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Jose Bayardo in Nicaragua (Capital on the Edge) |
my name is Jose Bayardo and I am 21 years old.
I live
with both my mum and my sisters. I was born in a village called Rosita, which
lies to the North of Managua, in Nicaragua, towards the Atlantic Coast.
My mum
says that when I was born, I was a very sick child. I spent most of my earliest
days in hospitals, suffering from many diseases. However, with time I became
healthy and strong.
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A younger Jose |
came to live in Managua when I was just 9 years old. We have experienced many struggles
in our lives, and it has been tough for us being raised without a father to
support us.
mum found it the most difficult and at times wanted to take her own life because
of the poverty we lived in. We faced our
economic circumstances alone, and some days, due to my unemployment, couldn’t even
afford to eat.
time to time my mum has gone to other countries seeking employment. I was always
left to watch my sisters. They would go out and look for bread for us to eat. Sometimes
what they had to do was wrong.
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Jose's sister and her son |
life has been very difficult but I never thought of death as an option. I have
tried many vices, like marijuana, cigarettes and alcohol, but thank God I did
not like any of them.
thanks to God everything in our lives has now improved. We have met a wonderful
family, who are very generous and kind. I thank God for his kindness and for Elizabeth
and Jed, and the Brien family.
has also given me a great opportunity and I will be traveling to the USA. God
put Elizabeth in our lives and this is a very important moment for us. We are working
hard, rehearsing our production.
bless you all!
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A content Jose Bayardo with Capital on the Edge people, in Managua, Nicaragua |
story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital
on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected
to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may
learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed
voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any
deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, to make clear the
life events written about.
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are not up to budget, and travelling with 14 people is very expensive. We need
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Hola mi nombre es José Bayardo, tengo 21
años vivo con mi mama y mis hermanas yo nací en un pueblo llamado rosita en el
atlántico norte d Nicaragua. Dice i mama que cuando yo nací era un niño muy
enfermo diario casi siempre vivía en los hospitales padecía de muchas
enfermedades pero al crecer me ice muy sano nos vinimos a vivir a Managua a
cuando tenía 9 años hemos pasado por muchas situaciones duras en la vida el ver
crecer a mis hermanas sin su papa sin u apoyo para mi mama hubieron veces en
las que ella se quiso quitar la vida porque era muy difícil nuestra situación
económica y los problemas que tenía que afrontar ella sola, habían veces en las
que no comíamos en todo el día por que estaba sin trabajo pero gracias a dios
todo a mejorado en nuestras vidas hemos conocido a unas personas maravillosas,
muy generosos y amables y muy alegres ellos son lis y jed briend y toda su
familia le doy gracias a ellos y a dios. mi vida a sido muy difícil pensé en la
muerte pero no era una opción entre en muchos vicios como la marihuana el
cigarro y el alcohol pero gracias a dios no me gusto ninguno de ellos de vez en
cuando mi mama salía a otros países a buscar trabajo y yo me quedaba cuidando a
mis hermanas por que ella iba a buscar el pan para nuestro hogar y en veces le
iba muy mal pero dios me a dado una gran oportunidad como es viajar a los
estados unidos dios puso a Elisabeth en nuestras vidas este es un momento muy
importante estamos ensayando mucho dios los bendiga a todos.
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