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Saturday, March 23, 2013

POST by YORDY: Paying for Parking

Yordy, in SAN DIEGO!!!

Hoy fue una experiencia muy linda tuvimos un tiempo de diversion con nuestros amigos de california vinieron a la casa donde estamos ahorita, fue una experiencia muy linda jugamos futbol, comimos hot dogs, nos reimos, la pase muy genial con mis amigos. tambien un dia fuimos a san diego el pastor nos llevo a visitar estaban muchos edificios que bellos eran y muy grandes, tambien logre ver unos barcos creo que eran de guerra. es muy diferente a Nicaragua por que en mi pais no tienes que pagar por estacionar, pero aqui si pagas yo estube raro cuando vi que tenian que pagar para eso pero es muy divertido y bello me gustaria poder conocer mas de esta cultura tan bella. en la iglesia acababamos de terminar nuestra presentacion y despues tuvimos que decir nuestros nombres con el microfono enfrente como de 30 o 40 personas no se cuantas eran mi mente se puso nublada, le tocaba a mi amigo stiven a hablar y decir su nombre y yo estaba muy nervioso, mi amigo jonny me dijo en ese momento vamos tu puedes y yo le dije nunca he hablado con un microfono enfrente de tantas personas pero me decidi y no tuve mas pena y lo hise les dije mi nombre, despues les dije cuantos a;os tenia y ellos estaban riendo mucho yo tambien, pero no entiendo el causante de sus risas pero bueno paso mi turno terminamos y todos estaban orando por nosotros que lindo esas personas son muy humildes tiene el amor para dar a los demas me senti muy amado ese dia que linda experiencia y al final del dia estaba muy cansado, hacia un calor que nunca jamas en Nicaragua lo senti, nada mas cerre la ventana y dormi despertando con mucha alegria, gracias a estas personas que nos dan donde dormir ellos estan sacrificando muchas cosas con nosotros yo pienso que dios tiene un lugar especial para ellos en el cielo

Yordi, from Nicaragua (Capital on the Edge)

Today was a very nice experience. We had a fun time with our new friends from California. They came to the house where we are right now. It was a very nice experience. We played soccer, ate hot dogs, we laughed. It was great spending time with my friends. 

Nica-Talent with Youth from Vista Assembly, near San Diego (California)

Also, yesterday we went to San Diego. The pastor took us sightseeing and we visited many buildings that were beautiful and very big. I also managed to see some warships. 

Beycker, Yordi & Stivey, with San Diego in the background
Nicaragua is very different from the USA. We do not have to pay for parking. When I saw them paying for parking, I thought it was weird. But California is fun and beautiful, and I would love to know more about this gorgeous culture.

In San Diego (we drove over the bridge in the background...)

When we had finished our presentation, in the Church, we had to say our names with the microphone in front of about 30 or 40 people. My mind was cloudy. It was up to my friend Stiven to speak and say his name. I was very nervous. My friend, Jonny, told me it was my turn and I said “I have never spoken with a microphone in front of so many people!” But I decided to do it and it wasn’t so bad. I told them my name name, how old I am and then they started laughing a lot and I did too, but I do not understand why they were laughing.

Presenting for Vista Assembly of God, near San Diego (California)

Everyone prayed for us. These Church people are so nice and very humble. They have love to give to others and I felt very loved that day. By the end of that nice experience and at the end of the day I was very tired.

I slept awakening with great joy, thanks to these people who give us a place to sleep. They are sacrificing many things for us. I think God has a special place for them in heaven.

Yordy, in SAN DIEGO!!!

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