We are now eleven in
the Brien family; Mum, Dad, I, Lorenzy-Ella, Sezni, Rafael, Billy, Yader,
Jocasta, and recently an eight year-old named Brian and a five year-old named
Oliver. Billy, Oliver and Brian go to the Capital Edge Community School or as
we like to say “CECS”.

Yader works here at
Capital Edge Community Centre, and he is the director of the center. Jocasta works
in the school with the two year-olds in the creche. Dad stays home all day with
us children and works at CECS. He also homeschools lorenzy, Sezni, Rafael and
me. Mum goes to work at NCA (Nicaragua Christian Academy) and will finish
working there in June.

Mum earns barely
enough to be able to maintain our rather large family, and Dad is always on the
computer to see if anyone wants to sponsor a student from CECS. He is usually
on the computer from 4:00P.M until 3:00A.M!
My parents also have
to pay for electricity, internet, water and we have to go grocery shopping for
food. Sometimes we would go without water or electricity because we weren’t
able to pay the bills! Once we went a whole week without water!
Before my Dad worked
at an American school that is here for the rich Nicaraguans and he got paid
more than my Mum did, so Mum would sometimes take us out to special places like
the movies or to McDonald’s and we would have so much fun together.
Then our family grew a
little bit and Dad decided to stop working at the American school so we don’t
go out so often, because there is not so much income anymore.
We kids get a little bit
of money by selling avocadoes and mangoes. It is fun, but hard because it’s a
lot of work! It’s annoying though, because Sezni wants to buy a Nintendo Wii and
so we haven’t spent any of the money just because we are saving up for a Wii!
It was a blessing that
we were able to buy this wonderful house, because we were able to start CECS
and the endless Friday night swimming with youth from around the community!
It’s a lot of fun having the pool because of the never ending heat; everyone
wants to swim in the pool!

I love it when the
community comes to swim on Friday nights
and for taekwondo time and stuff
like that, because I have so many friends. I never knew that I would make so
many friends within my community.

We really WERE brought
here to help with the community, and a part of helping them is by making
friendships. After you have made friends, everything else, like sharing God’s
love, gets so much easier.

We have been living
like this for at least four months and sometimes it’s hard, like with police
that only pull you over to get bribes, and sometimes it’s a real blessing, like
when we were invited to a Quince party or when I was invited to go see two new
born babies! I live life how I’m supposed to. I love it.

Franny, you are amazing and I know that God is richly blessing us in ways we never knew possible! I know times can be a little rough and stressful because we choose to live a life that goes against the way 'normal society' says life should be lived. Thanks for having a great attitude and being willing to live a life that serves God and his precious people. I just love the way you love our community and I love that you have made so many great friends. I love you and this teenage stage you have now entered! You inspire me with your faith and willingness to serve God in new and creative ways. x