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Saturday, July 13, 2013

POST by ORLANDO: Pneumonia

Orlando, at the Assemblies of God's Family Camp in Minnesota

Hello dear friends, brothers, sisters and family.

Its Orlando here and I hope you are doing just fine! Today I want to share with you about an awesome time in my life, when a miracle occurred. God was with me, and through his help I was able to escape death.

Two years ago, I was on the verge of death due to pneumonia. It started suddenly with a cough that just would not go away. A month went by and I still had this cough. Every day became more intense and delicate – I had a lot of phlegm.

One day I had so much pain in my throat and lungs. I coughed well into the night. It was 12:30am when I got up from my bed because I could not take all the coughing.

My throat stung so much because of the phlegm and congestion I was experiencing. It felt like I was drowning and I felt very tired. My chest ached because I was not able to breathe - I couldn’t get oxygen into my body.
I felt like I was dying, and thank God my brother got up from his bed and helped me breathe again. My house flew into a flurry when they realised how serious the problem was.

My family immediately rushed me to hospital, but I still remained the same. In fact, my condition deteriorated because every time I coughed I would choke on phlegm. Four days went by and I just could not do it anymore.

I overcame my fear and resigned myself to death. The pain in my chest was huge and I wanted to die because the medical staff could not do anything for me. The doctors did not know what it was that was killing me and the medicines treating my condition were ineffective.

Two days passed and many pastors prayed for me, but what I didn’t realise was that God was in control of my life.

Thanks to God for a Christian brother, a true servant of God, which Heaven used greatly. This fella went to my house and told me that I was going to die, that I had a spirit of death following me, seeking to kill me. After explaining this, he started to pray for me.

My family and I prayed diligently to God, believing for my healing. Miraculously, I was healed by God and also received something awesome, being baptised in the Holy Spirit.

Thank God I am here and healthy because of Him. I want to tell you that if you look to God and believe from a sincere heart, he can make miracles in your life.

God bless you and protect you.

Hola queridos amigos, hermanos y familiares.

Soy Orlando espero que estén muy bien, quiero contarle algo impresionante en mi vida, un milagro que hizo Dios en mí y es de escapar de la muerte.
Hace 2 años atrás, yo estuvo al borde de la muerte, debido a una enfermedad llamada neumonía.

Todo empezó de repente con una tos que no se me quitaba, pase alrededor como un mes con la tos, y cada día era más intensa la  tos y muy delicada debido a que era mucha flema. Y un día de tanto dolor en mi garganta y pulmones, yo sentía en una noche toser, eran las 12:30 am me levante de mi cama  por que no aguantaba  la tos, y sentía en mi garganta que me picaba, era por la misma flema y sentía que me estaba ahogando y sentía mucho cansancio y mucho dolor en mi pecho debido a que no respiraba y no me pasaba oxígeno.

Sentía que me moría, y gracias a Dios se levantó mi hermano de su cama y me ayudo a volver a respirar y fue un escándalo en mi casa ya que yo estaba muy grave , inmediatamente me llevaron al hospital, pero aún seguía igual, y era peor porque cada vez que tocia me ahogaba con la misma flema, pasaron cuatro días y yo no podía más, el miedo me vencía y el dolor en mi pecho era inmenso y quería morir ya que no podían hacer nada por mí los médicos no sabían que era y las medicinas no hacían efecto en mi .

Y aun pasaron dos días más y muchos pastores hermanos cristianos oraron por mí , pero sin saber yo Dios estaba haciendo la obra en mi vida.

Y gracias a Dios puso un ciervo muy usado por Dios que llego a mi casa, y él me dijo que yo iba morir, que tenía un espíritu de muerte que me andaba siguiendo para matarme , y al decirme eso él se puso a orar por mí , mi familia y yo oramos a Dios para mi sanidad y milagro ,  gracias a Dios milagrosamente fui sanado y recibí algo lindo que es el bautismo del espíritu santo el derramamiento , y ahora gracias a Dios estoy sano por gracias de él. Y quiero decirle que solo él puede hacer milagro si ponemos la mirada en él y le creemos de corazón sincero y humilde de corazón Dios les bendiga y les guarde.

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This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.  

This story was translated by Lorenzy and edited by Jed.

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