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Sunday, April 21, 2013

POST by ERICSON: Deep Thinking


I didn’t like listening to my friends’ problems, so I always asked them what they wanted to do when they grew up. Whenever I listened to their problems I always had problems after. One of my friends was the smart one, the other one was spoilt, but I was the one that was ignored the most because I went to Church.

One day I went to visit my friends and found them both naked, so I went away from them and later met up with them. I asked them what they wanted for their future? They both replied “I don’t know.” Then I asked them if they were happy. They answered “no.” We began to think about our lives and I decided I wanted to be a chef and a servant of God.

So first I give thanks to God as I am serving him and my friends are too. Now my uncle is also giving me an opportunity to be a cook.

Sometimes my friends and I meet up at night to watch the stars, now that we are all together again. We say how beautiful it is that God gave us what we needed in the World and we didn’t get lost. Now I am blessed with victory.

I have suffered a lot in my childhood, but God was always with me and God always kept me on the right path. A lot of times I felt how good it is to be serving in this world and not falling into depression. It is always good to know that there is someone by my side.

Some people ask themselves what they want to be when they grow older, and some people try to commit suicide. But God told me through the Bible “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” He told me that he has a home a LOT bigger for me in Heaven. That made me really happy. Now God controls where I go.

Thanks for reading about my thoughts and life. 

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Yo era un nino que pensaba  que  sere cuando cea grande  uno lo primero que piensa  por que no tengo hoportunidaes por que sienpre que asia esaspreguntas avian problemas con mis amigos  sienpre yo ablaba con ellos de esos problemas que ami no megustaban por que abeses avanpreoblemas y eso traia problemas pami por que el otro era muy en telijente por que el otro le davan todo lo que el queria y el otro el mimado  pero yo el mas rechasado por que iba ala IGLESA  Para eyos yo era el mas rechasado pero un dia yo  fuidon de eyos y en con tre a uno des nudo y el otro tanvien  pero yo me aleje de eyos y des pues yo mereuni y les dije que piensas de tu futuro y barrios merepondieron nose por que  y ellos medijeron por que nos aces esa pregunta  sienpre por  nose miremonos y digan kien es feliz y todos dijeron  llono y mepuce atener  emajnasiones de mi vida y dije quiero cer un cosinero y un cervidor de dios primero y gracias a DIOS que le estoy sirvendo aorita y kiero ceguir asiendolo y mis amigos aora  tanvien le siben al creador ganando almas cantando  coros innos para nuestro cenor  y aora mi tio me esta dando una beca para cosina y a hora nos ponemos aber las estrellas con mis amigos cadabes que estamos junto y de cimos que ermoso lo que Dios iso por nosotros Dios mesaco de un mundo de perdicion y a ora estoy vendecido prosperdo y en vitoria  sucrifri muncho en mi nines pero dios sienpre estaba con migo y dios sienpre guiaba mis pasos llore muncho pensando que vine aser uno este mundo y caia en deprecion pero al guien estaba amilado y no medaba cuenta asta uno ciente que se kiere matar asendoce esa pregunta pero DIOS mediojo por la biblia  yo  soy el acamino la berdad y vida nade viene al padre si no es por mi y medijo yo tengo un ogar mas aya en el cielo y eso me iso centir feliz aora DIOS meguia donde boy  gracias por es leer  mi visiones de nino

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