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Saturday, May 25, 2013

POST by ORLANDO: Growing Up Nica!

Orlando Huembes

Hello my name is Orlando Huembes and I am from Managua, Nicaragua. I want to tell you a bit about my life.

I used to live in a workshop for smashed up cars. In this workshop they’d straighten out the cars’ bodies, painting them and repairing their engines. I used to live with my father, my mother and my brother.

In this workshop there were many incidents where I suffered an accident on my fingers and knees, due to the carelessness of the car mechanics. However, I was a child and I didn’t know what I should and shouldn’t be grabbing.

Ond day, when I was just 7 years old, a large metal bus part fell from many meters above onto my head. I was immediately hospitalised for the injury I’d suffered on my head. I had to stay in hospital for fifteen days.

Through all of our trials my father, from the sweat of his brow, continued to work and make our lives better.  Regardless, it was not sufficient. My father wasn’t able to provide enough of an income for our family and because of this he was rarely able to spend time with us.

And so I saw the need to work and help my family, irrespective of the job requirements. I decided to sell water at the traffic lights and beg for money. My Mum thought I was at school, but mostly I wasn’t. I needed to study but I left school to go and get money because sometimes my dad spent his earnings on liquor.

It was a very difficult time for my mother, as we didn’t have food to eat, and providing meals is the first priority for a mum.

My friends told me to come with them to where the busses stop. There people would give us money if we begged. And so we went, praying that God would help us. If we went and begged for money, God would help us. I will always remember this moment in my life.

I want to learn and to do things better each day with God's help. We all have a purpose in this life and at times we need to sacrifice for each other.

Thanks, it was a pleasure being able to share this moment with you. Thanks for taking the time to read about my experiences. Regards, from Capital on the edge, on the Old Road to Leon,  in Nicaragua.

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This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable. 

Yordy & Orlando at Capital on the Edge

Hola mi nombre es Orlando Huembés soy de Managua, Nicaragua.
Quiero contarle un poco  de mi vida, yo vivía en un taller de enderezado, pintura y mecánica.  donde los automóviles son reparados por choques o por daños en el motor , y ese mismo lugar vivía mi padre mi mama y mi hermano y yo, y en ese lugar muchas veces sufrí accidente en mis dedos  en mis rodias por causa del descuido de los trabajadores y yo por muy niño sin saber que asía, y un día de tantos al redor de 7 años me cayó un paral de un bus en mi cabeza y tu ve 15 días hospitalizado por que sufrí una lesión en mi cabeza, y a pesar de todo eso mi padre  con el sudor de su frente así a que nuestra vida sea lo mejor pero sin embargo no era lo suficiente, al pasar el tiempo yo veía en mi familia la necesidad y decidí ir a trabajar en lo que sea , a pedir dinero en los semáforos vender agua, y así estudiar pero por la necesidad me salía de clases para ir a conseguir dinero ya que a veces mi papa gastaba dinero en licor y era muy duro ya que mi madre no teníamos para comer lo mas importante, y muchos  amigos me decían vamos a pedir dinero a los buses y yo pues sin decir no decía si, y pues es algo que uno quiere pero es la voluntad de Dios de que nosotros pasemos una experiencia algo inolvidable para así aprender y poder hacer las cosas cada día mejor con la ayuda de Dios, y por un propósito tenemos que hacer tantas cosas por sacrificio a unos por otros. Gracias fue un gusto haber podido compartir este momento con ustedes gracias por su atención saludos desde Capital on the edge león, Nicaragua

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