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Orlando & Jose of Capital on the Edge |
Something important happened in my life about two
years ago. We were organising a trip with some friends. We were just about
finished packing for our journey when a 57 year old neighbour gave us a pound
of rice and vegetables to take with us.
One of my friends made fun of the gift that the lady was
offering, laughing at her, but my other friend told him off, and said that he
shouldn’t be rude to her, because she is elderly and in any case, we might need
the food for our journey.
And so we thanked the old lady for giving us the food,
the rice and the vegetables. We then left on our journey. We went to the coast
and the people we were staying with didn’t want to give us any food to eat.
When we became hungry, we remembered that we had the food from the nice neighbour
And so we asked the people that we were staying with
if we could using their cooking facilities to prepare our food, as we had no
money spare. The only money we had, we needed for our transportation on the
In the following days we were very hungry. We had nothing to eat. We arose at 5am and
went to the beach and gathered crabs and coconuts, and ate them raw.
We went to the beachside restaurants and danced for
the foreign tourists. None of them gave us any money. The restaurants didn’t
give us food either. However, one of my friend’s aunts kindly gave us food to
eat: fish and salad. She also gave us a fizzy drink each. We were so grateful
to her, because she gave to us when we were really hungry.
The next day we hitch hiked home. After a few months
went by, we found out that the kind lady who had helped us with food in our
time of great need, had passed away on account of a heart attack. This lady had
been very overweight.
We were very sad, because my friend’s aunt has in Heaven
with God. If it were not for her, in our hour of need, who knows what would
have happened to us. Thank the Good Lord that he put her in our way at that
exact moment. We really appreciated her kindness and we hope that she rests in
peace with God.
Obesity is a terrible disease that affects most people
and it takes away your life bit by bit. However, trust in God who is the only
one who can truly help us. Thanks for reading my story.
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This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.
crucial que paso en mi vida hace como dos años atrás. Estábamos armando un
viaje con unos amigos, íbamos de paseó
donde un familiar de un amigo, éramos tres por todos nos estábamos preparando y
alistando todo cuando una vecina de 57 años de edad nos regaló una libra de
arroz y una verduritas para llevar fue algo inesperado uno de mis amigos se
burló de lo que nos estaba dando la señora y la bulario diciendo ni que
fuéramos pordioseros que nos da eso pero yo y mi otro amigo dijimos mala honda
que tal si necesitamos ese arrocito y esas verduritas y se rio nosotros le
dimos las gracias si y nos llevamos lo que nos avía dado llegando a nuestro
destino que es una costa nos comenzaron a negar la comida no nos querían dar
nada de comer y nosotros con hambre pero nos acordamos de las cosas que nos dio
la señora y les dijimos que si nos hacían eso y con eso comimos el primer día
nosotros solo aviamos ido con el pasaje y no teníamos dinero.
los días siguientes estábamos con mucha hambre nos levantábamos a las 5:00 am
de la madrugada para ir a la costa y recoger cangrejos para comerlos crudos y
cocos nos poníamos a girar en los restaurantes para que nos regalaran comida
los turistas pero una señora que era tía de uno de mis amigos muy amable la
señora que se lo agradecemos de corazón nos dio de comer pescado con ensalada y
nos llenamos y nos regaló fresco gracias a ella y su amable gesto mejor dicho
sobrevivimos. Al día siguiente nos
venimos pidiendo que nos llevaran en el camino y llegamos a nuestro hogar, al
pasar los meses nos dimos cuenta por un amigo que la señora que amablemente nos
sirvió, había fallecido le había dado un ataque al corazón porque ella tenía
sobre peso nos sentimos muy tristes por ella que dios la tenga en el cielo si
no hubiera sido por ella quien sabe que nos hubiera pasado en ese momento dios puso
en nuestro camino a esa señora se lo agradecemos mucho que descanse en paz.
sobre peso es una enfermedad terrible que afecta a la mayoría de las personas y
les va quitando la vida poco a poco pero confiemos en dios que es el único que
nos puede ayudar. gracias
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