 year old neighbour gave us a pound of rice and vegetables to take with us.

One of my friends made fun of the gift that the lady was offering, laughing at her, but my other friend told him off, and said that he shouldn’t be rude to her, because she is elderly and in any case, we might need the food for our journey.

And so we thanked the old lady for giving us the food, the rice and the vegetables. We then left on our journey. We went to the coast and the people we were staying with didn’t want to give us any food to eat. When we became hungry, we remembered that we had the food from the nice neighbour lady

And so we asked the people that we were staying with if we could using their cooking facilities to prepare our food, as we had no money spare. The only money we had, we needed for our transportation on the bus.

In the following days we were very hungry.  We had nothing to eat. We arose at 5am and went to the beach and gathered crabs and coconuts, and ate them raw.

We went to the beachside restaurants and danced for the foreign tourists. None of them gave us any money. The restaurants didn’t give us food either. However, one of my friend’s aunts kindly gave us food to eat: fish and salad. She also gave us a fizzy drink each. We were so grateful to her, because she gave to us when we were really hungry.

The next day we hitch hiked home. After a few months went by, we found out that the kind lady who had helped us with food in our time of great need, had passed away on account of a heart attack. This lady had been very overweight.

We were very sad, because my friend’s aunt has in Heaven with God. If it were not for her, in our hour of need, who knows what would have happened to us. Thank the Good Lord that he put her in our way at that exact moment. We really appreciated her kindness and we hope that she rests in peace with God.

Obesity is a terrible disease that affects most people and it takes away your life bit by bit. However, trust in God who is the only one who can truly help us. Thanks for reading my story.

If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)

If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE

We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page,ContemplatingSUPPORTINGsomething significant?

To learn more about our home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE

This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable. 

Algo crucial que paso en mi vida hace como dos años atrás. Estábamos armando un viaje con unos amigos, íbamos  de paseó donde un familiar de un amigo, éramos tres por todos nos estábamos preparando y alistando todo cuando una vecina de 57 años de edad nos regaló una libra de arroz y una verduritas para llevar fue algo inesperado uno de mis amigos se burló de lo que nos estaba dando la señora y la bulario diciendo ni que fuéramos pordioseros que nos da eso pero yo y mi otro amigo dijimos mala honda que tal si necesitamos ese arrocito y esas verduritas y se rio nosotros le dimos las gracias si y nos llevamos lo que nos avía dado llegando a nuestro destino que es una costa nos comenzaron a negar la comida no nos querían dar nada de comer y nosotros con hambre pero nos acordamos de las cosas que nos dio la señora y les dijimos que si nos hacían eso y con eso comimos el primer día nosotros solo aviamos ido con el pasaje y no teníamos dinero.
En los días siguientes estábamos con mucha hambre nos levantábamos a las 5:00 am de la madrugada para ir a la costa y recoger cangrejos para comerlos crudos y cocos nos poníamos a girar en los restaurantes para que nos regalaran comida los turistas pero una señora que era tía de uno de mis amigos muy amable la señora que se lo agradecemos de corazón nos dio de comer pescado con ensalada y nos llenamos y nos regaló fresco gracias a ella y su amable gesto mejor dicho sobrevivimos. Al día siguiente  nos venimos pidiendo que nos llevaran en el camino y llegamos a nuestro hogar, al pasar los meses nos dimos cuenta por un amigo que la señora que amablemente nos sirvió, había fallecido le había dado un ataque al corazón porque ella tenía sobre peso nos sentimos muy tristes por ella que dios la tenga en el cielo si no hubiera sido por ella quien sabe que nos hubiera pasado en ese momento dios puso en nuestro camino a esa señora se lo agradecemos mucho que descanse en paz.
El sobre peso es una enfermedad terrible que afecta a la mayoría de las personas y les va quitando la vida poco a poco pero confiemos en dios que es el único que nos puede ayudar. gracias

Monday, May 27, 2013

POST by SEZ: A Night Out in Nicaragua

Sez & Billy, several years ago...

One day, I went to the movies with my little step brother, Billy. We went to watch Iron Man Three. Some parts were scary, but the whole movie wasn’t that scary, but my mom closed Billy’s eyes real fast. We ate Mc Donald’s, not popcorn, not hot dogs, not even candy. We ate hamburgers, fry’s, we drank Coca Cola, it was delouses.  

To learn more about Sezzy, please visit our page, Our People 
If you would like to support the Brien family, please visit our support page and learn how you can be of help: Contemplating SUPPORTING something significant?
To learn more about the Australian Christian Churches, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about Capital on the Edge's home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE

Saturday, May 25, 2013

POST by RAF: Precious Pooches

Raffy with Rupert's dog collar
Hello today I’m going to tell you some things about the dogs Rupert and Chloe.

Chloe, the Labradoodle (3/4 Poodle, 1/4 Labrador)
One night at bed time my dad was not at home, so Elizabeth came up to say good night. After, when Elizabeth had said good night, Rupert came in my room, and Elizabeth asked me “Want me to keep Rupert inside with you?” and I said “well, he might scare me and I don’t know why!” So she took Rupert up to her room.

Raffy with Rupert, mischievous and loveable friends

Another day I was writing a story for you, the story was this one, and then Chloe came to me and barked and I think she was trying to make me pat her, so I patted her.

Raffy with Chloe's dog collar
Every time when I take of their collar off they act crazy. Every day the dogs and I have something like a play time so I play fetch, I pat them and I pat them on the roof of a shed (it’s very easy to climb on to the roof of Elizabeth’s shed, because the ground behind the shed is higher than at the front of the shed). I love the two dogs, even when they are annoying.

If you would like to support our mission to Nicaragua, please CLICK HERE for more information...

POST by LEIKI: Leiki's Life

Leiki, with a renewed hope in his heart

My name is Leiki and I am 12 years old.

I want to share about my life and my family’s situation. My parents are divorced and my dad is very bad. He wants to kick us out of our house and he never provides money, nor gives me clothes. Yet still, my mum gives us all love, clothes, money and food. Although my dad doesn’t give us anything, my family is still happy.

I am especially happy because I am traveling with my friend Yasser, and Elizabeth. I also want to go to see my friend Raffy. I'm really happy because I'm in a group that practices “Tricking” (like Parkour: utilises Gymnastics and Martial Arts) and “Bboy” (Breakdancing). I am a little bit sad because my brother will not travel with us this time and I will also really miss my family.

Now that Leiki lives at Capital on the Edge (with his mother), he attends school 5 days per week

When I go and visit my dad, he doesn’t want me to return to my mother. He says that he wants me to live in a house that has discipline. But I want to live with my mum and I really enjoy using the Play Station (at the Brien’s house). I love being with my brother, sisters and my mum, because my father doesn’t really want me. 

Leiki carrying his seat to class

At times I do not want to practice (Tricking & Bboy) because I am very tired. Yet I'm very happy as I have learnt how to do the “Crescent” and will also learn how to do the “Bolt” (Tricking techniques).

Leiki in his NEW classroom

In reality both I and my family are very sad, because my dad is very bad. When I go to my dad, I know he will not let me leave and then I have to escape, which is extremely difficult because my dad locks the doors.

If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)

If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE

We are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our next evangelism tour to the Midwest. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page,ContemplatingSUPPORTINGsomething significant?

To learn more about our home Church in Australia, please CLICK HERE

This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable. 
mi nombre es leiki jose machado y tengo 12 anos. realmente mi vida y de mi familia es asi: mis padres estan divorsidos y mi papa es muy malo poeque nos quiere
sacardela casa y el no meda dinero ni ropa, bueno mi mama si nosda todo amor, comidar ropa y dinero. y aunque mi papa no nosdanada soy feliz con mi familia.bueno yo estoy muy feliz porque voy a viajar con mi amigo yaser y con la elizabeth y tambien quiero ir aver a mi amigo rafi. realmente estoy muy alegre porque estoy en un grupo de tricking y bboy. estoy un poco triste porque no ira mi hermano y tambien estranare a mi familia.
cuando voy donde mi papa no quiere que regrese donde mi mama porque quiere que yo viva cin el a la fuersa. pero yo quiero vivir con mis mama y lo que me gustaria tener es un play station porque me gusta muchop y mis hermanos sime quieren y mi mama tambien pero mi papa no me quiere.

y aveses no quiero practicar por que estoy muy cansado, bueno estoy muy alegre porque me aprendi la media luna y tambien me aprendere la perno. bueno realmente la vida de mi y de mi familia es muy triste porque mi papa es muy malo. y tambien cuando voy donde mi papa no me deja venir y entonces yo me tengo que es capar y es muy difisil porque el sierra las puertas.

POST by LIZ: Walking in a Leaky Wonderland...

Jocasta with kids from Capital Edge Community Center

Blurry eyed, my head turned towards my bleeping alarm clock. I slammed my hand heavily on the snooze button and groaned - I knew it was time to get moving, but my body still demanded more winks after the flogging it had received the day before.

I shook off the desire to nap for a while and eased myself out of bed. It had been a heck of a day: full of heavy traffic jams, long, LONG queues, dashed hopes and slaughtered dreams all round. Yet, I couldn't help but release a random chuckle as the scenes from yesterday flashed through my mind.

We had returned from a big day out. I could, but I won’t turn each experience into a blog post of its own. Why I could take the time to explain all the "fun" we’d had dealing with Nicaraguan government officials, waiting in non-air conditioned offices at temperatures WAY above 96 degrees Fahrenheit, driving in Managuan madness, being told "NO, we can't process this or that unless...", having to deal with bratty teenage-boy attitudes, and being left slightly hoarse, after having had to yell all my conversations on account of the newly made hole that decided to appear in the muffler. But I won’t... ‘cause you get the picture. It was an action packed day!

So we returned only to find a large projection of water, due to a leaking pipe, the size of the fountain on Canberra's very own Lake Burley Griffin. Someone had taken the time to dig up and smash our buried water pipes.

And I know what you’re thinking… Didn’t they have this same problem just a few months earlier? The answer? Yes, we had this very same problem a few months earlier and consequently buried the pipes for protection. The icing on the cake with the overly red, delicious, plump cherry on top was that they had also entered the property and drained our two water tanks of precious H2O!

I had planned to have a relaxing night of quality time with Sez and Billy, my plans being swiftly overturned into a night of fighting back gushing water with a stick and then driving madly through Managua in search of an open hardware store.

Nestor and I were about to lose hope - the Sinsa store we were sure would be open was shut, and the workers were happy to be turning the key... "POR FAAAAA VORRRRRR" I pleaded... "I'll pay double, triple, cuadrupleeeeeeeeeee... just PLEASE let us get the materials we need..." But it was no good... they said that everything was shut and there was nothing they could do…

However, one of the greened shirt guys took pity on us, and explained there was another Sinsa opened until 9pm... "WHERE, WHERE???" but time was a ticking and I didn't have the time to listen to Nicaraguan directions of one block to the lake and then 3 to the south, past the broken glass bottle of coke and then a turn to the left... so I interrupted asking, "Do you wanna just hop in the car and show me? Pretty please?"

He nodded and jumped into my rust-bucket of a vehicle. I know, I know… stranger danger and all that... but I was DESPERATE!!!

We made it to the store and I offered to pay for his taxi home, but he said he'd stay and help me find what I needed. (FYI for any peeps living in Nicaragua: The Sinsa, near Rotonda Jesus Cristo, stays open ‘til 9pm every night)

And so into the store we did enter. He knew everyone and before I knew it, he had the whole store running around collecting the bits ‘n bobs we needed for "operation - there's a leak in the dam"

It was at that moment, as I was walking through Sinsa's plush aisles, that I suddenly heard the squeek squeek squeeking of my wet shoes, and it dawned on me that I was wearing white pants - WHITE pants!!! Argh! I was soaked through.. WHITE PANTS and WATER can make an embarrassing combo!

I scanned the aisles looking for the curtain and blinds section to go hide in - but then caught a glimpse of myself in the mirrors section (on sale might I add…) and was relieved to see that the crisp white pants I had started the day wearing, now totally drenched, were no longer the crisp white-as-snow pants from the morning.

Oh no, my pantalones had turned into the same awful, glorious colour of the muddy brown dirt from the banks of my barrio. Whilst I had fought with the gushing water utilising my trusty stick, alongside our faithful security guard, Nestor, my pants had been transformed from elegant ladies’ wear into crocodile fightin duds.

The Sinsa employee we had "picked up" had done a marvelous job collecting all the things required to resolve our leaking problem. I grabbed some pool products and asked if he could receive the commission on the whole sale. He smiled. I then offered him taxi money as a thank you and he refused to accept it...

WOW… I was impressed - it gave me hope again that there were "nice" people in the world... I wasn’t living in a land with only water pipe smashers after all.

I dropped my new friend off at a taxi/bus route and before he could shut the door, I shoved $5 into his hands and said "please take this" then before he could hand it back, I yelled out "thanks" put my foot on the gas and allowed the noisy muffler to kick in – Operation “patch up pipes” could now be achieved, thanks to this guy who took the time out to help us get the goods required for such a mission.

Waterpipe Crisis Resolved

If you would like to support our mission to Nicaragua, please CLICK HERE for more information...

POST by ORLANDO: Growing Up Nica!

Orlando Huembes

Hello my name is Orlando Huembes and I am from Managua, Nicaragua. I want to tell you a bit about my life.

I used to live in a workshop for smashed up cars. In this workshop they’d straighten out the cars’ bodies, painting them and repairing their engines. I used to live with my father, my mother and my brother.

In this workshop there were many incidents where I suffered an accident on my fingers and knees, due to the carelessness of the car mechanics. However, I was a child and I didn’t know what I should and shouldn’t be grabbing.

Ond day, when I was just 7 years old, a large metal bus part fell from many meters above onto my head. I was immediately hospitalised for the injury I’d suffered on my head. I had to stay in hospital for fifteen days.

Through all of our trials my father, from the sweat of his brow, continued to work and make our lives better.  Regardless, it was not sufficient. My father wasn’t able to provide enough of an income for our family and because of this he was rarely able to spend time with us.

And so I saw the need to work and help my family, irrespective of the job requirements. I decided to sell water at the traffic lights and beg for money. My Mum thought I was at school, but mostly I wasn’t. I needed to study but I left school to go and get money because sometimes my dad spent his earnings on liquor.

It was a very difficult time for my mother, as we didn’t have food to eat, and providing meals is the first priority for a mum.

My friends told me to come with them to where the busses stop. There people would give us money if we begged. And so we went, praying that God would help us. If we went and begged for money, God would help us. I will always remember this moment in my life.

I want to learn and to do things better each day with God's help. We all have a purpose in this life and at times we need to sacrifice for each other.

Thanks, it was a pleasure being able to share this moment with you. Thanks for taking the time to read about my experiences. Regards, from Capital on the edge, on the Old Road to Leon,  in Nicaragua.

If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)

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This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable. 

Yordy & Orlando at Capital on the Edge

Hola mi nombre es Orlando Huembés soy de Managua, Nicaragua.
Quiero contarle un poco  de mi vida, yo vivía en un taller de enderezado, pintura y mecánica.  donde los automóviles son reparados por choques o por daños en el motor , y ese mismo lugar vivía mi padre mi mama y mi hermano y yo, y en ese lugar muchas veces sufrí accidente en mis dedos  en mis rodias por causa del descuido de los trabajadores y yo por muy niño sin saber que asía, y un día de tantos al redor de 7 años me cayó un paral de un bus en mi cabeza y tu ve 15 días hospitalizado por que sufrí una lesión en mi cabeza, y a pesar de todo eso mi padre  con el sudor de su frente así a que nuestra vida sea lo mejor pero sin embargo no era lo suficiente, al pasar el tiempo yo veía en mi familia la necesidad y decidí ir a trabajar en lo que sea , a pedir dinero en los semáforos vender agua, y así estudiar pero por la necesidad me salía de clases para ir a conseguir dinero ya que a veces mi papa gastaba dinero en licor y era muy duro ya que mi madre no teníamos para comer lo mas importante, y muchos  amigos me decían vamos a pedir dinero a los buses y yo pues sin decir no decía si, y pues es algo que uno quiere pero es la voluntad de Dios de que nosotros pasemos una experiencia algo inolvidable para así aprender y poder hacer las cosas cada día mejor con la ayuda de Dios, y por un propósito tenemos que hacer tantas cosas por sacrificio a unos por otros. Gracias fue un gusto haber podido compartir este momento con ustedes gracias por su atención saludos desde Capital on the edge león, Nicaragua