My sister and I were taking care of all the kids that were crying. Luckily there weren’t a lot of kids that were crying but there were kids that started to cry and didn’t stop until their parents came to pick them up. I thought that some of them were going to start choking because they cried so much, but they are all still alive.
One of the worst things though is that I was stuck with one of the kids that cried the whole time. Yes, I was stuck with one of the choking kids. He is so cute besides the fact that he would always cry.
His father is the one that we bought the horses from. Pretty much all the men in their family work with horses. That means that he loves horses because that is his transportation and he is always with them.
School had finished and all the kids had gone home. Our friends from church Juan Pablo (we call him Yito, because “ito” means small, and Juan Pablo´s Dad´s name is also Juan Pablo. It´s kind of like in the USA when they refer to a son as “junior” because he has the same name as his father), David, Marcelo, and Yader were over to hang out and ride horses.
Juan Pablo was on “Cadburys”, a fat lazy horse and she was the first horse we bought and we sourced her from a different person than the rest of the horses. When she was sold to us we gave her a bit more freedom than she was used to – now, because of that freedom, she has grown very fat and lazy.
I was standing at the gate of the paddock with Billy just watching them ride the horses. When Yito got to where I was standing with Billy, he gestured to me like he was asking me if I wanted to have a ride. I wanted to, so I walked over whilst he got off. Once I was standing right next to her I could tell that she didn’t want to be ridden anymore. But I ignored her and put my foot in the stirrup.
Suddenly, Cadburys moved and kicked me right under my knee but behind it. I was sort of shocked but I sort of knew that she would do something like that. They asked me if I was ok and I said “Yes, but the horse kicked me.” They looked at me as if I was lying but then went back to what they were doing.
I went inside to where my sister was cooking and where Yader was drilling something into the wall. I grabbed an ice pack, put it on my leg and sat on the couch. To be honest it didn’t hurt that much because I was quite close to her.
Later on when my mum got home I told her what happened and she asked me “Are you ok?” I had to tell the truth so I said “Yea, I’m fine. You know I’m sort of glad that she kicked me because now I have something to write about.” She shook her head and chuckled a little and we went inside.
Renzi, you still make me chuckle! Where most people would make a big song and dance out of events, you treat it as if an ant walked over your toe. I'm soooo glad that Cadbury's didn't cause too much pain, and that God kept you save. Thank you for being bold and strong. I love you! x