To turn an oven or a stove on, you have to turn whichever knob is the one that you want to turn on and then either light it with a match or a lighter, or you have to press a button which ignites it, and then you can cook stuff on it.
It was a Friday afternoon. Grace and I had just returned home from school and we were sort of hungry. I looked in the fridge and saw some pancake mix that I had made the day before but which I'd never used. I took the mix out of the fridge and also pulled out a pan and put it on the stove, and then went to turn on the stove. Grace was next to me.
I turned on one of the knobs and quickly pushed the little button on the side and suddenly BOOM!!! There was a explosion type of thingy. Grace and I were pushed back by the force of the explosion.
Then we ran outside. There were people outside and they had heard the explosion type thingy and gathered around to see what had happened. Eduardo (one of our workers) went in and turned the stove off.
He explained to us that there were two knobs turned on and asked us if we had turned both of them on. We looked at each other and said "NO". I remembered that the same thing had happened to Brian. (My foster brother) I also remembered that Billy and Oliver(my other foster brothers) had been playing in the kitchen and consequently guessed that they had probably been playing with the knobs and left one on.
I told Eduardo what I had surmised and so we went to go ask the boys. We asked them and Billy said in a cheeky, low kind of voice, "yes...". I was surprised that he told the truth but I'm not quite sure that what he told me is the truth because he is only three years old.
Later on that night, when I was in bed already fast asleep, I could still hear and feel "The Big Bang!" I now know to check all burners before lighting a match, or igniting a burner. After all, you cannot play with fire, or you might just get burnt...
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