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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

POST by RENZY: This Cat has NINE Lives

We just got a new little kitty cat. She is so cute and a friend gave it to us. The friend that gave her to us is named Sabrina. Her cat had three little kittens and so she decided to give us one, keep one, and give the other one away. She originally gave it to Fran because Fran is one of her really good friends and we were going to get a cat anyway because of the mice problems that we have. 

She is gray and very soft. Her eyes are a dark green and they are sort of scary but they can look so cute at times. My family love to play with her because she is tiny, cute, fun to play with and she loves to have attention.

Although Sabrina gave the cat to Fran, Fran gave it to me because all my other siblings either have a dog or a bird, plus a horse. I only have a horse so that is why she is mine. Now that I have a cat and a horse I have two animals just like my brothers and sister but I also have more work to do.

I named my cat Tiger because Fran suggested it and I could not think of anything else to call it. I guess she suggested it because she sort of looks like a tiger, besides the color of her. I was going to call her "river" because she is sort of blue, but mainly gray, however I remembered that in Australia I had a rabbit that I called "River" and I don’t know what happened to her. So her name is Tiger and I like it but I don’t normally call her by her name. I just say whatever is in my mind.

She sleeps in my room at night but I don’t think she really sleeps as much as I thought she would and I found that out on the first night I was with her. So I had gotten a shower, jumped into my pajamas, brushed my teeth and hair, got the cat from where she was having what she called fun, hopped into bed and put the cat on her bed.

The cats’ so called bed is actually just a plain black small cushion on the floor next to my bed. It is sort of soft and nobody ever really uses it so it is the perfect thing… or so I thought. 

Once I was in a comfortable spot, I shut my eyes to go to sleep. Suddenly I felt something weird, so I opened my eyes but saw nothing, and so I closed my eyes again. 

Wait on a second, because I don’t want to read and correct this story type-thing again, I will just tell you now that my gardener and parents just told me that "she" is acually a "he". So all I said about him being a girl, well he’s not, so back to the story.

So I was drifting off into a dream when suddenly I felt four little, cold, soft, squishy paws walk right across my forehead. I opened my eyes, grabbed him and put back on his black, little cushion. 

A few minutes later I was sort of awake but mainly asleep when I was woken again by the same hideous creature, only this time he was biting my toes. His little jaw was in my toe. It didn’t hurt that much because he is still small so he can’t bite as hard. Again I grabbed him and put him on his bed.

This time I fell asleep pretty much straight away because I was getting tired. Once again I was awakened by little Tiger. He was doing the same thing only he was doing it to my fingers. 

I was getting tired of him doing this and not letting me sleep, so this time I sort of tossed him and I don’t know if he even landed on his bed or next to it. I fell straight to sleep that time and didn’t want to wake up again. The last time he did it was when he was half way in my shirt and biting the ends of it, making little pieces of thread go everywhere under my covers. 

I was so tired and so cranky that I didn’t care what would happen. I even thought about throwing him across the room. That was what happened on the first night with our new cat.

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