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Friday, November 9, 2012

POST by RAF: Ropas Del Raffy

Raffy's NEW CLOTHES will make him look like the rest of the Troupe (Raffy is seen here in his old clothes)

One day my family and I were going to a big mall named galleries. So First my mom asked me do you want to go with granddad and granny or with daddy and mommy? I said after 2 minuets I don’t know 3 times so the forth time I said granddad and granny!

So my mom said to my granddad could you buy Rafael some pants and some shoes for a performance please? So my granddad said ok and my granny, my granddad and I went in to galleries.

Then my granddad bought me some shoes and some socks. After that we bought some candy and I had the most candy. Next we went to the clothes shop to buy some black pants I had to try 5 pants, 2 pants were to skinny, 1 pair was to short, 1 was to fat and 1 was gist right.

Last we ate and ate and ate. 

Raffy with good pal, and Capital Edge Community School student, Moises

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