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Saturday, March 23, 2013

POST by SEZ: Fill My (or your) Cup & Let it Overflow

Capital on the Edge, Street Theatre Evangelism Tour of California

On Tuesday,  I was going to California. My family; my Mom, my Dad, Fran, Renz, Sez, Raf, Anna, Stivey, Becker, Rene, Yordi, Eliezer, Yada, Jonny, and Eric were going on the plane with me. 

Anna lives in the USA and the boys live in Nicaragua. My brother was born in the Estados Unidos, but my sisters and my dad are from Australia. My mom lives in England.

It took seven hours to get to LAX, we were off the plane and we took a break in Miami. 

My Dad bought sandwiches, but he didn’t have enough money for a drink for everybody.  But I saw a cup on the table and no one was using it.  I took it and I saw a soda machine with soda.  I went to the soda machine and I shared it with everyone.

It’s so easy to give of yourself when people are grateful.

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