Are you ready for the last story what I am going to tell you? Well I am going to tell you a story on the 29th of December. Here we go.
One sad day Lorenzy ,Sezni, Jed my dad, Billy, and me were going to pops. Lorenzy bought ice cream for us because she had the money. After the ice cream we were going home and we were also going close to Fran, and Liz our mom that’s when we had to stop. Lorenzy asked what happened?
Then our dad Jed had a great idea and he said it out laud so he said we can get a new dog for Fran. We liked idea. And we did it. We got a new dog for Fran.
First Fran named him river because Lorenzy had a bunny named river. After 2 minutes Fran looked in the internet Fran tipped names for dogs on Google the dog was a husky so she looked in husky names and she loved the name what was first and the name that was first was Cody. She loved the name so much that she called her dog Cody.
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