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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

POST by FRAN: A Day in My Life

It was dark, I opened my eyes and squinted to see a single strip of sun light splashed on the dark wall. I knew I needed to get up to have a shower and get ready for the day, but I didn't want to! Still laying in my bed, I heard loud footsteps "It's a MONSTER!" I shrieked in my head with fright (I didn't want to be eaten yet! I'm too young). 

The white, wooden door swang open! "It's the MONSTER!!!!" I screamed to myself again. A huge figure, like a monster, plodded into my room... It started speaking to me in a dark and scary voice "Darling it's time to get up for the day!" Oh FEEEEEEEEEEEW, it's  only my DAD and not a MORSTER!!!

As soon as my Dad left my room and shut the white, wooden door, I got into action like a power puff girl! Like lightning I was through the shower, had washed my hair, gotten out, turned off the shower (ok cut the details!) and dressed myself. I then stopped the fast as lightning thing and began to brush my hair (like a little princess) in front of the mirror for at least 15 or 20 minutes... or maybe it was half an hour. And after an hour I was ready to look after adorable little snotty-nosed two-year-olds. First mission completed!

It was only 8:27 A.M. and I hadn't even eaten anything! I decided to slow things down, because I only had three more minutes until everything started to get going (like receiving kids for school, prayer meeting before starting school, etc.) "I had time" I told myself, but I really knew that I didn't have any time at all. 

I ran outside slowly trying not to get to sweaty! I immediately met Ivania, the principal of the school(she also is my boyfriend's mother). I stopped running in slow motion and also stopped acting like a moron (the morning air does things to me!)! She greeted me with a hand shake and then walked toward the kitchen.

Today my Dad had given me different responsibilities for some reason. Instead of going to the creche with the two-year-olds, I went with Jamil, the dance teacher, to see what he was going to show the kids that day. He showed me a dance move that he wanted the kids to learn. It was the worm.

Dance class came and the kids were so exited, because it was the first dance class ever. Jamil announced to the kids that they were going to learn how to do the worm. Many screams and laughter came from the openings of their faces, those things called mouths. 

Sezni, my brother, obviously started lying on the ground face down and only moved his bottom up so that he looked like a big slug and it was hysterical! He started laughing and said "look! I'm a SLUG!!!" And he really was. I LOVE THAT KID!

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