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Sunday, April 7, 2013

POST by ELIEZER: Testimony

Eliezer in Sunny San Diego
Hello, my nam is Eliezer. I am going to share with you a little bit about my life.

I grew up in a very small region called Cedro Galan in Managua, Nicaragua. As a child, I had many needs, because we are very poor and things were not so good for my family.
When I was about 8 years old I went to work on a small coffee farm. I woke up at 2 am to be able to get there early enough to make money for my grandparents.

My parents left me with my grandparents for half of my life. I couldn’t be with my parents because they didn’t have a good house to live in. My Dad never wanted my family to tell other people, when I was born, that I was his son. I was denied and told that I was not his son. I never experienced true love from a father.

But with luck, my sisters could have that love from my father, the love I always wanted. I have two sisters. The one that is 11 years old is the one that I love the most.

The other one is my age, she is my half sister, she is very selfish and my dad always gives everything to her, but he gives my little sister very little. He never gives me anything. I feel a little better because my sister hopefully won’t have to go through what I went through.

My dad was very bad to my mum, he always mistreated her when they were not together and told my sister and I horrible words about my mama. I always have those bad memories when he would say "your mum is a bitch, I am going to kill her and cut her head off." I felt very bad and my sister did not deserve to hear those words from my dad. Because of the horrible words, I can never forgive him.

Due to the conditions we lived in, it was hard for me to go to school. I had little time for my studies. I started to study very early, but my job made it difficult for me to study. It’s very sad that these things can change a person’s life.

My house was made very poorly. It was made of sheet metal on the sides as walls, and the house was very bad. The wood roof had so many holes that my bed would be wet when it rained. I would sleep in wet my wet bed, and my grandmother always cried because I was so sick. I was always cold.

I always had a childhood with hurt feelings and a broken heart.

I never had a birthday party or Christmas celebrations. But I have hope in God, and since I am with God, my heart feels better and I believe things will go well.

I hope you enjoyed my story, thank you for reading. God bless you today.
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Eliezer in San Diego

Ola mi nombre es Eliezer les vengo con un poco de mi vida

Desde muy pequeño crecí en una comarca llamada cedro galán en Managua nicaragua teníamos muchas necesidades porque somos muy pobres las cosa no eran tan buena con my familia alrededor de 8 anos de edad ya me ponía a trabajar en una finca de corta de café recuerdo que me despertaba alas 2 de la mañana para poder llegar temprano para hacer mas dinero para mis abuelos

Mis padres me dejaron la mitad de  mi vida con mis abuelos porque no me podían tener con ellos por falta de una casa para poder vivir bueno mi mama porque mi papan nunca me quiso my familia me cuenta que el cuando yo nací el me negó dijo que yo no era su hijo i nunca e sabido lo que es el verdadero amor de un padre

Pero de suerte que mis hermanas si lo pudieron tener ese amor que yo siempre quise tengo 2 hermanas  una de 11 anos que es lo que mas quiero  loa otra es de mi edad mi media hermana es muy egoísta y mi papa siempre le a dado todo a ella pero ami hermanita le da muy poco y ami nunca me da nada pero me siento un poco bien porque por lo que yo pase mi hermanita tal vez no lo va a pasar

Mi papa era muy malo con mi mama siempre la maltrataba aunque no estaban juntos y a mi y a mi hermanita nos decía unas palabras horribles de mi mama siempre llevare esos malos recuerdos el decía “tu mama es una perra la boy a matar le boy a cortar la cabeza “ i yo me sentía muy mal y mi hermanita no se merecía oír esas palabras tan despiadadas de mi papa contra my mama nunca lo podré perdonar

En el particular estilo de vida pues e tenido muy pocas oportunidades para mis estudios yo comencé muy temprano mis estudios  pero por mi trabajo era muy difícil estudiar para mi es muy triste porque esas cosas te puede cambiar la vida

Mi casa era muy pobre era de laminas de metal a los lados y madera  muy mala el techo tenia tantos agujeros que mi cama seme mojaba cuando llovía era horrible yo me dormía mojado y mi abuela siempre lloraba por que yo siempre me enfermaba era muy frío nunca pude tener una infancia siempre fue dolor por todos mis sentimientos

En mis cumple anos nunca tuve alegría  ni en navidad ni en ninguna época de el ano pero siempre queda una esperanza que es dios desde que estoy con dios en mi corazón me ciento mejor y las cosas siempre salen bien espero que les higa gustado mi historia muchas gracias por leer  que dios los bendiga.

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