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Jonny (Center) with his friends, before leaving for Guatemala |
Hello my name is JONNY
My story is about a
friend who was killed in a very bad way.
My friend's name was
Jonny and he was a break dancer like me. One day Jonny told me “hey boy, I’m
going to work in Guatemala and there I’ll also be able to dance with some of my
new friends.
I said “be careful.
Guatemala is a very dangerous country.” He said quietly to me “it’s okay. I
have friends in Guatemala who will look after me.” I responded with “okay, very
good. Keep safe…” and with that he left.
The year after that I
went to a competition in Guatemala and I saw my old friend Jonny. He had a lot
of money and so I asked him “What work are you to be earning so much money?” Jonny
hushed me and asked that I go with him to a place where nobody could hear us
talk. When we arrived in a secluded area he told me “I am hitman.”
“A hitman? What’s
that?” I was confused. He replied “I get paid to kill people.” I asked Jonny “Why do you do this awful job?”
He responded “This is my life here. I never had a father like you. Do not ask
me more questions, ok?”
In that moment I
decided to return to the dancing competition. Jonny left. He turned around and walked
out, not even looking back.
After the competition,
I returned to Nicaragua. Three months later, I was practicing my dancing at our
usual spot. A friend of mine came to where I was practicing with my group and told
our troupe that Jonny had been killed in Guatemala.
I was upset, “Who
killed him?” I asked. My friend explained that MARA had killed Jonny. “Mara” is
an organisation, a gang, and they kill for money. My entire dance group felt
very bad about Jonny’s murder.
The next day, the body
of Jonny was transported from Guatemala to Nicaragua and placed in a morgue.
Jonny’s family went
together to the morgue, as they wanted to retrieve the body. The staff
explained to Jonny’s family that it would not be possible to even look at the
body, let alone take it away. The body was in a terrible state and must be
buried in the ground immediately.
The family of Jonny,
said “it’s okay to bury him now. But his mother would like to see her son, just
one last time.” The doctor responded with “no, it’s just not possible.” The
mother insisted, “I want to see my son!” The doctors finally gave in and
permitted just the mother to take one last moment with her son.
When finally the
mother was with her son she became distraught. Her son had been cut into
pieces. His head, legs and arms had all been severed from his body. The doctors
were also very upset, as they had really tried to not allow this lady to see
her mutilated son’s body.
Without knowing what
had happened, I asked my mum what had happened to the body of my friend. She
explained that the hands, feet and head of Jonny had been cut off. I then felt
really bad about what had happened.
Later, the mother of
my friend said to me “He wanted to go to Guatemala, but I said no. It’s a very
dangerous country. He didn’t listen to me. Later I learnt that he was killing
people for a living. For this reason he was murdered.”
Because he wanted to earn
a bit of money, my friend’s life has been destroyed forever.
God bless the people
who read this story.
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our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our
page, NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)
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This story was written
by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for
publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about
his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences.
The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally,
hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in
consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events
written about and to provide further information so that the story is more
Hola mi nombre es
Mi historia se trata
sobre un amigo el cual fue asesinado de una manera muy mala .
El nombre de mi amigo
es JONNY y al y gual que yo tambien break dance .
Y un dia el me dijo
JONNY me boy a ir a trabajar a guatemala y hay mismo bailare con unos amigos
que tengo a ya . yo le dije ten mucho cuidado que ahy es muy peligroso ese pais
y el me dijo tranquilo a mi me cuidaran mis amigos de a ya guatemala y pues yo
le dije esta bien que te baya muy bien , y en eso el se fue .
Al siente ano yo fui a
una competencia a guatemala y hay estaba el y el estaba con mucho dinero y yo
le dije de que trabajas aqui ). y el me llevo a un lugar en donde no nos
escuchara nadie y cuando fuimos a el lugar , el me dijo yo soy SICARIO , y yo
le dije que es eso . y el me dijo a mi me pagan por matar personas y yo le dije
que . porque si eso es malo , y el me respondio eso es mi vida aqui porque yo
no tube un padre como vos y ya no me preguntes mas ok .
Y en eso fuimos al
evento y el se fue y no lo volvi a mirar y luego yo regrese a nicaragua y
despues de 3 meces, un amigo llego a donde yo practicaba y el me dijo mataron a
JONNY y yo le dije como si y el me dijo que la(MARA) la mara es una
organisacion que matan por dinero ) y yo me sentia muy mal cuando me dijieron
eso .
Al dia siguiente
trasladaron el cuerpo de Guatemala a NICARAGUA y cuando el cuerpo estaba en
medicina legal , la familia de mi agigo yego a pedirlo para ellos enterrarlo y
los de MEDICINA LEGAL le dijieron que el cuerpo ya estaba muy mal que tenian
que ir a enterrarlo de inmediato cuando lo sacaran , y la familia de mi amigo
dejo que si que no era problema y en eso la mama de mi amigo pidie mirar el
cuerpo y los doctores le dijieron que no y e ya insistio asta que la dejaron
mirara el cuerpo y e ya estaba muy mal al mirar el cuerpo de su hijo en pedasos
Y despues que paso
todo yo le pregunte a la mama de mi agigo que como estaba el cuerpo y ella me
dijo que le cortaro la caveza manos y pies . y despues yo me senti muy mal por
lo que le paso y la mama de mi amigo me dijo que eso fue lo que busco su hijo
al ir a guatemala y que el tambien mataba y que por eso lo mataron .
Por un poco de dinero
mi amigo destrullo su vida .
dios bendiga a las
personas que lean esta historia y a las que no tambien gracias
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