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Saturday, September 22, 2012

POST by RENZ: My Right to Blare Alarms

Aben & Lorenzy

Sunday´s are most of the time very relaxing days for us but last Sunday was insane and sort of scary. It started out really fun. My sister and I went to the German school because they were having a fair and some friends of ours invited us to go with them. Once we got back we swam and had fun and decided that at night time we would have a movie night.

A friend of mine (our neighbor) came to our house whilst I was making dinner. She asked me to go to Covanic; a place that is a university; a home to some people; it has offices, a library, and things like that.

She needed to do some homework and print some things so a few of the Trickster boys, my sister, my friend, her brother, and I went walking because it was just down the street.

When we got back two of the Trickster boys had gotten into trouble for smoking in the casita where they were staying. They had to move into the shed bedroom for a week because of that, but Rene got mad because he said he didn´t smoke in the casita but had let others smoke in there.

One of the other Trickster boys also got mad because Rene had disrespected my mum and so Aben and Rene got into a fist fight. I went outside to see but they had already finished fighting.

Rene went into the casita and then went inside the main house. I followed him because I wanted to talk to him. He walked into the kitchen and got a drink of water, then he grabbed a big knife and went running to the gate to go outside. My mum grabbed his shirt and tried to stop him.

Rene y Lorenzy

I stood next to him and grabbed his arm which had the knife and with my other hand held the gate shut. He was swinging his arms around and he almost stabbed me so I screamed and let go of him and so he went running to where the others were.

I went running the other way to where Fran and my friend were and told them what had happened and that he had a knife but it was too late, Rene and Aben had already started fighting again.

Luckily, Aben had kicked him and so he did not get stabbed. Jamil, who worked for us but now works in the army made them stop fighting. Then my mum came out and told Rene to go inside.

She first talked with Aben and left him. When she went inside she told Rene to go into her room with her. When she came out she locked the door and we started the movie but she went outside.

In the middle of the movie Rene got out by the window but none of us saw him get out. Then Beycker came inside and told my mum that Rene was outside. And so she put him back in her room and he was in there for the rest of the night.

Rene y Aben

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