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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

POST by JONNY: Listen Ear!!!!!!

Myron at the airport for his FIRST evangelism tour

When Myron was 3 years old, he lived in a suburb that is very poor. His house was made very poorly, out of plastic. The biggest problem in Myron’s home was that his mum suffered a lot of physical abuse, daily, by her husband.

One of Myron’s neighbors saw these problems that happened daily in Myron's small home. Their neighbor went over to Myron’s house and addressed the problem. "Why do you let your husband beat you and treat you that way? You have a son who constantly sees everything that your husband does to you and he keeps it in his head and will remember everything." the neighbour said.

Myron’s mum replied, "You know, thank you for coming and asking me, but I think it would be better if you leave my house because my husband could come home and look for more problems with you, please don't come asking anything else, thank you.”

The days went by and the abuse to Myron’s mother continued and more people saw what was happening in their small home. Little Myron heard the cries of his mother and saw her pain every time his dad was home.

One day his dad received a call from a woman who lived in the neighbouring country called Costa Rica, and so he left and went to that land.

Later, after Myron's dad left Nicaragua, everything changed in their small home. One day, the person who had been watching the problems in Myron’s home began to visit again asking if he could help with any economic needs. Myron’s mum accepted his help, and he helped in any way he could.

It was just a few days later that Myron's mum began to like this man who would help her, assisting the family in coming out of the dark and out of a bad life, which Myron's biological Dad had established.

A week had gone by and Myron’s house had begun to change. One of the things that had changed was that Myron’s mum had a new relationship with the man that had helped them in their darkest moments.

Three months later Myron's biological Dad decided to come back to his home in Nicaragua. When he came back he went to his mother’s house, and when he was at his house, all of his extended family told him that his wife had a new husband.

Myron's Dad became really angry and left the house and went to a bar and got very drunk. After a while of being drunk he let himself go to the place where he had lived with Mryon's mother in the past. When he arrived at the house he saw Myron's mum and asked her if they could talk.

“Can we talk for a bit about what has happened here while I have been gone?" he asked. She replied, "I'm sorry, but you have no reason to be here anymore, because I have a new life with my son and my new husband. Do me a favour and leave my house right now."

Myron's Dad became enraged and he started to hit her a lot, so much that she almost fainted. When he saw what he had done to her he left her house.

Myron’s new Dad wasn’t home because he was working, but he received a call from someone who explained that his wife's ex-husband had come back from Costa Rica and he had gone to their house and had beaten his wife. Myron’s new Dad immediately went to his boss and asked for permission to leave, explaining to him what had just transpired at his house.

When Myron’s new Dad got to his house, he saw his wife on the ground covered in blood. He picked her up and put her into bed. He left the house really mad!

After looking around a lot of places he went to this one liquor store and there he found his wife's ex-husband. When he saw him, he got out his machete and attempted to enter the store, but the owners of the establishment wouldn't allow him to enter with the machete.  And so he asked them if he could go in without the machete, and they agreed, so he went on in.

He sat next to Myron's biological Dad and they started to talk, in a way that was more like a fight, and then they started to shout and after that they started a fist fight and they both fell to the ground and some bear bottles broke on their descent. Myron's biological Dad grabbed a broken bottle and he cut the new Dad's ear off. When he saw all the blood that had started to flow out, he left the store and ran away and no one to this day has found him.

A month went by and Myron's new Dad recovered from the fight and his mother became well also. They heard good news from some people that wanted to help them build a new house because their old house was falling apart on account of poor construction and materials. And so the people helped them build their new house.

After 2 months their house was in a better condition and thanks to God their family were going to have a better life.

Thank you for reading this interesting story. God Bless!

Myron (center), playing a demon in CREATED
Cuando mairon tenia la edad de 3 anos el vivia en un barrio muy umil y la vivienda en la cual MAIRON vivia era muy umilde ya que vivian en una casita de palstico y . pero el problemas mas grande es que la mama de mairon sufria mucho maltrato a diario por el marido, y uno de los becinos de al rededor miraba a diario los problemas que ocurian en la casa de MAIRON  y un dia que el miro a la mama de MAIRON sola en su casa el se dirijio a su casa y el le pregunto . Porque dejas que tu marido te pegue y te maltrate de esa manera si tienen un ijo el cual esta consternado de mirar lo que tu marido te hace ? Ella respondio save muchas gracias por benir pero mejor ballase de mi casa porque mi marido puede benir y puede buscar problemas con usted y porfavor no buelba a benir a preguntar nadapor favor gracias .
Luego de muchos dias los maltratos seguin hacia la mama de MAIRON y muchas personas miraban lo que susedia en el ogar . y el pequeno MAIRON solo se escuchaba llorar y lamentarse cadaves que el papa estaba en su casa .
Un dia el papa de MAIRON  resivio una llamada de una mujer la cual vivia en el pais becino Costa Rica y el papa de MAIRON decidio irce al pais besino Costa Rica .
Luego de que el papa de MAIRON se marchara de el pais todo canbio en el ogar y habia una persona que siempre estaba mirando los problemas que susdian en el ogar , un dia esa persona comenso a ir a la casa de MAIRON  para preguntar en que podia ayudarle en lo economico o en lo material . y la mama de MAIRON asecto la ayuda del obre umilde que trataba de ayudarles . y luego de 3 dias la mama de MAIRON se encarino de el hombre que la ayudo a salir de la oscuridad y de la mala vida que el papa de  MAIRON le habia dado .
Luego de 1 semana todo comenso a tener canbios en el ogar el cual parecia guerra a diario  y  uno de los canbio fue que la  mama de MAIRON tenia una nueva relacion con el hombre que la ayudo a salir de la terible oscuridad .
Despues de 3 meces el papa de MAIRON tomo la desicion de regresar a su ogar en  NICARAGUA  . Cuando el regreso a NICARAGUA el se dirijio al ogar de su mama . y cuando el estaba en su casa toda la familia de el le dijo de que su mujer tenia otro marido , y el papa de MAIRON se puso muy enojado y se fue de la casa de su mama a tomar alchol . Y despues de mucho timpo de estar tomando se dirijio a la casa la cual era su ogar en el pasado . Cuando el yego a su ogar el cual era en el pasado encontro a la mama de MAIRON y el le pregunto . Eba podemos hablar un poco de las cosas que an susedido en este tiempo que no he estado aqui ? Y ella le respondio . losiento pero tu ya no tienes que hacer nada por aqui porque tengo una nueva vida yo y mi hijo y mi nuevo marido . Y asme el favor y bete de mi casa ahorita . Y el papa de Mairon se puso muy enojado por lo que Eba le habia dicho y el comenso a golpearla mucho asta casi desmayarla y cuando el miro que Eba estaba muy mal el se fue uyendo de la casa .
El  padrastro de Mairon no se encontraba en el ogar porque estaba trabajando pero el resibio una llamada de una persona y le dijo de que el maridi de Eba habia regresado de Costa Rica y que habia yegado y golpeado a su esposa . El pidio inmediatamente permiso en su trabajo para poder ir a ver lo que habia susedido en su ogar . Cuando el yego ha la casa miro a su esposa tirada en el piso y sangrando y el la lebanto y la puso en la cama y salio de la casa con un machete muy enojado .
Luego de buscar por muchos lugares yego a un lugar que bendian alchol y hay estaba el ex marido de Eba y cuando el lo miro el saco el machete y queria entrar al lugar . pero los duenos de el lugar no lo dejaron entrar con el machete y el les dijo que si podia entrar sin el machete y las personas le dijieron que si , y el dentro . Luego de entrar el se sento a la par de el papa de Mairon y comenso a tener una platica muy fuerte y derepente comensaron a gritar y luego de eso ellos comensaron a golpearce y calleron al suelo y unas botellas se ronpieron y el papa de Mairon agarro un tro de botella y le corto la oreja al padrastro de Mairon y cuando el miro que esta sangrando mucho el padrastro de Mairon el inmediatamente uyu de el lugar y nadie sabe en donde se encuentra.
Luego de transcurrir 1 mes el padrasto de Mairon habia tenido una muy buena recuperacion y al igual Eba y ellos recibieron una muy buena noticia de unas personas que querian ayudarle a construir su casa ya que la casa se estaba callendo porque no tenia un buen material . y esas personas le dieron una ayuda para que la construyeran .
Despues de 2 meces el ogar de eba habia tenido un poco de mejora . y gracias a Dios la familia de Eba a tenido una mejor vida .
Gracias por leer esta historia Dios los Bendiga .


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This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.  

This story was translated by Lorenzy/Francesca and edited by Jed.

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