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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

POST by FRAN: Billy vs. Lawnmower

“Mrrrrrrrrrr” is the sound of the lawn mower.

The gardener of this house, Angél, is a short, stubborn, lazy, Nicaraguan man. He likes the lawn mower, because it does most of the work for him! Today we came home to the annoying drone of the lawn mower.
My three brothers (Sezni, Rafael and Billy) were playing outside with my sister, Lorenzy, but I couldn’t see her.

Suddenly Billy starts screaming like a little girl! “Oh, it’s only Billy playing with Lorenzy” I thought to myself.
First let me tell you about Billy; he is probably the fattest three-year-old you have seen, he eats way too much, and he also is stubborn and lazy (I think it’s a Nicaraguan thing, most men are stocky and stubborn)

Anyway, back to the story…

I looked up from where I was sitting on the sofa (I was almost asleep), and I saw Lorenzy stride in through the front door. “Hold on a second, why is Billy screaming?” I thought to myself once more.
After pondering I decided to go and see for myself why Billy was screaming his head off.

I walked to the front door and looked out the window that was facing the grassy area to the front of the house. Billy was running away from something, but he tripped and Oso, our big black dog, almost trampled him!

Billy hopped to his feet and Oso moved out of Billy’s way. Just as Billy started screaming again, he began running and then I saw Angél and the lawn mower! Billy was running away from the lawn mower, he thought the lawn mower would eat him up! Haha!

The mind of a three-year-old has many twists and turns that we “elders” have no idea about! It is fun to have a little brother that I can watch grow up and remember, because I don’t remember much about Rafael when he was three… only from old home videos.

Cherish the young while you can remember them! I’m doing that with Billy and I already have so many stories to tell, so that when Billy grows up he will have some memories from my perspective!

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