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Monday, September 8, 2014

POST by ABEN: 'Cause the power, you're supplying. It's electrifying!

Aben, Creative Director for the Nicavangelists

Hello friends, my name is Aben and the story I’m sharing with you today is very painful and sad for me.

When I was 14 years old I was a street kid. My friends were a negative influence on me. One day, something terribly bad happened…

I was close to my home, like 100 meters away, and since I was a bad boy I decided to try and rob my neighbour’s house. However, where I live many people try to make a living out of stealing, and the house I was attempting to break into had previously experienced theft. The owners had become wise and installed an electric fence. I didn’t realise this, and so I tried to climb over their wall to steal stuff for money.

At the very same moment I placed both of my hands and my left foot on the fence and immediately felt a surge of electricity course through my entire body.

My heart began to pound five times faster than normal.

My head became discombobulated and the strain was unbearable. I pulled hard but my hands wouldn’t obey, they wouldn’t let go of the wire.

Right then I felt as though my whole body was an earthquake, shaking me wildly this way and that! My hands began to bleed as the fence ripped my skin apart. I lost all of my strength. My body would not listen to me and obey it’s instructions. I couldn’t move at all.

With my other foot resting on a post I frantically tried to push myself back. All to no avail. I realised I was doomed, about to die. Nobody was around to help me.

Then I thought, “God, please forgive me for all of the bad things I’ve done. I repent! I do not want to die!” Immediately I felt a gushing of power in my other foot. Once again I tried kicking myself backwards with the aid of that post and was miraculously freed from that fence.

As I fell to the ground, I landed on a big rock. I hurt my neck but this was of no significance to me, God had saved me from death! My hands were hurt, my heart returned to normal and I was a little scared by this incident. Right there I said these words:

“Thank you Heavenly Father for giving me another chance at life. There is no power that can defeat or stop you. I will continue to believe in you. Thank you God!”

This is what I’ve learnt. God can do whatever he wants with us. However, he wants us to approach him with our own free will and with a repentant heart.

If you would like to partner with the Nicavangelists, please CLICK HERE... Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in the hearts and lives of young Nicaraguans...

6 Awesome Nicavangelists: Myron, Lorenzy, Raffy, Jason, David y Aben

Hola amigos mi nombre es aben y la historia voy a contarles es sobre mi ,es muy dolorosa y triste para mi .

Cuando tenia 14 anos y caminaba en las calles con ,amigos pero con mala influencia ,para mi me ocurrio algo feo y horrible .

Un dia cerca de mi casa habia otra como a 100 metros de la mia ,como erea un chico muy vago queria entrar ,a robar ala casa de mi vecino ,pero como en el barrio entraban muchos ladrones a robar ,el por seguridad puso electricidad ,en su cerco y yo sin saber eso fui e intente robar en su casa cosas para dinero .

En ese momento me atrevi  hacer el  inteto cuando estaba en frente del cerco coloque mis dos manos y el pies izquierdo ,al solo tocar con mist res partes del cuerpo enpence a recivir el contacto dela electricidad .

En ese momento mi Corazon la tia 5 veces mas rapido que lo normal ,mi cabeza  sentia  que me la jalaban muy fuerte ,mis dos manos abiertas  y solo vei que no se despengaban del alambre y sentia que todo mi cuerpo se estremecia como un terremoto que sacude todo por igual .

En ese momento miraba que mis manos se cortaban por las puntas que tenia el alambre ,ya no tenia fuerzas ,mi cuerpo ya no me ovedecia  no podia moverme pero con mi otro pies libre ,no me daba cuenta que habia un poste de piedra que sujetaba los alambres yo muy debil y sin fuerzas me enpujaba con mi pies derecho ,sobre el poste pero nada  ocurria, solo pensaba que hiba a morir ahi en ese momento mas que nadie habia al rededor dije es mi final .

Pero despues solo pense y dije dios perdoname por ser tan malo, me arrepiento de todo no quiero morir ayudame dame otra opotunidad,cuando dije todo eso solo senti un gran poder en pies derecho una gran fuerza sentia entonces intente de Nuevo al enpujarme del poste de piedra pude despegarme del alambre de electricidad.

Cuando me despegue cai encima de una gran roca golpeando mi cuello pero eso no me importo por uqe solo me import que dios habia salvado mi vida de la muerte ,mis manos con heridas mi Corazon estaba  con su pulso normal y estaba un poco asutado y llorando solo dije estas palabras .

Gracias papa pordarme una oportunidad mas en el mundo no hay poder alguno ni cosa que dentenga y vensa adios solo seguire creindo enti siempre gracias dios este fue un mensaje que el medio ami de que el bueno y puro y el hace con nosotros lo que el quiere y el solo quiere que nos arrepentimas de Corazon .

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Jessica in a moto-taxi with Jed and Myron
This past weekend I went along with the Brien kids to support Fran in her Bboy competition.  Whilst there I was also able to visit some of the guy’s (Nicavangelists) homes and meet their families (as if I don’t spend enough time with them during the week).

On Sunday afternoon, while the Brien children were spending some quality time with their mom, I was invited to go to the mall with some of the guys just to walk around and window shop because they had nothing better to do. So after spending about two hours at the mall we headed back to the boys’ barrio.

I went straight to Jose’s house to meet up with Lorenzy and to use the internet. In all honesty, Jose and his mother have got to be to sweetest people I have ever met in my entire life. José’s mother was cooking up this big dinner to feed all of us, and might I say it was delicious!! She made baked chicken (one of my all time faves) and I swear I felt like I had just ordered it from a restaurant. 

I slept the night with the Brien children in the boys’ barrio. The night came fast, but the morning came faster. I was woken up at 7am by Jason, one of the guys in the group, who came to pick me up to head back to Nicavangelists Headquarters.

Well if anyone knows me they know that I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON, so there I was, half asleep, walking down the road to the bus stop at 7am with Jason laughing at me. Knowing I had the most tired/ disgusted look on my face I asked, “What are you laughing at?” which only made him laugh harder.

We finally arrived at the bus stop and it was like perfect timing, the bus was there to pick us up. We got on the bus and headed down the road trying not to be thrown into different people because the drivers here are not easy on the breaks AT ALL. Well before we knew it there were so many people on the bus that we were practically smashed up against the window.

A few stops into our ride there was this old man who looked homeless and he kept chanting the same thing over and over again. The only word I understood was “dinero.”  I looked up and to my little surprise I saw Jason digging around in his pocket and looking at the change we’d received after paying for our bus ride. Whilst looking at me he shrugged his shoulders, and handed the old man his money.

I had the biggest smile on my face and my heart was so happy. The guys (Nicavangelists) really are so amazing! They come from very little to nothing, and yet they are still willing to give some if not all that they have to people whom are not as fortunate as them.

I honestly am so thrilled that God has placed me in this group. God is changing these boys and their hearts daily, and they are becoming AWESOME young men of God.  

If you would like to partner with the Nicavangelists, please CLICK HERE... Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in the hearts and lives of young Nicaraguans... 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The NICAVANGELISTS Need Your Help!!!

Jonny, a Lead Nicavangelist


I am at the stage of needing to send our older boys for a deeper level of training in the things of God. I really believe that we need to shoot for the stars in order to best prepare our budding apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Our overall goal is not to evangelise Nicaragua, but rather to send Nicaraguans out in ministry to the World…

In July of this year I am aiming at sending Jonny and Stivey on a DTS (Discipleship Training School) with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). This course is generally 5 months in duration, and concentrates on knowing God and making him known (3 month lecture phase and 2 month outreach…). One of my desires is that the boys know English, and so whilst I realise there are some WONDERFUL YWAM schools in Latin America (and cheaper), I really believe that they are to attend a school in the USA (we will already be there, and they already have visas…).

Jonny and Stivey have now been with us for 2 years, and they have proven themselves time and time again. They have endured days without food, sleeping on the streets, being verbally abused whilst ministering in public venues, have been spat at, told they smell like dogs, have been the laughing stock of various groups of people in Nicaragua, have been turned away by Churches when coming to serve, have been at times unduly criticized by brothers and sisters in Christ who’ve possessed leadership positions, and all for the glory of the Great I AM – the loving one, who died so that we’d all have the opportunity to live in an eternal relationship with our Heavenly Father.

At this point we are looking at sending these leaders in training to a bilingual school in either Texas or California. However, if you know of any YWAM schools that offer a bilingual program in these or any other states, please contact me (

And so today I am asking you to be a part of this. We need your help! We are seeking to raise some $10k per Nicavangelist, which will cover the costs of their flights, school and additional costs relating to this important experience (outreach expenses, etc.).

Please watch the boys in some older videos, when we initially started our Nicavangelists’ program two years ago…

CLICK HERE to check out Jonny teaching the kids at Capital Edge Community School and sharing his craft, Bboy...

CLICK HERE to watch Stivey practice his passion, TRICKING...

CLICK HERE to see a video of the Nicavangelists... 

Stivey (left) with fellow Nicavangelist, Eduardo

Saturday, April 5, 2014

POST by STIVEY: Misguided Melvin

The Stivey we Know and Love - Deeply Feeling and Contemplative

Hi everyone! I’m going to share a friend’s story with you…

One day my friend, Melvin, shared with me that he was being mistreated by his parents. He explained in detail that they were using and abusing him. Melvin was ordinarily a really cheerful chap, but his parents ruined his life by making him live sinfully. Melvin’s parents ordered him to steal in the streets and supermarkets so that they had the means to satisfy their cravings for alcohol and cigarettes.

Well time went by and I lost contact with Melvin. He quit school. Two years after learning about Melvin’s lifestyle I ran into him on the street. He looked really different and was sporting several tattoos. We started talking and he told me that he had become a thief. After talking for a while we went our separate ways. 

One year after chatting with Melvin on the street I saw his older brother.  I asked how Melvin and he were doing. Melvin’s brother began to cry. He explained to me that Melvin had died. I asked what had happened and listened as the story unfolded.

Melvin was robbing the son of a police officer and viciously stabbed him. He ran away leaving the son on the street. The Police soon arrested Melvin for his violent crime. The arresting officer was the kid’s father.

He took Melvin into a secret room and shot Melvin five times in the head and six times in his torso. He then proceeded to chop off all of his toes. I was shocked by the way that he had died and thought it a terrible shame, however I realised that the parents were also to blame as they had never taught him any manners.

“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4

This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily by Nestor, and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story makes more sense.

If you would like to support this fellow on a monthly basis, please CLICK HERE

To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2014)

If you would like to see a video of some of our Nica-Youths practicing, please CLICK HERE

We are not up to budget, and travelling with 16 people is very expensive. We need an investment from Christian people for our evangelism tours. To support us or make a once off donation, please visit our page, Contemplating SUPPORTINGsomething significant?

Hola les voy a contar un poco de mi vida,pasada sobre un amigo!
Un dia mi amigo melvin era maltratado por sus padres y el me contaba lo que le pasaba en su casa, el era un chico muy divertido pero los padres le hacian la vida muy mal a el lo hacian aser muchas,cosas mal lo mandaba a robar a los supermecados solo para los visio de los padre porque ellos fumaban bebian y le mostraban a el cosas malas,
Al pasar el tiempo yo no sabia nada mas del porque el ya no asistia a clase entonces al pasar 2AÑOS un dia lo miro a el pero cuando lo miro estaba muy diferente porque tenia muchos tatuajes en su cuerpo entonces cuando el me mira me saluda y comienzo hablar con el y le,dijo como te va no se nada de ti ya, y me responde y,dice ahora me dedico al robo le digo porque sos eso porque a mi no me importa nada entonces de repente se va sin decir nada a mi,
Al pasar 1 año despues desde esa ves que lo mire, un dia mire a su hermano mayor y le dije como estas y dijo bien y le pregunto como esta melvin y dijo no sabes no se nada que paso con melvin y dijo con lagrimas en sus ojos respondio el ya murio y dije como fue, pues un dia el le estaba robando a un chico pero lo que no sabia el que era hijo de un policia pero el chico no le dio nada a,melvin cuando le robaba a el entonces melvin lo apuñalio y se fue corriendo dejando al chico tira en la callete de sangrandose entonces al pasar un tiempo no mucho lo agarro la policia y  hay estaba el padre del chico que le habia robado entonces el policia se lo llevo a un lugar y le pego 5 disparo en la,cabeza y 6 disparo en el cuerpo y tambien le corto los dedos de los pies, cuando me,conto todo eso el hermano de melvin no lo crea yo pero dije que mal como murio mi amigo por culpa,de los padre que le enseñaron muchas,cosas mala a el…

Stivey Performing as Father God in "Created"

Friday, April 4, 2014

POST by NESTOR (Nicavangelists' Youth & Worship Leader): Runaway Roberto

Nestor in San Antonio, Texas

Roberto, when he was just 8 years old, was a child like everyone; cheerful, naughty and clever. He met many friends at the school he attended, which was the poorest school in Nicaragua. His parents didn't have enough money to send him to a private school.

Roberto didn't know Jesus. “God” was just a part of his messy mind like the hero in a magazine. At home he was never loved, even though his grades were very good.

One day Roberto decided to leave home and never return. He was 19 years old when he started to explore the world by himself without any money in his pocket. Life sucked! Everything was going wrong for him. On that journey he wasn't lucky enough to find shelter, nor a steady job.

Being a homeless young man, he fell into the world of drugs, turning his life into a complete disaster. As time passed by, Roberto started to survive by robbing people in the street and bullying the kids around him.

One day Roberto bumped into an old friend of his who used to study with him at school. They talked for a while and the friend advised Roberto to change his life and live for Jesus only. Roberto smiled at him and said “Jesus doesn't exist, he’s just a man from history, from the bible, he’s not real.” Roberto then went on to blame God for everything he had been through in his life.

His friend asked Roberto to pray, and promised to leave him alone after praying, and so that’s what happened. The prayer touched Roberto’s heart and after a few minutes he began to cry. He realised that God had been with him all the time even during the worst times of his life when he was without a reason to live. He realised that God had protected him from evil that had surrounded him. 

One month later Roberto was sharing his testimony at his friend’s church. He praised God for everything and promised, in front of the assembled people, to honour him for the rest if his life.

Now Roberto is one of the ushers at my church. He works very hard and has a new reason to live. Can you image how powerful the love of God is, that with just with one simple prayer God was able to change Roberto’s life? God loves us all, no matter who we are or what we have been through. He has a plan for you and sooner or later you will realise what God’s plan is for your life here on Earth.

Nestor at home in his Native Nicaragua