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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

POST by RENZY: When the Bee Stings... When I´m Feeling SAAAAD!

My family love to climb trees. At our house we have a bunch of trees. Most of the trees at our house are fruit trees. There is one tree at the back which is our favorite tree to hang out in because it is really close to the house and it has a lot of firm branches on it.

Also, when it is dark outside and you are playing hide and seek you can go up and hide, and no one will find you for a long time unless they are used to people hiding up there.

Also at our house we have two paddocks. On one side we have the house and play area but on the other side we have a bunch of trees.  On the side with the bunch of trees there is a wide tree which is tall and if you want to climb it you would need a ladder.

Now I shall tell you my story and it is about the big tree and my brother and I.

It was November 3rd and we were going to the thirty hour famine at our school to eat and we brought a plate of food to share. Sezni and I were waiting outside for everyone when Sezni said “Come on Renz, let’s go and climb the big tree on the other side.” So we went over to the other paddock and to the big tree.

When we got there it already had a ladder there so Sezni climbed up. Once he was up he told me to climb up to where he was. As soon as I got up he said “Watch this. One time I was up here with one of my friends and we crawled across this branch then we jumped off.”  It was sort of a long drop but Sezni is tough so I don’t think he really minded jumping off.

He told me he would do an example to show me. He was crawling along and then I got bored and looked away. All of a sudden I heard my brother sort of moan and hit himself and then he fell out of the tree.

I climbed down as fast as I could and ran to him. I thought he was hurt from the fall so I took him inside.  He was moaning, walking weird, and hitting himself. When I took him inside I set him down on the couch and called my mum to come and look. His face started to get swollen as well as his arm and leg.

When she came, Sezni had started to cry. My mum asked him what was wrong but he was crying too much that he could not speak. I thought I knew why he was crying so I said “We were in the big tree in the other paddock and he fell off of the branch that is why he is crying but I don’t know why he is swollen.”

He started to calm down and said “No, what Renz said is wrong. I am not crying because of that. I am crying because a lot of bees stung me.” Then he started to cry again. We examined him and saw that he had gotten stung eight times! That’s when my mum started to panic a little. She told us to get icepacks. So we got them and put them on him.

She got out some cream and put it on his face, leg, and arm. Then she told us to get in the car and we left. First we went to the store and bought my brother a drink of pepsi and some ice cream and some food for the thirty hour famine.

Once we got to the thirty hour famine he just sat on the computer playing games. Every time someone walked by they would say “what happened to Sezni’s face?”  He would say “I got stung by eight bees.” When he said it, he would not take his eyes off of the screen. 

He looked like someone from the Simpsons and when he smiled he looked adorable.

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