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Saturday, July 13, 2013

POST by YADER: El aboindono de mis padres

Morning Devotions (Capital on the Edge)

Hello my name is Yader.

When I was just five months old, my parents abandoned me and my grandmother adopted me. My parents did not have money to buy me food and everything that I needed. They were very poor and that is why they decided to give me to my grandmother.

I do not feel badly knowing all that, because my grandmother has always been by my side. She has loved me and helped me in my life. I thank God because he gave me my grandmother and she supported me and never turned her back on me.

I am now 21 years old and I thank God that I do not have any addictions. My grandmother always told me to move forward with God and not to get caught up with anything else.

God has helped me overcome obstacles and he’s given me direction. I have always had everything that I’ve needed, because I’ve always been with him.

Now I am a missionary for God and I feel like he has given me a purpose. From the bottom of my heart I can tell you that I exist to help people who are addicts. I live to evangelise people in the streets, so that whoever needs the Lord can know him through me.

Thank you for reading my story. God richly bless you and protect you.

Yader acting like a loon with Orlando...

Hola mi nombre es YADER 

Cuando tenia  5 meses de haber nacido mis padrs me abandonaron y mi abuela me adopto .
Mis padres no tenian recursos para darme de comer  y todo lo material .Mis padres eran muy pobres por eso tomaron la decision de que iviera con mi abuela .

No me siento mal al saber eso porque mi abuela estaba siempre a mi lado para sacarme adelante .
Le doy muchisimas gracias a Dios que me dio a mi abuela que me a poyo mucho y nunca medio la espalda .

Tengo 21 año de edad y le doy mil gracias a Dios que no tengo adicciones ,mi abuela siempre me  ayudaba  para seguir el camino de Dios .

Dios me ayuda a salir adelante y que no  me falte nda al estar con el ,ahora soy un misionero para nuestro Dios y siento que el proposito que Dios a puesto en mi corazon es para ayudarles aquellas personas que estan en vicios y no tienen una vos de aliento que les allude a poder salir de lo malo . Y otro de los propositos es  evangelizar en las calles a los que lo necesiten . 

Gracias por todo y que Dios los bendiga y los guarde .

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To learn more about our street theatre production, "CREATED", please visit our page,NICAVANGELISTS: "CREATED", North American Tour (2013)

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This story was written by a Nicaraguan youth, and was voluntarily given to Capital on the Edge for publishing. The subject choice was his entirely. He has elected to write about his experiences for the glory of God and so that others may learn from his experiences. The translation of this work is performed voluntarily and not professionally, hence there may be some errors. Any decisive deviation from the text is in consultation with the author, and is done so to make clear the life events written about and to provide further information so that the story is more understandable.  

This story was translated by Lorenzy and edited by Jed.

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