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Friday, May 31, 2013

POST by RAF: Hello Hula Hips!

Raf with his Hoop

One night my dad, Elizabeth and Alex were watching a movie and I was on my own computer, I was playing club penguin. “I will show you the game at the bottom when I finish” I said to my dad. Anyway, after my dad and everybody else were finished with that movie, I had to go to bed. Then my dad came up to say goodnight and he went out, but I said wait “can you leave the door open” and my dad said “no” and walked on. “Every time I ask him all the time he always says no.”

The next day I saw a jump rope and a hula-hoop, I did not know who it was for so I just went downstairs, but after three seconds I run back upstairs to get it. So I opened the bag and got the jump rope and I jumped for like 3 minutes and then ran back upstairs to get the hula-hoop. 

I hula hooped for like 5 minutes. The hula-hoop I liked the most. I will show you a video at the end to show you witch one I like the most.

Then my dad got out of bed so I rushed upstairs with the jump rope and put the jump rope in its own place, then rushed downtairs to hide the hula-hoop. “I did that because I liked the hula-hoop more than the jump rope”. 

When my dad came down stairs he saw the hula-hoop and he said “ho ho ho ho now how did you open that? I can’t even open that?” and I said “are you saying that that hula-hoop is mine?” and he said “yap”.

 So everyday my dad would test me and my high score is 121 hulas. I think Chloe can do a trick with my hula-hoop too. Bye!

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